Ill-bred arrogance update: Don’t you know who she is?

Published: December 1, 2013 at 6:31pm


Maltarightnow is running a report about the unbelievable, ill-bred arrogance of Rosianne ‘Nuxellina’ Cutajar, Labour mayor of Hal Qormi and teacher at St Albert the Great College (no lessons in how to behave, that’s for sure).

At the beginning of November, she was returning to Malta from Gozo when she hit the top of the hill to find the queue snaking right up it.

She drove all the way down the hill past the waiting cars, got to the police officer at the bottom who was marshalling the cars for boarding, and asked to board. The police officer failed to recognize her famous face, and more or less asked her who she thought she was. She became incensed at not being recognized, and when she explained that she is the Labour mayor of Hal Qormi, he pretty much said, so what, you can’t skip the queue.

Miss Cutajar brought out her phone and rang the Police Commissioner. She explained the situation and then handed the phone to the hapless police officer, who found the ‘kummissarju’ at the other end. People waiting in the queue nearby overheard the altercation. The next thing they knew, Miss Cutajar’s car was being driven into the marshalling bay for boarding, ahead of everyone else.

54 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    The story is equally about the unbelievable, ill-bred arrogance of the police commissioner, abusing his position to issue orders he should never have given.

    • albona says:

      Do people realise that a mayor of a small town (really, a poor excuse for a tiny suburb) is just that? Here in Malta the PM acts like he could be the next JF Kennedy and mayors act like they are leaders of a medium-sized state. Veru pajjiz ta’ qaghad ta’ injoranti skuzawni.

  2. Makjavel says:

    Well next time it happens to me, I will phone a friend who mimics Peter Paul Zammit’s voice perfectly, and I will skip the queue.

    This is what this country has come to.

  3. rose says:

    Taghna lkoll, taghna lkoll, taghna lkoll.

  4. La Redoute says:

    Nuxellina’s response – she thinks children’s song contests are in the same league as selling citizenship:

    Rosianne Cutajar
    4 hours ago
    L-Gazzetta ”il-Mument” ghazlet li ggib storja fuqi fuq il-faccata taghha minflok tirraporta bi prominenza r-rebha li ghamlet tifla Maltija f”festival internazzjonali prestiggjuz. Fejn hu l-patrijottizmu kollu li tkellmu dwaru fil-kwistjoni tac-cittadinanza?

  5. TROY says:

    The police commissioner is ill-bred and arrogant too.

  6. The Observer says:

    Viva l-biddla li vvutaw ghaliha! Veru kien hawn bidla: ghall-aghar.

  7. ciccio says:

    Why (or how) would Nuxellina have the Commissioner’s phone number?

  8. canon says:

    Rosianne Nuxellina Cutajar must have a hotline with the police commissioner.

  9. pablo says:

    Maybe one of the three Gozo ferry boats should be allocated to the exclusive use of the Labour Party’s dignitaries and their friends and families. Their list should be published in The Malta Government Gazette and be given special ID “You Know Who I am” cards.

    Make it official, remove the mask and let us see what they have become.

  10. Spiru says:

    Taghna lkoll…..

  11. Jozef says:

    Wearing a uniform has become humiliating these days. That officer was carrying out his duties.

  12. Nik says:

    Perhaps we should stop being surprised. We have not yet hit the bottom. It will get worse, much worse.

  13. minn mars says:

    Did Peter Paul Zammit also instruct the constable to supply Miss Cutajar with a complementary take away too?

    She might have been hungry.

  14. A la Francisa says:

    Is there any chance at all, that these people will ever grow up?

    Please excuse my rant tonight and feel free not to include it, of course.

    What has been happening over the last eight months is sad and frustrating for all of Malta. Although several of the Labour Party officials / would-be-politicians are university graduates, they seem to have learnt nothing about the virtues of true leadership: hard work, honesty, wishing, to inspire and aspire for the better, good manners and ultimately having the humility of taking your work and not yourself too seriously.

    The switchers thought that because Labour´s supporters had also attended university and looked hip, then they had learnt what it was all about. Instead, this country is saddled with people, who instead of committing themselves to being public servants, are only obsessed with flouting whatever they perceived to be their divine right: making other people favour them, after they have coerced whoever happens to be in front of them.

    There may be people, albeit not yours truly, who genuinely believe that a leftist government is more apt at helping a wider scope of the population. Yet, the reality always translates itself into having a government and its entourage displaying little regard for fairness, integrity and a sense of responsibility.

    What is important to them, is that they feel they are part of something, even if that something is lost its soul.

    For surely, if a mayor can even think of jumping the queue, simply because she is a mayor representing the party in government and even think of picking up the phone to have someone coerce a policeman doing his duty, then I wonder how the switchers can sleep well at night.

    • La Redoute says:

      Excuse me, but who looked hip?

      And it wasn’t “someone” who Nuxellina called. It was the police commissioner.

    • Hmm says:

      I workd in University administration for a number of years and I was negatively impressed by two things amongst students: their inability to write a letter for administrative purpose and their constant harping on about their rights without ever mentioning their obligations or responsibilities.

  15. Maradona says:

    Simply a bastard.

  16. bob-a-job says:

    PL is fast filling up with PanaDolls and AssPros

  17. Giraffa says:

    I can’t stand it any more – the brazen arrogance and hamallagni of these people just because they won their second election in 37 years. It’s gone to their heads.

  18. il-Ginger says:

    I hope the people are slowly beginning to understand what an evil clique truly is and that what we had was not one.

