Two and a half men: another live press conference on Super One right now – GOD PLEASE DELIVER US FROM THESE CRAZY, BAD PEOPLE
Chris Cardona, Maria l-Maws (the pseudonym Evarist Bartolo used for his ‘anonymous’ spiteful column in Labour newspaper KullHadd)and Kurt Farrugia are back with another press conference. That sleazy snake Evarist opened with the words, to reporters, “Bongu, ftit kafe u galletti intukom, imma arloggi le.”
Ho ho ho. Hysterical.
He is seriously unpleasant. It always comes as a shock to me how much uglier the nastiness of men is than the nastiness of women. In men, spite, nastiness, malice and bitchiness is wrapped up in simmering or explosive aggression, which in women it is not.
Evarist and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando have very, very similar personalities. The major difference is that Jeffrey drinks a lot of tea and this makes him more volatile and explosive. But otherwise, two of a kind.
Lou has just pointed out that it is he (Lou) who is sitting with the reporters, while Evarist is addressing the conference as a Labour politician. Evarist’s response is that he is also a journalist because he has to do several jobs as he didn’t get a Eur 500 increase like The Others.
May the powers that be, fate, whatever, deliver us from these crazy, bad people. They really are in a world of their own, where everything is elastic and twanged to suit them.
EVARIST IS LAYING INTO LOU BONDI AND TELLING HIM WHAT TO ASK AND WHAT NOT TO ASK. Lou’s response is that he can ask what he likes “ghax s’issa ghadna liberi”.
It’s always amazed me how people who know Evarist only socially can say that he’s ‘nice’. He’s an effing freak with totalitarian inclinations.
Lou has passed another good remark: “I need to ask about X. I’m addressing my question to Chris Cardona because Evarist is a journalist.”
Things are now getting ugly for Ev. Some of the reporters, including (surprisingly) Miriam from Malta Today and Sansone from The Times, are not playing nice and are pressing him about whether Toni Abela should resign in view of the fact that the police are still pursuing the Hal Safi Labour club drugs case.
Ev is trying hard to modulate his tone, because these are the friendly reporters and he wants them to stay on his side.
UN-FRIGGING-BELIEVABLE. One reporter has just asked whether the Labour Party can confirm that one of the people carving up that block of cocaine at the Hal Safi club is the son of a committee member.
The communication coconut’s response: “Le, ma nikkonfermax.”
The reporter: “Allura tichad?”
Kurt Farrugia: “I neither confirm nor deny. I don’t know.”
Last night I wrote on this blog that the Labour Party must be desperate and scraping the barrel bottom to have these important press conferences fronted by a nasty and unappealing snake like Evarist and by the dregs of the cabbage patch, Chris Cardona. It can only be because its Big Guns – Louis, Il-Guy and Profs Edward – don’t want to have their faces associated directly with this hideous mess.
What a mistake. Evarist, the appealing positive face of Labour? I don’t think so.
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‘pimps, thieves and scoundrels’
Now Joseph Muscat is on Super One throwing punches left right and centre at Tonio Fenech. They want the proklama brought down at all costs. I wonder why.
Stopping Farrugia’s state witness means that Tonio Fenech is right and he was never given a gift; but then if Tonio Fenech is right then Cardona/Joseph/Varist is not.
Chris Cardona had better shut up. Suffice it to say that he started the law course one year, sat for the exams but did not finish them.
He then started two years later. A clean slate he certainly does NOT have.
You are so right, Daph. Do you know what it is about Varist that makes people say he is nice? It’s the warm voice which fools a lot of vulnerables.
[Daphne – His voice is anything but warm. It’s chilling and the tone is menacing. It’s the voice and modulation of a really malicious person.]
Varist il-gurdien ahdar.
His voice used to put us to sleep when he was our lecturer at uni. And our assignment consisted of a questionnaire in which we were asked whether the Times was biased towards a political party.
Looking back, I can’t see how that was ethical.
And the tragedy is that polls show a Labour landslide is in the offing.
Is it possible that the Maltese voters are so determined to get rid of Gonzi that they are prepared to gamble their job and democracy?
[Daphne – Your average Maltese doesn’t understand the underpinnings of democracy. We’re very, very new to the game, remember. And we never fought for democracy but had it forcibly thrust upon us – that’s an important consideration when trying to understand why Maltese people don’t understand fundamental issues.]
But it is very frightening. Scum has surfaced again!
And it will NEVER CHANGE so long as you allow political parties to own tv stations and newspapers.
If your view of the world is coloured by a daily diet of Super One, how can you be anything else but an ill-informed moron?
The likes of Charlon Gouder and Ramona Attard were not moulded by partisan television but by their rabidly Mintoffian parents.
Disagree totally with your statement.
‘Amen’ to your question.
What about the daily diet of PBS / Net, does this not turn us into morons.
Avoiding all three would be better.
Unfortunately, many people of the 40-something generation are far too concerned with trivialities and spite to sit down and think of what voting for Labour or abstaining from voting would really mean for their future and for that of the younger generations.
Daphne, I agree we had democracy thrust upon us.
However, we did fight for democracy, not to gain it but to prevent our dear Malta Taghna from losing it.
You certainly know we bloody well did.
We fought tooth and nail ….. and we won.
I am sure all true Maltese of good will are ready and prepared to start that crusade all over again.
