Dalli on Super One this Monday (obviously)

Published: October 20, 2012 at 3:31pm

John Dalli chose the tacky New Europe to give his only ‘international’ interviews. Back in Malta, he has chosen the Labour Party’s television station.

On Monday, he’ll be the extra special guest of Robert Musumeci and Simone Cini.

It is typical of the Labour Party that it should still want this man in its skip, even when he has been so thoroughly disgraced.

31 Comments Comment

  1. Joe says:

    Tparla wisq kmieni… kun onesta and wait until he is judged guilty! His resignation is a shame for all of us maltese who believe in the EU, BUT no one is guilty until it is proven.

    [Daphne – He has already been found to be guilty, Joe. That’s why his resignation was demanded. You need to make the distinction between a crime and a sacking offence/resignation matter.]

    • How’s that for justice and human rights A LA EU ??

      • Joseph Vassallo says:

        A Minister has to resign when he is under investigation. Don’t forget, in this case the investigations were concluded.

        There is enough material for him to resign politically. That is why Barroso gave him half an hour to resign of his own accord.

        This does not mean that he is guilty of having committed a criminal offence.

        One must distinguish between political responsibility and criminal responsibility.

        This case also proves that Gonzi was right when he decided to leave certain MPs out of his Cabinet.

      • Gorg says:

        Put your head in a bucket. Typical.

  2. jackie says:

    And have you heard who will be taking over from Dalli? Tonio Borg. Great. A man who makes Pope Benedict XVI look like a libertarian.

    Who’s going to be Borg’s assistant? Paul Vincenti?

    Women’s groups are rightly going to be furious that someone like this is going to be overseeing issues relating to female reproductive health and rights.

    Another utterly dreadful decision by Lawrence Gonzi.

    I shall be writing personally to the President of the European Commission to object in the strongest possible terms to Borg’s appointment.

    • M says:

      Jackie, they’re thinking of having a reshuffle so Tonio Borg may not be Commissioner for Health.

    • I fear that Malta could end up being ridiculed twice in succession, for presenting Tonio Borg for John Dalli’s vacant post,when we know what had happened to Rocco Buttiglione, because of his ultra conservative Catholic views. The first one was beyond our control. But this second one would be entirely our government’s fault.

    • U-turns u Kutrumbajsi says:

      “Tonio Borg. Great. A man who makes Pope Benedict XVI look like a libertarian.”

      So true ……. this definitely to be the quote of the day!

  3. ciccio says:

    Dan ma jafx kif imorru l-affarijiet?

    Ghax ma jzommx il-boghod mil-media u jillimita ruhu ghal-stqarrijiet bl-avukati biss?

    Mela nesa li qieghed f’kaz serju li fih gie imzeffen l-isem ta’ Malta?

  4. GiovDeMartino says:

    Tghid is-Sur Lino Cassar, of Xewka fame, will be there also to participate in the discussion with “He Bastjan?”

  5. anthony says:

    As far as the PN is concerned he can go on Super One and stay there.

    For ever.

    He deserves no better.

    That is where those with his sort of international profile are at home.

  6. Matt says:

    Every time I am at Portomaso, I wonder how John Dalli could have possibly afforded, on a minister’s salary, to buy an apartment and take out an office there.

  7. Min Weber says:

    There are two things which perplex me.

    1. How were the Swedes going to justify an expense of EUR60 million in their accounts? What stratagem was being proposed? Were they going to buy EUR 60m worth of mqaret? Were they going to invest EUR 60 m in Libyan green soap or in the Libyan smoking market, possibly invovling Ronnie Agius and Bastjan Dalli?

    2. More importantly, why SIXTY million? Why not 30 million, or 50, or 100? Why sixty? Is there some formula to arrive to such figures? Given that Mr Zammit is an accountant’s sidekick, how did the accountant come to such a figure?

    The fallout from the Scandale du Tabagisme, like the fallout from the Scandale du Collier more than 200 years ago, will have far-reaching consequences. Intelligent people will realize that this was just one case of such trading … there must be others going on – otherwise why the SIXTY million figure?

    There must be some sort of yardstick. The intelligent part of the electorate will understand why Mr Barroso acted so swifty. I do really hope to God that the Scandale du Tabagisme will not signal the coup de grace for the EU.

  8. canon says:

    John Dalli doesn’t have the courage to face Lawrence Gonzi.

    By the way did he inform the Prime Minister that he was being investigated by OLAF?