  19. Ronnie says:

    How disappointing. To date I had a more or less favourable impression of Ms. Cutajar and thought she was one of the few positive elements in the PL. It seems like I was way off the mark. Also somehow I can’t imagine the previous Commissioner Rizzo giving in to such a request.

    [Daphne – You know, Ronnie, I hope you’ll take this in good part, but I have always been fascinated by the way many men confuse physical appearance, cutesie behaviour, brains and character, generally mistaking the former two for the latter two. That’s why many men end up in a real mess with women.

    Generally speaking, this is a good rule: truly intelligent people, whether they are men or women, do not enjoy filling the air with sound and attracting attention to themselves in a room. Also, women who play the cutesie are never smart, and this by definition. A beautiful, intelligent woman is never going to play the cutesie, even if she is a midget. Put simply, she doesn’t need to.

    I cannot really see how you thought well of this person. She was a permanent fixture over the last few years at the sordid Super One parties at Hugh Anastasi’s house, probably imagining that she’d arrived because she was at a ‘tal-pepe’ house, when the real reason for all of them being there, which she never properly understood, is that he gets his kicks from slumming it. Some men of that persuasion are like that, but she’s probably too naive and fresh out of the village to understand certain things. Hence, too, her unbelievable arrogance – because you really have to be pretty stupid to do a thing like that: skip a whole line of fuming people, then throw your weight about by phoning the Police Commissioner in front of an audience.]

  20. zunzana says:

    Mela nsejna li Malta tal-VIP Laburisti? Insejna l-ghajta ta’ Joseph li Malta taghna lkoll – imma Laburisti biss.

    • Thorny2 says:

      imma ghax ghandna kummissarju tal-pulizija ruffjan tal-prima.

      L-ewwel jibghat pulizija waiters f’attivita’ tal-Ministru tal-Pulizija, u imbaghad jinsulta lil Magistrat ta’ Qorti inferjuri ghax tat sentenza kontra l-Korp tieghu, u ma nafx kif ma resqitux b’disprezz tal-qorti.

      Imma lic-cwiec l-ahjar haga tkun tihom bicca minn djulek u irhilhom.

      Nistennew aghar minn hekk minn dal-bicca kummissarju. Rizzo ma kienx avukat imma mexxa korp bis-serjeta’.

      Niftakru li kummissarju avukat spicca l-habs akkuzat bl-aghar reat kriminali. Ha naraw dan kif ser jispicca dan jekk jibqa sejjer hekk u jkun laghqi ta’ partit politiku.

  21. Nana says:

    I hope the police commissioner will give us an update on this. The previous commissioner never heard of doing such things. What a difference between them.

  22. Last Post says:

    ‘All animals are equal BUT some are MORE equal than others.”
    An Orwellian country run by Orwellian nincompoops:

  23. H. Prynne says:

    How can this woman be an example to her students?

    She is absolutely despicable.

    [Daphne – My thoughts exactly. Somebody who seems only able to communicate by flirting and showing off is not the right person to be teaching teenage boys. And that’s quite apart from her rabid political involvement. Teachers should not also be politicians.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      How right you are. Put yourself in the position of a strapping fourteen-year old lad who’s doodling and throwing paper aeroplanes during Italian class. Miss Nuxellina turns round from her conjugation of the subjunctive and wags finger at him. Tells him to behave or else. I’d just tell her to shove it and have a good look at herself.

    • Spock says:

      What kind of a role model is she ?

    • Rumplestiltskin says:

      If I was a parent I’d object to having this person teach my child. What sort of lessons will the children learn, that ‘might is right?’ That ‘the end justifies the means?’ This is scary stuff.

  24. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    This Police Commissioner clearly cannot distinguish between serving the people and being a lackey.

  25. Michael Seychell says:

    It would be interesting to know how she succeeded in convincing the Police Commissioner to order one of his men to commit an abuse of power.

    [Daphne – Easy: she flirted with him and pulled his…strings. He’s just the kind of sucker to fall for that sort of thing. Inexperienced men who were unattractive or just insecure for most of their lives, but who have become useful, are sitting ducks for that kind of thing.]

  26. ciccio says:

    It seems that the Commissioner knew exactly who she was.

  27. edgar says:

    If I remember correctly she was promoting herself on a ‘showgirls’ website in Catania, with the obvious intention to get foreign currency into Malta.

  28. Purity says:

    If I were in the queue, I would have gone out of the car and made a scene.

  29. Joe Fenech says:

    I wonder what would have happened to the police officer had he refused to follow the commissioner’s orders.

    • La Redoute says:

      I wonder what happened to everyone around her who just sat there and watched while she walked all over them.

      • Angus Black says:

        Wonder no more, La Redoute.

        Intimidation has set in already.

        Imagine if a similar scene unfolded during the Nationalist administration. Not that any Nationalist MP or Minister would pull something of this sort.

  30. U Le! says:

    If PLexponents feel free to carry out these actions in public, does anyone imagine what goes on in private, in the PLHQ etc?

  31. maria says:

    Veru Kummissarju pulcinell jew inkella Rosianne tigi gbintu. Hekk irid imexxi lil Malta JoJo rummiena.

  32. Kukkurin says:

    Deus ex machina! Forget the Domine dirige nos when Commissioner of Police Peter Paul Zammit is around. Buffoons.

  33. Gaetano Pace says:

    Would it not have been much simpler and easier if only she asked where the nearest public convenience was if she was in such a hurry ? Could have saved her the inconvenient and a couple of cents of a mobile call. Next please.

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