TED Talk – Margaret Heffernan on the dangers of wilful blindness
August 16, 2013 at 1:09pm
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There is wilful blindness to the presence of a concentration camp on our island.
Very very interesting Thanks
A similar study in Malta would indicate much more than 85% wilful blindness.
36,000 people should be reading this.
Much of Malta seems wilfully blind to P.R. China’s expansionist interests in the Mediterranean.
Standing ovation.
Wilful blindness takes many forms and it afflicts everyone to varying degrees. Ms Hefferman herself, for example, seems to be wilfully bind to central banking interest manipulation (because it is legalised fraud) and the scam monetary system we’ve been burdened with.
The media would have told us, you’d say… and in fact it did, but not the corporate media network that dispenses Western governments’ lies and global corporations’ trickery.
Here’s just one example where most of you here are wilfully blind. It concerns the difference between fiat money, such as the dollar and the euro, and real money, such as gold and silver (the divergence was only finalised in 1971, following the earlier 1946 Bretton Woods I agreement which made the dollar the world’s reserve currency).
Here are two videos I laid my hands on just today in this regard.
The first concerns the secret war between Germany and the US which I’ve been following for close to a year now over Germany’s gold reserves held by the Federal Reserve Bank in New York. It seems it’s coming to a head:
When you consider the fact that the dollar will soon lose its status as the world reserve currency – which essentially means that the current world reserve currency is to collapse – and the fact that historically gold has always been the market’s choice of currency, you realise what a watershed moment this is going to be and what consequences each one of us will have to suffer as a result. We get the ripple effect, the US citizens will feel what ground zero really feels like.
Here’s another video that explains much of what I’m saying, but by no means exhaustive inasmuch as the complexity and gravity of the situation.
Wilful blindness will of course ensure that many lemmings will not even recognise the collapse when it hits them unless they are not spoon-fed by the corporate TV.
You Tube’s a corporation. Or hadn’t you noticed?
Correction: “…unless they are spoon-fed by the corporate TV.”
Excellent talk. Thank you for highlighting it and thank you, Daphne, for all your efforts on this blog to pull the Maltese nation out of its chronic state of willful blindness to the manifest dangers that face it.
I totally concur.
Excellent talk. Thanks for highlighting it. This is what brought down the PN.
Dr. Gonzi was in a state of willful blindness when he let certain ministers free to roam as they pleased and when he did not get rid of Franco Debono, JPO and the other bitchy back-benchers. It may have brought the government down but would have strengthened his image of a man of substance and integrity.
It is also what the majority of people suffered from when they voted Muscat’s Taghna lkoll moviment into power.
Daphne, however I think you are immune from this disease. Your writings have always been consistent with reality. Thank you for keeping us informed and entertained.
In minute 3.2 in the video above the speaker states that “Vermiculite is a very toxic form of asbestos”. This statement is inexact and very misleading.
She should have qualified her statement by saying that the vermiculite produced in Libby, Montana contains asbestos.
For the record it should also be noted that this mine has now been closed for quite some time and that no asbestos has ever been found in mines in South Africa, Asia or Europe.
The speakers reference to wilful blindness is interesting, but if I have to know, I would rather know the truth.
Another excellent TED talk, this time on immigration