  9. xmun says:

    If I recall well, not in detail, the first directive signed by John Dalli when he was appointed Commissioner was related to some genetically modified food, seeds or something of the sort. It had been pending for 13 odd years and all commissioners before him had refused to sign it off.

    Dalli came in and changed things, in favour of the GM lobby group.

    Worth investigating this in more detail as well.

    • U-turns u Kutrumbajsi says:

      Exactly my same thoughts.

      It was an immediate first move which shocked many people.

      I wondered then, and wonder more now, how that came about

    • jae says:

      What should be investigated is the Sargas connection. Dalli, the EU commissioner, lobbied the Maltese government and the Opposition in favour of Sargas’ technology for power generation.

      Even if no money changed hands (no information has emerged to suggest this), surely such behavior went against the Code of Ethics for EU Commissioners.

      Behaviour which was most unbecoming.

      With the information that has come to light in the past few days, past actions by Dalli will be seen in a new light.

  10. Harry Purdie says:

    Where’s Kevvy? Don’t have anyone to kick around anymore

    Eddy’s no fun. He’s too stupid.

    • Harry Purdie, why don’t you come over to The Times-on-line where you can provide all the fun, being ” kicked around” ? Or you prefer playing on home ground ?

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Not interested, a bag of horseshit. Suits you, though.

      • el bandido guapo says:

        On timesofmalta.com’s comments-board, one gets mired in ignorance, Eddy.

        It’s like trying to have an intelligent conversation with the village idiots at the kazin tal-banda.

        You just nod and respectfully “agree” with the drivel that is spouted. It’s home ground for you all right.

        Same as on francodebono.com, your hero du jour.

  11. Antoine Vella says:

    Labour is still recovering from shock and apparently undecided how to react: Dalli is innocent but Gonzi is to blame for nominating him.

  12. Mark Vella says:

    If I’m not mistaken Musumeci and Cini’s programme is called “Fis-sustanza”… in Dalli’s case it’s snus.

    Nice choice Dalli!

  13. paddy says:

    Labour tactics as always.

  14. mandango70 says:

    Someone should remind you of 1998 when Mintoff fell out of favour with Labour.

    Do you recall Pierre Portelli salivating all around Mintoff addressing him repeatedly as “perit, perit….”

    Can’t you comprehend such a blatantly clear strategy used by all and sundry? Why are you surprised considering you think so highly of yourself?

    [Daphne – I don’t think highly of myself. I think of myself as entirely normal. The fact that I see individuals such as you as being below standard does not mean that I see myself as being above standard. I will never approve of what Mintoff did and continue to see him as a cheap and nasty man, his behaviour then being yet another demonstration of this. It was, however, our gateway into Europe and there is no such justification today. I do not see party politics as a game. I leave that to immature, infantile and irresponsible Labour supporters, many of whom – and this is clear in survey after survey – acknowledge that the PN has the best policies on education and the economy but will still vote Labour because it’s all a tribal game to them.]

    • mandango70 says:

      I must be missing out on something, but will not lose sleep about this.

      What excitement do you get out of being offensive?

      And whoever told you I look at politics as if it were a football match?

      If you really were above it all, how come you never commented about the uncanny resemblance between the comments made by the EU investigative body on the Dalligate and those made by the auditor general on the BWSC saga, and the ensuing respective reactions of the EU Commission and the Maltese Government?

      I am morally convinced that the Government is riddled with corruption and that is the main reason why I will vote to see the lot in Government booted out of office. I also look at the big picture in terms of the running of the economy. The debt burden scares the shit out of me (excuse my French there) but its the term that best explains how I feel about it. It is the proverbial abrattros round our neck and Gonzi and his Minister Fenech have burdened generations to come thanks to their incompetence in managing the public coffers.

      I lived overseas for a number of years and know full well the effects of austerity measures, the impact on families, the quality of life, and most importantly the joy of living.

      But then I am below standard so it hardly matters.

  15. Anthony 1960 says:

    Partit tas-second hand. A whole scrap yard !

    • Biex se jkollna nergghu inhaddmu l-power station tal-Marsa, ghax l-estensjoni l-gdida ta’ Delimara ma tistax tahdem – U DIN GDIDA ! Mela l-power station antikissima hija ahjar mill-gdida tal-B.W.S.C. !!!!!!

  16. Mark M says:

    Just heard that in August (after Dalli was told that he as being investigated) sent an official letter to Silvio Zammit saying that he will hold him responsible for damages. I hope that in their programme on Monday, One TV will give Silvio a chance to defend himself. I have my own idea as to who entrapped who.

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