Anglu Farrugia now has a miraculous relic
August 25, 2012 at 12:58pm
Anglu Farrugia has just taken something out of his pocket, touched it against Mintoff’s coffin, and returned it to his pocket.
He will now be performing miracles with this relic.
And being a highly competitive sort, he will make sure it is more miraculous than George Preca’s shoelace.
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Jason Micallef turned up wearing a striped tie, ever the chav.
The Labour ladies all kept their veils on. Do they even know anything related to faith and its form?
Ara vera lanqas jibdew.
You’re right. And whose idea was it to take that baby to this funeral. And he’s not even wearing a hat/cap in all this heat and direct sunlight.
Mela Anglu Issa ser ibambalulu wahda sew li Jason Micallef fl-elezzjoni generali l-Mosta, ghax Anglu Issa ghandhu ic-charm tal-voodoo tal hekk imsejjah salvatur.
Since when does Yana Mintoff Bland, IRA supporter and Texan so enjoys wearing a veil? Seems to be like she’s trying to copy Michelle and her love for chav Tin-foil dresses. U hallina!
Anglu is full of Gadgets, as usual.
It could have been “il-pjan” – the one with which the Malta Labour Party will reduce water and electricity tariffs in a “sustainable” manner.
m hemx li jamel xi miraklu mijak! Kemm int mara hadra u hazina jaq. missek tisthi tikteb dawn l affarijiet.. Ftakar li kulhadd isib kapell jigih ta u probabli tieghek fil vicin jekk tahseb li qed tidher helwa man nies
Jeanette tgħaddilek minn rasek li mhux li mhux n-nies kollha bla karatru u jagħmlu l-affarijiet biex jidhru ħelwin?
qisek xi wiehed minnhom int wormfood
Min dawk li jiġu jaqaw u jqumu mis-sentimenti prezzjużi tan-nies li jqimu lil Profeta Mintoff (PBUH) ux?
al informazzjoni tijak jien ma nqim l ebda profeta ax hadd minnhom ma jigi jtini l flus biex nghix. imma jekk diz zibel ma tamixl l affarijiet biex taparsi tider brava man nies ma nafx jien. probabli xi wihed bhala int :) bleqq
Even Stalin is being venerated as a saint by some in Russia so I’d hardly be surprised to see the local serfs pillaging the coffin for relics.
X ironija. Mintoff fit-tebut mghotti bil-bandiera bil-George Cross meta huwa lanqas biss kien qieghed Malta tul il-gwerra u kien jghajjar lil Inglizi ghax tawh lil Malta u, li kien ghalieh, kien jarmieh.
Fil-fatt meta ha l-gvern f’idejh u pogga lil Agatha Barbara President, il-medalja attwalment twarrbet f’ kexxun ta’ skrivanija u anke kiEnet ittiehdet illegalment minN skrivan mintoffjan.
Fil-mewt ghamlulu dak kollu li kien ikasbar matul hajtu: Espost b’ kuruna tar-ruzarju mdawwra ma jdejh; mdawwar gewwa knisja wara l-ohra; mdawwar bl-isqifiet u monsinjuri u, kif ga semmejt, mghotti bil George Cross.
My thoughts exactly. Just wanted someone to confirm it. Best comment so far.
Soon Anglu Farrugia will be channeling the spirit of Dom Mintoff like his phony pyschic look-alike James Van Praagh does and equally failing miserably at it.
Tgħid ħa jibgħat xi messaġġ ma’ Angelique ?
DIn bis- serjeta ta’ Anglu Farrugia, ghax maj murx iddahalla g… martu.
Ghax ma jmurx jimsah s***u biha.
Forsi kienet skalda biex inigges lil Joseph biha.
Issa jibda jaghmel il born-again Mintuffjani biha.
This funeral has highlighted the hypocrisy of the Maltese starting from the Church, the NP and the MLP. All hypocrites. Remembering the 70s and the 80s and seeing all these eulogies about Mintoff from the church and NP boggles the mind..
I swear that all three have been in cahoots together playing a trio version of good cop, bad cop all these past decades and we are their victims.
kien ilu ma jidhol San Gwann mill-50ijiet.
Ma dahalx, dahhluh !
Perfect for today’s ‘sombre’ mood.
Anglu Farrugia – xempju ta’ terrur u njoranza.
‘on d rekort’, ‘Empire Station’, ‘taks force’, ‘m’hiniex tekniku’.
M’hinix f’dinja, m’ghandix il-kompitu, ma’ nistghax nindahal, mhux bicca tieghi.
Tista tghidilna xiz-zokk qed taghmel hemm?
Sad, so sad! This is our political class. So Anglu carries a relic in his pocket, Michael Falzon carries a Santa tal-Madonna in his pocket and Tonio Fenech speaks to the Madonna.