The prime minister and Mrs Michelle Muscat wearing their sponsored North Face jackets

Published: December 1, 2013 at 5:52pm


Wow, how nice. And just look at those magnificent Gucci wellies, printed with little double Gs all over so that you really understand that they’re Gucci, you know?

And the prime minister is wearing some really cool Dad jeans there, with around two feet chopped off the leg and the hem hand-sewn by mother.


11 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    “Jackets buttoned-up, wellies worn over ballet shoes, Michelle rushes through the door ”

  2. Freedom5 says:

    Aaaaaarg . Those boots . So Russian . So Hal Ghaxaq

  3. Grezz says:

    You forgot to mention the flouncy Stefan Buontempo. He’s going to get really offended.

  4. Ruth says:

    Has anyone ever told the PM that jeans are not the proper attire for a walk or run? But then again he never has any dress sense or style.

  5. Giraffa says:

    …. and that poor idiot Stefan Buontempo huffing and puffing trying to keep up with the Muscats. Life at the top can be pretty cosy!

  6. Chris Portellic says:

    I’m worried for the man behind them.

    [Daphne – That’s Buontempo, the PS for Sport.]

  7. edgar says:

    My North Face ski jacket is not coming out of the wardrobe this year. Nike from now on.

  8. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Is that lady the same person who appeared in a recent newspaper supplement? She’s certainly unrecognisable.

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