Rest assured that those who shot the Salina flamingo are well in with the Labour Party

Published: January 8, 2014 at 11:21am
I'll bet Silvio Scerri knows who they are.

I’ll bet Silvio Scerri knows who they are.

We already know – through information that leaked out in the immediate aftermath – that the police searched a home and vehicles in Burmarrad.

Today, Times of Malta reports:

The magisterial inquiry into the highly publicised killing of a flamingo last June has now been completed, is informed.

The police had told Times of Malta that it would not be prudent to comment on the case as the inquiry was ongoing.

But sources clarified this morning that, following the receipt of expert reports, the inquiry was concluded late last year and forwarded to the competent authorities.

A request for further information on the progress of the investigation sent to the police media office yesterday has yet to be answered.

It is not yet known whether the police intend to arraign a suspect following the conclusions of the inquiry.

It’s so damned obvious that the police are working to protect somebody here, not just covering up the identity of those involved but also trying for a Plan B in a situation where they can’t very well expect the media to forget the case because it happened in the full glare of publicity and was reported as a ‘flamingo murder’, complete with hidden corpse.

Compare their behaviour here with what they do when they’re trying to frame me on something or harass me: they’re on the blower to Super One and L-Orizzont within minutes.

This reeks of corruption.

21 Comments Comment

  1. Neil says:

    Yes – exactly what I thought this morning. It has all the right hallmarks of another Labour/Zammit cover-up for one of their own.

    Imma issa huma ghandhom il-power’. The blatant way they do this in public, however, is still quite shocking even after ten months of it.

  2. Jozef says:

    They can always attempt a frame-up.

  3. watchful eye says:

    U halluna. Tahsbu li ahna mazzuni?

  4. Augustus says:

    ‘This reeks of corruption’. Nothing new with the PL in power.

  5. P Shaw says:

    In Burmarrad, everyone becomes immediately aware who goes in and out of everyone’s house, let alone a police search.

    It seems that whoever it is, must be protected directly from Castille.

  6. Bubu says:

    It’s been obvious since day one.

  7. Last Post says:

    I just want to say “Well done and thanks” for sticking to their trails (and not just on this issue, of course). Whatever they say about you, no one else has the perspicacity in uncovering the incompetence and corruption of this bunch of lying idiots who have been s/elected to government by the gullible.

    This place has become so rotten that many people who should (but don’t) know better have come to accept such scum behaviour. They argue that it’s part of the system, that they all do it because we have just changed the players in the team. This was in the context of people involved the oil scandal.

    When I argued that it is still unacceptable because the officials are paid handsomely to uphold their integrity and moral high ground, they reply: who knows what you would have done were you in the same position, faced with the same ‘opportunity’?

    So yes, even if your blog is not the whole truth, you keep our eyes open to what is going on around and behind us, and therefore uncovering other aspects of the ‘whole’ truth.

    Well done, thanks, and all the best.

  8. George says:

    Does the spraying air freshener onto manure make it (the manure) any better? No it remains the same old horse shit.

    Well I don’t expect any better from Labour either; new or not.

  9. ciccio says:

    The police may have concluded that the man shot the flamingo in self-defence. You never know what is coming right at you in the darkness of the night.

  10. verita says:

    Are the magistrates so short of work that they are involved in an enquiry on the shooting of a flamingo , when the police had all the evidence ?

  11. gigi says:

    Nixtieq naf kemm jahsbuna bahnana? Jahsbu li ghadna fis-70s jew? Lil min hu ahmar ma jakkuzawh bxejn u lil min hu blu jivvintawli l-akkuzi, umbaghad jaqaw ghan nej..

  12. Niku says:

    Hopefully referendum on the way to stop this abuse.

  13. Katrin says:

    Read this:
    The perfect European is rich and homeless:

    And you think it can’t get worse…

  14. carlos bonavia says:

    No one will even be arraigned.

    “Inconclusive evidence” or some such crap by the Taghna Lkoll police.

    Labour protects its own – always.

  15. bob-a-job says:

    How many white Mitsubishi Pajeros can there be registered in the Naxxar area?

    Surely someone, somewhere will know something about this case. It’s just a question of time before a name pops up.

    Meanwhile FKNK shamefully starts a petition for amendments to the Referenda Act to counter the petition signed by over 40,000 persons calling for a referendum to ban Spring hunting.

    Now that’s something worth shooting down.

    [Daphne – Oh, they found the car. They even found blood and feathers in it. Which means the police know exactly who it was, unless he’s pretending that his mother/father/grandmother/son/daughter took the car without permission in dead of night when he was asleep: ]

    • bob-a-job says:

      The police know but the public don’t. Not unless someone comes up with the name but I’m quite sure that others are in the know. That’s what I meant by the name popping up because I don’t see the police doing that.

  16. catharsis says:

    Aha. Knew it wouldn’t be long before the obvious reason came out in the open.

  17. Riya says:

    Min kien fil-Pulizija fi zmien Lawrence Pullicino, u kien minn ta’ gewwa, jaf sew li dak iz-zmien kien hemm tlett spetturi li spiss kienu jigu investigati ghax kellhom it-tahwid.

    Wiehed minn dawn it-tlett spetturi kien Pietru Pawl Zammit li issa ghamluh kummissarju, u allura dan il-kummissarju ghandu hafna obligazzjonijiet lejn hafna nies ghax iz-zewg spetturi l-ohra kellom jitilqu mill-korp jew b’xi moghod tnehhew u kien hu biss li baqa’ fil-korp dak iz-zmien u dejjem baqa’ jilhaq jistudja u jiehu l-paga.

  18. Numerus says:

    Why hasn’t Maltatoday been investigating this? Has Birdlife’s new Vice-president Saviour Balzan already sold out Birdlife and is just being his own ” saviour” ?
    Quoting from Maltatoday : “”Saviour brings his communications and campaigning skills to BirdLife Malta and he will be supporting us as we intensify our campaign against spring and illegal hunting and trapping on the Maltese islands,” Micklewright said.

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