I,for one, certainly am.
I am raring for it.
Daphne’s referring to 1964 and self-government starting in the 19th century. Yes, we never fought for it. We – I mean they, the people in Malta at that time – could never have fought for it because they had never seen it.
Is that all that they can offer, kafe u gallettina? How about some ice from the blokka ta’ Toni as I’m sure that there’s more where it came from.
ALWAYS beware when Varist offers you coffee.
It is always spiked with snake juice.
What amazes me is how each party tackles press conferences.
The PN press conferences are addressed seriously by the PN panel answering questions without any snide or satirical comments, whilst the PL press conferences are like a coffee mornings with lots of jokes, smiles and laughs from the panel.
And the worst is when a PL panel member rounds on the journalist and tells him “are you saying so and so?” or fakes “so what are you saying?”
Watched all of yesterday’s press conference -someone is really touching rock bottom with lies.
They all seem to be so composed that it makes it difficult to pinpoint the liar. Will eagerly await the outcome.
Since the charges involve the financial controller of the PL and so hit a key sector of the party organisation, should it not be Joseph Muscat, as party leader, facing the journalists, rather than sad clown Evarist?
This is another clear case where Joseph Muscat showed himself unable to stand the heat.
Following up on his dodging on some flimsy excuse face to face debate with Lawrence Gonzi on Xarabank this coming Friday, and the cutting back of 50% of the original debating time also with Lawrence Gonzi because he (Muscat) could not see himself surviving a 60 minute open discussion.
Jkun tassew Prim Ministru tajjeb Joseph Muscat, hej. X’disastru ta’ bniedem. X’disastru akbar jkun ghal-pajjizna.
Joseph Muscat lacks balls. Probably literally, too.
As an outsider, it is clear to me that Muscat was pushed into the job of leader, as a fresh-faced poster boy for the party or ‘movement’ whatever.
These people end up believing their own hype but when it comes to the crunch, they don’t have anything in them to withstand the pressure (like when he chickened out of meeting the cancer doctor on the hospital visit that his wife ended up doing).
Whenever I ask ‘who is a good up and coming leader in the PL?’, I get blank stares and silence.
Konrad and the technicolor Powerpoint presentation seem so far away and long ago.
Have they peaked too early as in premature ejaculation?
Where can i see the press conference please?….any links?
Try the website. You’re bound to find their rubbish there.
“Evarist’s response is that he is also a journalist because he has to do several jobs as he didn’t get a Eur 500 increase like The Others.”
Besides these “several jobs” he gets also paid as a parliamentarian. Shame on you, Varist. You are not a poor man!
All he needs now is Joseph’s teleprompter.
Chris ‘ Lap Dancing ‘ Cardona is next….vedremo delle belle.
” Sibt pulizija Laburist “. That will explain all.
Very interesting to note that right now has the top 4 headlines related to Labour statements to undermine PN accusations, and the PN conference which happened few minutes ago is already relegated further down.
However, the main statement of this PN conference article is promoting LP accusations towards PN.
My name is The Times and I’m In.
They have been cornered now. There’s no ‘hiding’ that.
Lou Bondi has always been very nice and civil with me and I can definitely say that I am liking him more as a journalist.
Well done, Gonzi PN
Has Konrad Mizzi been put away?
Daphne, what else is there left to do, another press conference about Delimara? Incentives which exceed EU limits? Tablets?
They’ll just stick it out until elected.
For me Varist is Rasputin. He tries to soothe you and win your trust with his “dulcet” tones and yet, just beneath the surface there lies seething his uncontrollable rage and spite and, dare I say, hatred towards all those he cannot control.
I am seriously scared of Varist and his seething hatred. He will unleash hell. And I’m not being hyperbolic.
Please forgive me but I have to say this: kif ma jisthux?
Look at these news items fresh off the
And out there, in the real world:
So Varist is a university lecturer, takes a salary as a member of parliament, probably another salary from the Malta Labour Party, and works as a journalist too.
Life is good.
Have you noticed the way they constantly need to smile for no reason at all just to give the impression they are confident and not at all nervous?
When really and truly anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows that such body language is only used in uncomfortable situations to mask fear.
In the Times today:
“Malta to have second highest economic growth in Euro area – EU forecasts” – enough said
Dan ha ikun ministru tal-edukazjoni daqs kemm hu pastas?
Maria l-Maws? He’s the king rat.
You have to admit that their ‘jokes’ are more natural than the ones thrown by the Two and a Half Men cast.
I once watched the man in action on an edition of Xarabank, when he flew into what can only be described as a blind rage, with Prof. Kenneth Wain on the receiving end. The discussion was on education, of course.
The latter didn’t know what had hit him but remained calm and composed in the face of Bartolo’s particularly savage and insolent attack.
Must be over 10 years ago – but this guy’s rabid performance really stuck in my mind. So much for the mild-mannered future minister.
Evarist and the other one and a half men want us to focus on a clock which has a value of 5,000 euros at the cost of not focusing on the direct role played by the financial administrator of the Malta Labour Party in a company involved in the illegal oil commissions scandal where hundreds of thousands, or millions of euros may have been exchanged.
Kenneth doesn’t seem to be too happy in any of the photos. Serves him bloody right.
One of them must have told him padded jackets are so 80s.
I thought the same about the happiness element. Perhaps he’ll thank us for providing an escape route.