Joseph explains the Labour anthem to his intellectual inferiors

Published: June 11, 2008 at 12:15pm

Like his predecessors Sant and Mintoff, Joseph Muscat is going to be one of those Labour leaders who feels intellectually superior to his followers, and who gives in to the urge to patronise them with fables, parables and pedagogic speeches delivered with the rhythm of a primary school teacher from the 1930s. For God’s sake, how do Labour supporters and delegates tolerate this insulting treatment?

19 Comments Comment

  1. Meerkat :) says:

    Oh, look Anglu Bellu is at it again! Where’s your elephant Ang?

    Oh, it’s you! You’re the elephant in the room!

  2. Joe Galea says:

    Hehe, i bet you’re dead envious of our young promising leader. Gonzi already looks like a piece of antique furniture in comparison.

    [Moderator – I am! I’m jealous! I want your toy poodle right now!]

  3. P says:

    The best part, Daphne, was when he sang “taghna r-rebha fl-ahhar tkun”. He explained “taghna” by putting his hands to his chest, “rebha” by putting his hands up in the air, “fl-ahhar” by making the sign of far far far away, and “tkun” by pointing his hands straight to the ground.

    who needs subtitles or hearing aids with leaders like that?!

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    It’s fun to stay at the Y – M – C – A…..

  5. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @Joe Galea, he’s neither young (my sons would be classified as young, not a balding 34-year-old) nor promising, and please, please don’t tell me that’s he’s handsome, because he really is not. It’s not Gonzi who looks bad next to Muscat, but the other way round. Trust me on this one, because I’ve got a track record. If Muscat and Michelle can be in any way compared to Tony and Cherie, it’s to Tony and Cherie in 2007, when everyone was sick of the sight of them and the newspapers were full of mockery.

  6. P Shaw says:

    I can’t beleive that we’re going to watch these xeneggati for the next 16 years. May God be with us! Maltese politics is a real roller coaster.

  7. Sybil says:

    Joe Galea Wednesday, 11 June 1314hrs
    “Hehe, i bet you’re dead envious of our young promising leader. Gonzi already looks like a piece of antique furniture in comparison.”

    Hehe Mr Galea. I bet you hav’nt the faintest idea just how much in demand antique furniture was, is, and will always be. Your sort would always prefer a brand new DIY computer desk at discount price to a genuine antique mahogany chiffonier. That much is obvious.

  8. AC says:

    Joe Galea, your comment “Hehe, i bet you’re dead envious of our young promising leader. Gonzi already looks like a piece of antique furniture in comparison.” reminds me of what Ronald Reagan once said when confronted with the fact the Walter Mondale (Democratic Presidential Candidate 1984) was much younger than him.”I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s youth and inexperience,” It is good to note that in that particular election Mr. Reagan won 49 out of 50 states….so much for being young and promising!

  9. eve says:

    @ Joe Galea.

    U mela, we’re really envious ta. We’d kill for a leader who could measure up to him. Imma pacenzja, you can’t have everything in life, can you?

  10. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    Good one, AC – Reagan may have been heavy on the hair-dye, but he was sharp.

  11. Meerkat :) says:

    I think that Mr and Mrs Poodle are rather Chavtastic

  12. M. Bormann says:

    @ Joe Galea’s comment (“Hehe, i bet you’re dead envious of our young promising leader. Gonzi already looks like a piece of antique furniture in comparison.”)

    I don’t agree with what you said not because you’re praising Joseph Muscat, but because of you giving evidence to your “small island mentality” of following behind “(y)our young promising leader”. Our leader? He’s the leader of MLP not your leader. It’s 2008 – only idiots show allegiance to a party in such an ignorant way.

    Moreover, why would anybody be envious of a party leader? I’d be envious of him if he were a multi-millionaire with two Range Rovers, a Bugatti Veyron and an Aston Martin. Actually, come to think of it, I’m quite happy with my Toyota.

  13. Amanda Mallia. says:

    Joe Galea – All you had to do was end your comment with “ne ne, ne ne ne”, because it sounded just like a school playground taunt.

  14. Albert Farrugia says:

    …seems many are so disappointed that the Nats latest power game failed miserably…

  15. Edward Clemmer says:

    @Albert Farrugia
    “Nats lastest power game…”

    The only “latest power game” has been inside the MLP. Everyone else, including “the Nats” (generic?), has been an observer and an expresser of facts and opinions. None of us were voting MLP delegates. Ordinarily, dialogue helps one to think through a situation, problem, issue, etc. But, public opinion, as far as power goes, does not matter to MLP machine (with all of its ghosts). Although a sizeable minority within the MLP, those who supported GA, voted against the machine. For the power of incumbancy within the MLP machine, it full steam ahead for survival and reincarnation in their “new” public form. First they install Joseph; and the rest of us just can’t wait to see the rest of the team emerge in the machine’s very explicit contrapoint to what it thinks of general public consensus.

  16. tony borg says:

    do you mean intellectual inferiors like this one?

  17. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @Meerkat: for all those who don’t know what chavtastic means, here’s the link to the rather good Wikipedia explanation

    I think so too. Whenever the camera homes in for a close-up of Muscat’s face on Dissett or Bondi+, I expect him to be wearing a small gold hoop in one ear, and am surprised when he’s not.

    [Moderator – The MaltaToday cartoonist drew him as such.]

  18. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    @Albert Farrugia – will you stop it with your conspiracy theories, Mr Dan Brown fan? Do you honestly believe that 140,000+ people of diverse backgrounds who don’t even know each other can be controlled and organised through an MI5-style PN central office to follow orders? No wonder you vote Labour and fall for everything they tell you.

  19. Simon says:

    The MaltaToday cartoon, is a perefct example how the people hailing from outside the cult movement see him.

    PS. “Lil din” is already crying foul, and is worried that somebody might hurt her husband’s feelings (or rather ego?)

    “I can already feel the pain we will have to go through due to Joseph’s new role – the other side will invent all kinds of lies to break him down. And some people may believe them… that is what hurts me most.”

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