That explains the dublett tal-ginns and the striving to be trAndy
February 10, 2010 at 5:14pm
Turns out Miss Piggy is 10 years older than Kermit. Not a great idea, Cons! You have years of anxiety, Stairmasters, ill-advised clothing and facecream ahead of you.
Illum, 13 ta’ Mejju 2007
Politika mibnija fuq pedament moderat
Karl Stagno-Navarra jintervista lill-Perit Robert Musumeci
Il-Perit Robert Musumeci għandu 33 sena u ilu s-Sindku Nazzjonalista tas-Siġġiewi għal dawn l-aħħar seba’ snin, bil-kariga ikkonfermata fl-elezzjonijiet li saru f’Marzu li għadda.
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Funny, funny……… well, I’m her age and I haven’t yet turned to tweed skirts, twin sets and pearl necklaces. Ah, and by the way my husband is two years my senior. So let’s give her a break and at least allow her the odd (odd is the operative word here) denim miniskirt.
[Daphne – Shhhhhh! I must confess to owning several denim mini-skirts. It’s how and where you wear them that makes all the difference. And whether or not you’re a magistrate and on Facebook.]
What’s green, slimy and smells like Miss Piggy? Kermit’s finger.
M’hemmx pastazati. Kermit’s mother brought him up to always wash his hands after using them.
Surely you meant “anti-bacterial hand-wash”?
Only his hands?
The mini-skirt was not designed to cover a fat arse and expose thick thighs.
[Daphne – Precisely. Except in Charlon Gouder’s favourite haunts, of course, where wallets are sometimes stolen and false reports made to the police.]
Ha, ha! I remember seeing a video about that one a couple of years ago: