Herr Flick gave a press conference about corruption this afternoon. What a cheap and sleazy little tart he is.

Published: January 29, 2013 at 7:39pm

Here’s the potted history of Herr Flick (just some of the public bits) and a memorable scene where he stands up to applaud hysterically as Mintoff shouts out a threat to arm Labour supporters against enemies of the Labour Party.

Mur inheba, Herr Flick, ja sitta xaham f’karta. Min irid jippriedka, ukoll.

Maybe this sad little creature from the Golden Years of Sleaze, Violence and Human Rights Abuses has found the elusive secret of How To Fix A Hymen.

19 Comments Comment

  1. david says:

    These clips need to be put on Facebook.

    [Daphne – So go right ahead and do so.]

  2. ciccio says:

    Mela jrid inessina meta Alfred Sant ghamlu Ministru tal-Finanzi f’nofs il-kummiedja tac-CET u ma nafx kemm-il taxxa gdida ghamel? Forsi xi hadd ghandu xi link ghal budget tieghu?

  3. Erika says:


    Who is Mintoff? Is he somebody contesting the current general elections?

  4. Harry Purdie says:

    Mintoff had a hymen?

  5. Wistin Schembri says:

    Leo Brincat do you deny that few days before the 1987 election, and you were Parliamentary Secretary responsible for Housing, there weren’t cases when the same apartment was allocated to different families? What about the mess in the Mid Med Bank, a bank you know well?

  6. George says:

    Words of wisdom courtesy of Edward Scicluna via e-mail

    “At election time, there is always the temptation for politicians to appear with eye-catching promises and pledges. Yesterday, Lawrence Gonzi and Tonio Fenech revealed their electoral plans to increase government recurrent expenditure annually by €120 million, and displacing annual capital expenditure by quickly-thought-out projects costing €165 million each year. The total bill for the four year pledge adds up to over €1.1 billion in the process.

    What they did not tell us was where they will get the money from.

    We’ve seen this before. The same people who broke most of the Eurozone rules during the first month of the Euro, nearly doubled the national debt, and saw Malta downgraded twice in five years, have not learnt their lesson. They want to go on with their borrowing-based extravagance, even as Europe staggers from the wreckage of a debt crisis. You don’t need me to tell you how this endangers jobs, puts healthcare at risk and threathens spending on schools.

    Malta has a potentially bright economic future – but only if we stop rewarding reckless irresponsibility like this. We need a government with responsibly costed plans that we can afford.

    Let’s not forget that GonziPN promised a balanced budget by 2010. He missed spectacularly, instead blowing your money on hand-outs and wasteful projects. He promised cheaper electricity bills, instead delivering the highest bills ever. This is what today we all have to bear with. Sacrifices for the many, postponed purchases, belt-tightening. It does not need to be this way.

    We cannot risk another five years of missed targets, credit rating downgrades, and higher utility bills.

    We are setting out a positive alternative vision every day of this campaign. Because we believe that it’s time to choose responsible economic and financial management over reckless gambling; costed plans over election gimmicks; and accountable leadership over empty electioneering. Everything else depends on this.

    We rely on your good judgement.

    Prof Edward Scicluna”

  7. Polly says:

    Herr Flick provided his father-in-law with a colour TV in the days of deprivation.

  8. Riya says:

    Fi zmien il-Labour mhux anke il-Pulizija kienu partitarji tal-Labour u armati sa snienhom biex isawtu lin-nazzjonalisti. Tajt ma’ tkunx gej minn familja Nazzjonalista u jdahluk fil-Pulizija!

    Tad-Dockyard mhux armati wkoll kienu biex meta jigri xi haga johorgu jkissru u jsawtu lil nies innocenti!

    Il-Partitarji Laboristi kienu jigu mehuna mill-Pulizija biex isawtu lin-Nazzjonalisti anke xjuh.

    Imma Mintoff dejjem hanin kien ghax Malta taghna lkoll.

  9. village says:

    He must have a wealth of experience coming from the Lorry Sant days.

  10. canon says:

    Joseph Muscat is taking us back to the eighties. We will soon be needing another Eddie Fenech Adami.

  11. Neil Dent says:

    “Mur inheba”? Pretty sure there should be an “x” in there somewhere, no?

  12. Bubu says:

    Yesterday I switched to TVHemm and found Francis Zammit Dimech crossing swords with Manuel Mallia regarding good governance, whistleblower acts, prescription removals and other such wholesome things.

    At one point Zammit Dimech posed Mallia the loaded question of why their proposal to remove any time-barring of corruption related accusations on ministers was not made retroactive (in effect of course implying that it would give us a new look at the 70s and 80s).

    The verbal contortions that Manuel Mallia had to go through in order to justify that omission were truly portentous to behold.

    Not even two hours later while surfing I switched to Super One when lo and behold I found Jose Herrera suitable accompanied by the selfsame Manuel Mallia, raising a ruckus about how the draft of whistleblower act drawn up by the evil GonziPN was not made retroactive.

    Hypocrisy, brass necks and all that…

  13. Anon says:

    You should have seen Herr Flick on TVAM today.

    Joe MIfsud was so annoyed he actually told him to his face how arrogant he was.

    Mifsud had asked Leo a question about the proposed change in neutrality and Leo retorted that Joe should be asking questions on other issues. After that Leo started ranting about TVM being controlled by Wheres Everybody etc.

  14. A. Charles says:

    During my time at the Lyceum, Herr Flick was a very unpopular boy and was known to be a snitch.

    He had the bad habit of trying to be a teacher’s pet by snitching on fellow pupils.

    He was once thrown off the bus by other schoolboys in Mannarino Road, Birkirkara, for being the usual obnoxious c*nt.

  15. Plutarch says:

    Herr Flick, in his crusade against corruption, should have a field day going through the Anastasi Report on Mid-Med Bank. Alfred Mifsud should help him do it. Would make spicy reading, eh Herr Flick?

    • Jozef says:

      Ah yes, Alfred Mifsud, he was on ONE trying to find his way around the concept of a spending review.

      Is he trying to grow a pony tail?

  16. Leslie says:

    Herr Flick is truly disgusting. A real Labour dinosaur.

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