
Published: January 29, 2013 at 7:41pm

24 Comments Comment

  1. Will he be serving fountain water in those glasses?

  2. Vanni says:

    Enjoy the party, Manuel, but don’t drink the water.

    I peed in it.

  3. Mandy says:

    Did they offer water from the Valletta fountain for refreshments?

  4. Jozef says:

    Plastic trays, prosecco, half a packet of sparklers, confetti freshly made from an office punch and two wine glasses set apart to decorate.

    Set on a bare glass top.

    What’s his second name, Ebenezer?

  5. Lemsip says:

    Can anyone tell me if voting documents have been distributed in Triq San Gorg, St. Paul’s Bay, yet? If not, does anyone know when they will be distributed. If yes, do you know if/when there will be (or has been) a second attempt at delivery?

    I’d be deeply grateful if anyone can help me find out.

  6. David S says:

    Served on a plastic plate, and the cake on the left is on a disposable paper plate. X’ qamel.

    • observer says:

      Is that a cake, on the left? From its colour and cylindrical shape I really thought it was something totally different.

  7. tinnat says:

    Is that tray actually the upside down lid of a large Tupperware container?

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    That face needs a waffle iron.

    • observer says:

      No, not at all, my friend. It simply needs Chinese acupunture.

      Didn’t you notice the necessary equipment already stuck into the cake?

  9. K says:

    Where would you stab the cake if given the chance?

  10. marc says:

    The champagne in the middle is sold at Lidl, ghax we are starving.

  11. Min Jaf says:

    How would you like your slice? Plain or Mamiel?

  12. ciccio says:

    Why didn’t he write his age on the cake?

    Shouldn’t it say “Happy retirement Manuel”?

  13. Natalie says:

    How cheap. A cake with his face on it, served on a bright red Tupperware tray, on a table with blue paper confetti scattered around, and a Gancia in the background.

    I sort of pity these people. I mean, we always have birthday cakes, but they never have faces on them, and we don’t put pictures up on Facebook, and neither do we use confetti.

  14. Riya says:

    Kemm qieghed sew f’hajtu dan il-bniedem ukoll.

  15. Anon says:

    Ma nafx jekk fhimtx sew, imma illum fil-programm TVHemm Norman Vella staqsa lil Manwel Mallia jekk bit-tnehhija tal-preskrizzjoni fuq il-korruzzjoni humiex ser immorru lura anke sa snien 70 u 80 u Mallia irrisponda li diskuttibli tistax tmur lura daqsekk.

    Nispera li fhimt hazin ghax jekk le, allura l preskrizzjoni prattikament ghall-politici tal-PN biss gejja.

  16. FP says:

    What an upstanding, smart, loyal, honest man this Manuel Mallia is.

    On TVHemm yesterday, after harping on about the need to remove the time-bar on corruption cases involving politicians, he was asked whether this would mean revisiting cases dating back to the 80s and 70s.

    The beating-about-the-bush expert went on a merry-go-round, in effect saying “Hang on a second, there, old boy. We only had PN governments in mind.”

    Pity the TVM website was not recording properly yesterday. Perhaps we’ll have the pleasure of recording Mallia’s wisdom today when yesterday’s TVHemm is repeated at 09:00.

  17. bookworm says:

    That cake looks lopsided towards the right.

  18. A. Charles says:

    Will Mr. Fawlty be present for the party?

  19. charlie says:

    Who paid to organise that party? The second-hand car dealers from the money collected following the changes in the car registration tax system way back in 2009?

  20. Tom says:

    You’d think, cheap propaganda apart, that it is generally a nice gesture by anyone, be it a friend or a follower.

    The sad thing is that the man doesn’t care about those who prepared this for him.

    Even sadder is the fact that probably neither do they, as my hunch is this was done, as typically is done to election candidates, in order to look good in the hope of future blessings, should the electorate vote him into parliament.

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