Nationalist Party press conference live on NET at 6.15pm

Published: February 21, 2013 at 6:26pm

A message is going round telling people to drop what they’re doing and watch the press conference at 6.15pm. I have no idea what it’s about, so I’m going to be of no help to you there.

If you’re not anywhere near a television, you can get NET TV live via

30 Comments Comment

  1. Redneck Rabti says:


  2. caflanga says:

    isn’t Joe Cordina the mayor of Xaghra Local Council in Gozo?

    • Gahan says:

      I think this interview is telling. In his list of problems the Gozitan businesses were facing he did not include the high energy bills.

  3. Lomax says:

    It is not being broadcast on 101. Can it be watched on a mobile device?

    [Daphne – ]

  4. Jozef says:

    What can I say?

  5. Miss O'Brien says:

    Ja qatta’ korrotti u kriminali!

    Alla jilliberana minn din il-marmalja.

  6. vanni says:

    What a waste of time Brian Hansford is. I don’t expect him to understand the nuances of company law, but I do expect him to understand the basics.

    [Daphne – Yes, in fact we call him Brain Hansford.]

  7. Miss O'Brien says:

    Tonio Fenech cracking a joke! Who would have thought? “Jekk kienet blokka silg ma titfahhiex fid-dustbin imma fis-sink”.

  8. bob-a-job says:

    Who said boomerangs don’t hurt.

    After Konrad Mizzi, Malta’s Wonder Boy where it comes to power generation and who will never be able to complete his power station in two years, bringing down a Labour government in the process, we now have Joe Cordina, who is being promoted as God’s gift to finance.

  9. Bubu says:

    Hmm. The Ramona person from Super One had obviously been briefed as to what to expect and provided with counter arguments.

  10. Lomax says:

    Next up: Joseph Muscat on One. I’d bet my last cent that he will try to wriggle out of this mess by his usual bare-faced lies.

  11. Giraffa says:

    Watching Carmelo Abela squirming and attempting damage control because this is a very serious connection of the oil bribery scandal with the Labour Party.

    Direct connection to the fourth floor at MLP headquarters.

    Super One has gone into panic mode and working overtime to deviate the issue and to ensure that their viewers do not become aware of this scoop. We now expect Muscat to say that he does not know Joe Cordina.

  12. Giraffa says:

    Why am I not surprised to hear Joseph say that he will keep Pullicino Orlando as Chairman at MCST?

    Payback time.

    Wise move Jeffrey; always knew you were sly and a traitor to the man who stuck his neck out for you when you were in deep shit. Shameless.

  13. Miss O'Brien says:

    Oil scandal: Labour says I’m IN.

  14. sokrate says:

    They are now caught in their own dirt, a confused mob who believe in the Machiavellian principle that the end justifies the means.

    I am VERY CURIOUS to learn more about (a) what Joseph knows about what Jason knows about him, (b) what Jason knows about Joseph which Joseph doesn’t yet know, and (c) what Joseph is hoping that WE will never get to know about all this.

  15. The chemist says:

    Jeffrey got his 30 pieces of silver. Here’s hoping he now hangs himself.

    As for Joe Cordina, I hope he is prosecuted and denied bail. These leeches make me sick.

  16. George says:

    “SHAME ON YOU , SHAME ON YOU, SHAME ON YOU” The Labour students could have anticipated what’s coming up the following day, as if they knew that a very big SHAME would befall on their Fearless Leader.

  17. Censu says:

    So. In a nutshell and on the face of it the poor consumers of electricity and water in Malta were seemingingly subsidising Lejber’s campaign. What is wrong with that Eddy Privitera?

  18. RosanneB says:

    Daphne, now I know: Of course they chant ‘Im IN’ because ALL of them had their fingers in the pie.

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