Comment of the day
May 30, 2013 at 11:28pm
Sent in by Rumpelstiltskin:
Amazing! In just 100 days the new middle class has turned into high society.
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THE high society
Sounds like a good title for a TV series like The Sopranos. Sounds good. The High Society…coming soon to a theatre near you.
My feeling is that in just 100 days, the chavs have turned themselves into the high society.
The social status of the mittelklasse is growing by leaps and bounds.
That is in just one hundred days.
Grazzi Joseph.
Oh, that’s just the beginning. In another 100 days they will have turned into royalty.
… or dictators with concentration camps on Comino with a beautiful view of the sea.
I wonder whose reward that will turn out to be: in general, and in detail.
What an island full of tryhards.
Like ‘the’ high society ever gave a hoot about the “many beautiful gifts”
Also, hilarious how their high society needs to be told to go dressed smart for a fashionable soirée.
Not just high society, but THE high society.
To me they have turned into aristocrats.
Oh, to be a fly on the wall this Tuesday at Girgenti Palace and watch a sea of “ladies” swathed in synthetic lace (emulating the First Lady) grovel to Mrs. Michelle Muscat de Burmarrad.
And of course, mingling amongst them, the switchers and turncoats who must be cringing inside by now at the sheer vulgarity of it all.
Bon ton – you had me in fits of laughter – indeed Mrs. Michelle Muscat de Burmarrard – may I add – Countess of Castile.
Can you imagine the expression on the faces of ‘the high society’ switchers and the ‘hejj kless’ turncoats when the conversation turns to rollers, gingerbread men and “soppa tal-armla”?
[Daphne – It won’t.]
I wonder what the real high society thinks about all this.
[Daphne – There is no ‘high society’ in Malta, martha. It’s not that kind of place. That is actually why we’re laughing.]
1) ‘Fashion’ soiree, not ‘fashionable’ soiree.
‘Fashionable’ implies an intrinsic quality, thus we might say ‘a fashionable woman’ or ‘a fashionable dress’, but then we say ‘a fashion show’.
2) Also, if any of the cohort surrounding Mrs Muscat are reading this, with invitations, keep it simple. Plain white linen card, plain black script – no resin, no borders, no colour. If it strikes you as ‘jaqq qisu funeral’ you’re on the right track. Remember, in all things, less is more.
3) Find someone whose English you think is perfect and ask them to find someone whose English they consider to be perfect to find someone whose English really is perfect and leave the wording up to them.
4) It’s not done to ask your guests to bring their invitation with them. Your team should know every guest by sight and be able to greet them by name. If you must have a raffle, you have a guest list and the names should already be in the bag.
5) Enticing your guests to come with a promise of a raffle is not done. Try an auction of paintings, objets d’art, antique silver or antique jewellery, and nothing too expensive or flashy. Let’s say 500 euro at most. If you’re fundraising, your guests have to dig into their pockets. If someone suggests auctioning men, even in jest, kill her.
they are stuck with reading Emily and Charlotte Bronte.
I’ve always wanted to go to a haj kless party
Why don`t these people at least look it up?
There are thousands of sites to help them with the correct form.
[Daphne – They don’t need to do that. The foreign ministry used to have, and probably still does, people whose purpose is to advise on these things. If they have all since retired, they can bring one back as a consultant. It would be possibly the only consultancy fee that is justified and well spent. Or they can ask me – I’d be happy to help pro bono. Anything to avoid this sort of hideous display. No, actually I wouldn’t be happy to help. The raw material is awful. It’s way too late.]
A “raffle of many beautiful gifts” for the “high society”. Only in Malta.
Will they be having “tombla” too?
What is a “fashionable soiree”? As opposed to what? An outdated soiree?
This reminds me earlier this year, on a One TV show Ilsien in-Nisa where Mrs Michelle Muscat was a guest. She was commenting and emphasising about how her mother-in-law (JM’s mother) used to be a “hajjata tal-alta socjeta” in Burmarrad.
This High Society notion must be her obsession.