Oh look. He goes to formal dinners and he even wears black tie. So he really only wanted to insult Eddie Fenech Adami that time.

Published: November 18, 2013 at 5:39pm

Joseph Muscat dinner

The Department of Information has released this photograph of Joseph Muscat proposing a toast at the final dinner in Sri Lanka.

Well, he is clearly at one of those formal dinners he once claimed to despise, and unless my eyes deceive me, he is also rigged up in full black tie. I can’t really see the shoes, though.

As you might recall, when he was invited – as Leader of the Opposition – to the state dinner hosted by Prime Minister Gonzi as a farewell to the outgoing President Fenech Adami, Muscat rudely turned down the invitation, saying that he can’t stand those occasions and prefers burgers.

He then went on a weekend trip to Sicily with Anglu Farrugia and their wives.

Actually, he did something far worse than turn down the invitation. He transferred it – as though this was just another fashion event – to Charles Mangion and his wife, who turned up instead.

It has become so obvious that Muscat, all the way through Opposition and his first months in government, carried on with his lifelong habit of using the calculated insult as a form of control and personal advancement.

But he’s only just beginning to find out that it doesn’t work as well when you have warmed the seat of government and your cocky arrogance and crass insults are properly seen for what they are. Mintoff could do it because he didn’t operate in the internet age and the Maltese population was phenomenally primitive. If you think it’s pretty primitive now, you should have been around back then.

12 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Blekktie. Like Glekk-coke.

  2. tt says:

    Paroli fil-vojt. Xejn interessanti, ghax hadd ta’ importanza ma hu qed jaghti kas id-diskors tieghu. Anzi l-wejter qqed jipprova jisimghu.

  3. carpediem says:

    If he’s the only Head of Government wearing that black tie he could be taken for one of the waiters.

  4. ciccio says:

    Il-“lectern” ta’ quddiemu ghandha miktub “Colombo 2013.” Tixraqlu. Bl-iskema tal-bejgh tac-Cittadinanza haseb li skopra l-Amerika.

  5. Anthony says:

    How can you be sure he was proposing a toast? Maybe he was the stand up comedian for the night.

  6. Slimiz says:

    Judging by his ever-expanding waist-line, he must be scoffing down those burgers faster than he can chew them. What an absolute chav.

  7. Piña says:

    What? You mean he actually managed to propose a toast without the help of a teleprompter? This calls for celebration, our PM is learning to talk

  8. Rita Camilleri says:

    Nobody seemed interested in what he was saying.

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