THE MASK IS OFF – tomorrow in Hong Kong, Malta government agents Henley & Partners will be blatantly selling to the Chinese the “right of establishment in the EU” by buying a Maltese passport

Published: November 10, 2013 at 2:52pm

The mask is off

This has NEVER been about investment or about attracting talented people to Malta, as our lying prime minister has tried to get us to believe.

This is about selling access to the European Union for hard cash via a Maltese passport.

Now the mask is finally and definitely off.

Tomorrow at a conference called ‘The Investment Immigration Summit 2013’ held in Hong Kong and targetted at Chinese people, Henley & Partners will be hard-selling EU passports. Those EU passports are obviously Maltese.

Look at the programme excerpt here beneath and see the entire thing in the link below.

11:20 Announcing of the first European Citizenship-by-Investment Programs for the wealthy
• Citizenship in a EU member state that is stable, neutral and highly respected
• Visa-free travel to more than 160 countries in the world
• EU citizenship: Right of establishment in 27 EU countries

Dr. Juerg Steffen, Managing Partner, HENLEY & PARTNERS SINGAPORE

36 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    If I were the EU, I’d ask for a major commission on each passport.

    I mean, does Muscat have to peddle the EU like he did with the PSE when challenging for leadership, Schultz and all?

  2. Plotinus says:

    Please sign this petition

    [Daphne – If the organiser is reading this, will he please correct the spelling of citizenship.]

    • Joe says:

      I think there should also be another correction. It should be written:

      Why is this important?

    • Mark Vassallo says:

      Forget the Facebook petition. We need to organise a real petition for an abrogative referendum. All we need is 35,000 signatures and the government will have to hold a referendum on this law.

      • lorry says:

        What’s the use when this government has a surplus of 36,000+ votes? No referendum will quash those 36K extra votes. We have to live with it and when someday the PN is once again elected to govern this country, then we will abrogate this law.

      • lorry says:

        and please remember that at this point in time the PN is financially in tatters. so instead of wasting money for nothing, it would be more important to put the money where it is needed most.

      • mm says:

        If you hold a referendum now, PL will be given an excuse to go on a brainwashing exercise and will win the referendum like they did the past election.

        PL needs and wants to keep their supporters on election mode all through the mandate so come next election, all supporters will be properly brainwashed and blinded to all the Government’s mistakes and abuses.

  3. Rita says:

    Does the funding of the electoral campaign feature in the LP’s dangerous bulldozing over the amendment of Citizenship Act?

  4. Pandora says:

    So it is to hell with getting this law through Parliament first. Imagine if it was the other way round – the LP would be up in arms organising protests against this attakk fahxi fuq id-demokrazija.

    Now it is different – people who would normally speak up have become invisible and the PN is accused of being negative and destructive for presenting legitimate arguments against this scheme. Case closed.

    I really cannot stand this anymore.

    • curious says:

      Deceit, half-truths, omissions, outright lies and doublespeak. If the Labour electoral manifest was a set of marriage vows, Malta would already be filing for annulment.

  5. canon says:

    Henley & Partners already forgot about the USA. Is there something we should know?

  6. Leli says:

    Pajjiz li ghazel li jbiegh l-ghezez dritt tieghu biex forsi jiffranka ghaxar ewro mill-kont tad-dawl u l-ilma. Grazzi.

  7. AG says:

    I fail to see why they even bothered calling it Individual Investor Programme. Where is the investment exactly? It’s just a hard cash payment, with no obligations.

    And as for promoting it, even before the law has been passed through Parliament, now that is what I call arrogance. Joseph seems to have forgotten how many times he criticised the PN in government for being arrogant. Now, it seems like it’s all right to be arrogant.

  8. ciccio says:

    It is highly advisable that this documentation is retained.

    Once the PN is returned to government and the passports-for-cash are rendered a piece of paper and the related citizenships withdrawn, some holders of those passports might initiate constitutional cases in the courts.

    This documentation can then be presented by the government as evidence of the basis on which the sale of Maltese passports took place. Anyone entering into agreements to buy those passports on those terms were clearly the subject of a deception, since the scheme was described to Parliament in Malta (that’s the entity which will be approving the scheme) as one to attract talent and investors to Malta.

