Another JOSEPHMUSCAT.COM lie. And this time, it’s writ large on billboards across the nation.

Published: January 29, 2013 at 6:09pm

Here’s another instance of’s propensity to lie without compunction.

When he announced his tablets proposal, he put it this way: “Il-proposta tal-Partit Laburista li jinghata tablet lil kull tifel u tifla fir-raba’ sena tal-iskola primarja hija ghodda biex jigi miggieled l-illitterizmu.” (PL Press release, 25/1/13)

In other words, to all eight-year-olds ONLY. When he visited that family in Kalkara, there were two small boys there. He told the seven year-old that he would get an iPad next year, and left the other one out.

Now look at the billboard propaganda towering over Malta’s roads and public spaces. It says “mill-year IV” rather than “fil-year IV”.

In other words, they are deliberately giving the false impression that all children from Year IV upwards will get a tablet. Their knowledge of English is so appalling (ref Maltastar) that if they said ‘We will give a tablet to all children from Year IV’ I would not have accused them of lying, but suspected them of not knowing the difference between ‘from’ and ‘in’ (a child can be FROM England but he’s IN Year IV).

They are native speakers of Maltese, however, and they would never make that mistake in their own native vernacular. It’s deliberate. Another bloody lie.

Obviously, they are lying so as to fool people into thinking that their proposal is identical to the PN’s, which entails giving a tablet to each pupil and teacher in all state-run, independent and religious primary and secondary schools.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    And the girl’s clearly older than her brother.

  2. R. Camilleri says:

    That is an iPad 3G. Are they given the 3G version to 8 year olds?

  3. Matthew says:

    It is now clearer than ever why the Labour Party hasn’t published its electoral programme yet.

    It is poring over the Nationalist one, rewording it, stealing its ideas and trying to make it sound grander.

    The Labour tablet computer proposal was shamelessly changed overnight to match the Nationalist Party’s. Just imagine how fast all the other Labour proposals which we have not even heard about yet are changing.

    The Nationalist Party has not only written Labour’s 2013 budget but also its electoral programme for the next five years.

    At this point we just have to mostly ignore proposals and just go with who feels right and who has a good track record.

  4. SPAM says:

    Francis Zammit Dimech finally gave a beating to Manuel Mallia on the Whistleblower Act on TV Hemm.

    • Polly says:

      Francis Zammit Dimech is a decent sort of person. I’d give him my number 1 vote gladly.

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      Yep, loved watching Manuel trying to extrapolate himself from why the Whistleblower Act should be implemented retrospectively and the abolishment of the prescription period should be implemented prospectively.

      The thought of Il-Guy and the rest of them in prison instead of in government is just lovely.

      I have to say that I firmly disagree that whoever whistleblows AFTER profiting from corruption should be exempt from prosecution.

      I always thought that the principle of the Whistleblower Act is that if someone innocent (note the term innocent) discovers corruption, then he and his job are protected if they report the findings.

      I never thought it was about one corrupt individual getting even with another corrupt individual because they had a falling out.

      [Daphne – I quite agree there. It is extremely dangerous to have that situation embedded in the Whistleblower Act. There is already a time-honoured discretionary system for that: turning State’s (Queen’s) evidence. And remember how the Labour Party behaved when it was last used in Malta in the case of Joe Fenech and a murder contract. Ironic that Manuel Mallia was the defence lawyer for the other party and had a vested interest in sabotaging that.]

  5. C Falzon says:

    I think in a way it is correct as they will get the iPad in year 4 and it seems they will keep it for subsequent years.

    After a few years all school children from year 4 onwards will have one.

    Whether it will still be functioning or not after a year of endurance testing by an 8 year old kid is another matter entirely.

  6. Riya says:

    Il-giddieb ghomru qasir.

  7. Harry Purdie says:

    Hey little Joey. Just read that Zimbabwe has just 217 US dollars left în the bank. (Globe and Mail, Canada)

    Now there’s a target for you. Twit.

  8. Alfred Bugeja says:

    The fact that it’s a lie is can also be confirmed from the expense involved. If I’m not mistaken, Joseph had also said that the pledge will cost €5 million. Compare that to the PN’s pledge that will cost €23 million for all secondary and primary years.

    So, essentially, the PL will spend €5 million to cover one school year, the PN €23 million to cover 10 years, equivalent to €2.3 million per school year.

    From this one can also conclude that the PL’s costings were probably over-inflated to please the electronics supplier which imports the brand mentioned by Joseph (who unsurprisingly is a well-known Labourite.)

  9. observer says:

    Unless my eyes deceive me, labour has used those two kids for 3 of their ‘tablet’ billboards.

    One shows the boy alone, with and open book and a tablet showing a picture of … (frankly I could not discern the thing).

    Another shows the girl by herself – and sporting the same top and jersey.

    And the one shown above.

    A quick photo-session to reduce costs, perhaps? But why?
    Labour seems to be wallowing in money.

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