Who are they kidding? Quite a few half-wits, apparently
There wasn’t sight or sound of the Labour Party name at the first Labour Party rally of the campaign, this evening.
Would you believe it.
No flags, no emblems, no logos, no names, and the party leader gave a 20-minute speech without once mentioning Labour – just ‘il-gens’.
So while the Labour Party itself is too embarrassed to call itself Labour, all sorts of hare-brained individuals are talking about voting Labour or calling themselves ‘floaters’ (which roughly translated means ‘I’m going to vote for Joseph’; you never hear anyone describe themselves as a floater and then say they’re going to vote Nationaist).
Isn’t it odd? It used to be the Labour Party that couldn’t stop shouting about being Labour and sticking its name and flag all over the place, while the Laburisti I knew were too embarrassed to talk about how they voted. Now, it’s the other way round.
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God bless you -ben tornata, and hope you had a good Christmas break.
Now it’s back to work for all of us, in the hope that we don’t get Joseph in place of Lawrence in March.
U mportanti, ara tinsa ixtri l-ktieb ta’ Joseph! Are these guys for real?
That slogan of ”Malta taghna ukoll” is uncannily reminiscent of the ” Tomorrow Belongs To Me” song of the Hitler Youth in the film ”Cabaret”.
The Malta Labour Party IS right wing, xenophobic, and conservative. Supporting divorce and preferring hamburgers to state dinners doesn’t make one liberal, it makes one desperately trying to be hip.
Like a teenager throwing a tantrum about wanting to wear jeans to her cousin’s wedding. That happened when I was 13, though.
The smirking ginger twerp is pushing 40. He is right wing. He is conservative. But he wants to look ‘cool’.
Question: What is not a moviment nor a party, is not MLP, is not PL, has no identity, has no name, is no longer red, is no longer purple, is anti-EU, yet iti s ‘European’, launches a new logo every year and is now blue?
I have a cunning idea that should knock Joseph off his socks; call the new ‘moviment’ of his ABTMLP- Anything But the Malta Labour Party.
I do believe IT IS butter.
Batter, not butter. Bil-Malti.
It is no longer blue. Red is definitely out, and blue would now only confuse the nameless-party voters.
The approved PL colour for ties and ‘siuts’ is grey – excellent choice for the colourless and dangerously inept cohort that seeks to take control of our lives.
It looks to me that the PL strategy is to have Joseph Muscat wrap himself with the Maltese flag and try and avoid the issues as much as possible.
Pity it’s not Montevideo.
The gruff spiel.
What is so surprising about it all? Not one of the multitude of banners and posters uglifying Malta this morning has the merest hint of a reference to Labour. It’s all about Joseph.
Even the url for their website for the electoral campaign avoids “labour”: http://www.josephmuscat.com
How about first Muscat is all about Malta Taghna lkoll, and than he states how the floaters “ha jigu MANA” ?
ummm, excuse me, I call myself a floater. I cast my first vote in the EU referendum, and, let’s just say I’ve always voted for the winning side. When Labour presents a team of good candidates I might vote for them. Will that happen in my life-time? Umm
It takes 40 years. One generation.
I am a floater and was looking forward to the ‘beef’ we were promised yesterday.
PL strategy is: Preach to the converted and hope to pick up stray votes along the way.
I am yearning for something tangible and credible from Muscat so I can knock Dr “No Divorce on my watch” Gonzi off his high horse but up to now PL ain’t worth the risk.
Where is the Beef?
Ok I saw the 25% off leccy bills story.
Now if they chuck in two months free of income tax like Sant offered in 2004, I might consider it.
Well, that’s the idea, isn’t it? Drain the Labour Party of its traditional meaning so the ‘moderates’ won’t be ashamed to say they’ll vote Labour, pour encourager les autres.
Il-kampanja elettorali tal-Labour: “Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, … (sigh) Ahhhh.”
They are taking the Maltese population for a ride. Hiding behind a “movement” to conceal all they are made up of.
This is political spinning at its finest. After all, a tiger does not change its stripes. Nor a leopard its spots.
“Fear of a name increases fear of a thing itself.”
Albus Dumbledore to Harry Potter
They had a new show on yesterday, STREAM, Nuxxelina poised on the side of a sofa, practically draped across a footballer type who ‘studied diplomacy’.
The one with teddy bears on his bed – Tander Saliba? – was in the corner of another sofa. He’s an avukat now. So probably no teddies anymore.
And they had not one, but two token girls at the laptop in the corner. So many Likes on Facebook!
Apple, of course.
They raved on about the sublime details of the first hours of the kampanja elettorali, until someone pointed out how the PN played dirty when it launched its campaign before the set date.
If I understood correctly, the PN website was given a restyle on Sunday afternoon.
Jien fan kbira ta’ Joseph Muscat. Inti sejjahtli ‘half wit, brainless fan, hare brained! Imma nahseb li hadt zball ghax jien nahseb li dawk it-titoli izjed joqghodu ghal min irid lil Gonzi ghal hames snin ohra. Anqas li kieku kien xi qaddis, ukoll tkun trid tibdlu ahseb u ara xi hadd bhal Dr Gonzi li ma tantx qed igib ruhu ta’ qaddis!!!! Daphne nissuggerilek tuza l-inteligenza li tak il-Mulej u zzomm f’mohhok il-gid ta’ Malta. Ilna hamsa u ghoxrin sena taht it-takkuna tal-PN. Malta ghandha bzonn URGENTI ta’ bidla. MALTA GHANDHA BZONN LIL JOSEPH MUSCAT