    We know that the truth is of course the opposite – that the explanations given in Parliament and to the media in Malta are plainly deceptive. But this being a contract of sale, it is subject to cavaet emptor.

    Somehow, the PN must also find a way to hold Henley & Partners liable for this scam involving the name of Malta and its sovereignty.

    • Jozef says:

      Parliament cannot approve something which details aren’t there for all to see.

      Of course the scheme’s resulting passports can be revoked.

  9. Aunt Hetty says:

    For the very first time in my life, I am feeling really ashamed of being Maltese.

  10. Aunt Hetty says:

    How can they go round peddling Maltese citizenship abroad and officially , if the law has not yet been passed in parliament?

  11. Jozef says:

    One must ask how much all this costs the taxpayer. Hong Kong, Singapore, London, and still a draft bill.

    [Daphne – That would be Henley & Partners paying for it.]

  12. Progress says:

    First he stamps his feet. Now he spreads his legs.

  13. Tabatha White says:

    It couldn’t ever have been about investment.

    If investment was included in the conditions, it would necessarily take time to implement and they need the cash return pronto.

  14. J. Agius says:

    Not that I had any doubt in my mind, however, it is now abundantly clear that this scheme has been planned ages ago, even prior to the election. Such a conference could not have been organised overnight could it?

  15. Manuel says:

    How come other newspapers never manage to get this information and publish it? Do they actually have journalists with a iota of knowledge of how to use a search engine?

  16. Shame says:

    We are not too late to stop this. The Opposition is working hard but all citizens against this disgusting scheme MUST make their voices heard. For now we should sign this petition but the time will come for all of us to put our names on a more binding document.

    Please sign and share … we must stop this bunch of ruthless amateurs NOW.

  17. Dissident says:

    Henley will make so much money selling EU passports for peanuts that they won’t even bother to sell the Caribbean passports anymore.

    Who would bother with a Caribbean passport in these circumstances?

  18. Dissident says:

    The reason they won’t reveal the name of the applicants is because China does not allow dual citizenship

  19. stephanie says:

    How about protesting in Valletta?

  20. Matt P. says:

    Can’t the EU stop this? And what does it mean in terms of US visas?

  21. Arturo Mercieca says:

    Once the law is given third reading and passed on Tuesday, it will still not become operative before the relative legal notice is enacted.

    The draft legal notice has already been published and parliament does not get to discuss it.

    However, this is not a normal legal notice that is enacted by a minister or an authority but is going to be enacted by the president.

    I think that the president is not duty bound to enact this legal notice, at least in the proposed form as he is not acting in his constitutional capacity but is legislating on behalf of parliament and he should seek consensus before he enacts it.

    I think it would make more sense to circulate a petition to the president so that he won’t enact the legal notice as long as no consensus is reached.

  22. Anne Vella says:

    Don’t do it, they will eventually buy and own Malta, believe me, I live in Australia and that is what is happening here, most of the country is owned by other countries. Maltese passports should be for the Maltese only.

  23. Antoine says:

    I used to find it strange (and a little amusing) that Henley can’t be bothered to get some simple details right. There are 28 EU countries now that Croatia joined.

    Now I realise that rather than being sloppy, they worked out the details and the promotional material before 01 July.

  24. Martin Vella says:

    In his interview with The Sunday Times, Muscat compares Malta at least four times to Caribbean island states. Did he smoke the wrong grass?

    Why doesn’t he offer Malta directly for sale to Putin, and retire to some dacha donated to him and Mrs Muscat in exchange?

    I am royally pissed off at this scam. I have written to my representative at the EU to check if this scam can be can be challenged at the EU level.

    After all my passport says European Union in the first line and only in the second line Federal Republic of Germany. I do not want every Russian Mafia member and Mexican drug lord to buy a European passport and get in through Muscat’s back door.

  25. bryan says:

    Is there anyone out there who knows who represents Henley and Partners in Malta?

    [Daphne – Henley & Partners has its own companies in Malta.]

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