Dawk brains tal-ustja
Is it any surprise that Super One’s leading hatchet man cannot grasp the concepts which underpin Constitutional law? They are alien to the Labour Party and to the political environment in which he operates. One assumes that because he has been so completely brainwashed into the Super One way of thinking, he cannot even pretend to understand or agree.
Despite being a very mature student when he entered the law course, the way all Super One people are doing biex ikunu lahqu fil-hajja u fis-socjeta, Charlon Gouder failed his Constitutional law exam in first year, failed the resit, and now has to sit for it again in second year.
Constitutional law is fundamental. If he’s having trouble with that, then he’s got a long hard slog ahead of him, even though the law course does not exactly inflict stringent standards on its students.
We’re rooting for you, Charlon. If you finally understand what Constitutional law is all about, it might give you a clearer understanding of how democratic societies work, so only good can come of it.
Meanwhile, your party friend Consie, with whom you socialised actively during the last general election, and with whom you are seen here at her 45th birthday party, might give you some intensive coaching if you ask nicely and send her a necklace from Bulgari.
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Oh no! More computer tricks and shenanigans!
“The photo of Dr Gonzi with a big red cross over his face – which was the photo used by the site administrator before the TMIS story was published – had been replaced by a question mark yesterday morning. This same photo is being used on the new page that “disagrees” with, rather than “hates”, the Prime Minister.”
That’s the default Facebook picture, meaning they just deleted it. Need to get facts right.
Bulgari don’t do pearl necklaces. Oh a real necklace! Sorry.
The more I see of lawyers, the more I beleive in technocrats.
I still doubt Charlon’s maturity to this very day.
Since Mintoff’s days the LP has always been against computers and info technology and with good reason!
They could not produce a decent electoral programme two years ago and blamed a ‘faulty computer’ for errors and omissions and now Joseph Sammut and Luciano Busuttil say that the page was set up without their knowledge!
Can’t even trust lawyers, these days.
Jekk minn flok jistudja joqghod il-lejl kollhu jiggerra Albertown zgur se jkompli jehel.
U minn fuq Maltastar.com:
Julius – 01 February 2010 21:05
Amazing! Since yesterday Daphne’s photo disappeared from the Independent on Sunday website – she’s no longer an opinionist? And what about her dirty, filthy blog. What a mole!
It-tuba ma ndunax li biex taqra l-artiklu tieghek ta’ nhar il-Hadd trid l-ewwel tafas il-maws fuq “Opinions.”
I hate it when they say opinionist instead of columnist.
Why doesn’t he get tips from Anglu l-Iljunfant Farrugia? After all he graduated magna cum laude and he prints it on his letter heads. Kemm hu tan-nejk.
Was it Mintoff who said that the would make a soup out of the consitution?
Tale padre, tali figli.
this is what Mintoff thinks about the constitution:
“Naf li din hija kontra l-Kostituzzjoni, jiena nitnejjek mill-Kostituzzjoni, mhux jien ghamiltha, nitnejjek mill-Imhallfin u minn kullhadd. ” http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/2003/12/14/t2.html
I think he had said it was only good for wrapping anchovies (biex tgezwer l-incjova) or was that what he thought about certificates issued by university?
..and after all the scaremongering and anti-EU campaigns…guess what Charlon chose as subsidiary subject for his first 3 years in the Law course — thats right he chose ‘European Studies’
Some of the more militant atheist organizations recommend studying the Bible. There you go.
Working to bring down the system from within. Kev u Sharon mhux fuq hekk bnew il-karriera?
He chose “European Studies” because Brussels looms up as Plan B in his agenda.
I really cannot understand how you come to know certain information! This is supposed to be protected by the Data Protection Act!
It’s not something out of the ordinary that students fail exams once in a while ta! It’s normal….that’s why there are resits!!!
You people really have nothing useful to do if you waste time reading this bullshit!
[Daphne – Oh, has the system changed? When I was at university, all examination results were posted on the board. The names of failures were tippexed out, but then it was perfectly easy to deduce who failed: their names were not among the passes.]
you people have nothing in common to talk about why don`t open youe minds and start to move foreword
What a bird brain he must be. I remember I had studied for Constitutional Law the morning before the exam, and I still managed to get something like a C…
Not only failed his constitutional law exam, but also scribbled notes on the palm of his hand – which i saw clearly (as I was sitting behind him) in a European studies exam ‘History of European integration’.
“History of European integration”
Maybe his notes were about partnership l-ahjar ghazla.