Martin Galea says he heard his captors discuss killing him

Turning out in full force to claim credit for the rescue of a man who they now say was never in danger – because we found out immediately that they didn’t actually do anything and even had to use the professional expertise of a diplomat who they suspended from work last May.
Martin Galea, who speaks Arabic, told The Malta Independent that he heard his captors discuss how and when best to kill him. Presumably, he also explained this to the Security Services during his hours-long ‘debriefing’.
Why, then, is the government briefing the press so unsubtly to convey the impression that he was not in danger and that he was held for his own safety?
It’s obviously because their plans to shaft Marisa Farrugia yet again after using her to save the day, taking the credit themselves, blew up in their faces.
So now they must belittle her achievement even though they were quite happy to turn up in full force on the airport apron to ‘welcome’ Martin Galea with all the joy and enthusiasm of lead mourners at a funeral when they thought they could turn this into a major publicity coup for themselves.
What is most disgusting, of course – other than their treatment of the woman they sought to use so blatantly after subjecting her to police scrutiny and suspension from work – is the manner in which they are belittling the suffering of a man held in captivity in a war zone for 11 days, listening to his death being discussed and knowing he might never see home and family again.
There are no words fit to describe this behaviour. This situation, and the manner in which it has evolved, has revealed an unscrupulousness hitherto unprecedented or perhaps merely unseen.
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and the government would have us believe he was “captured” to save him from other militias!
After reading some of the comments on Times of Malta’s board:
If Times of Malta hadn’t broken the story of Martin Galea’s abduction, would he have been released?
We are supposed to believe that it was thanks to Mannie Galea’s phone call to a militiaman that Martin Galea was released.
That phone call was made at midnight on 26th July, a full 10 days after Martin Galea had been abducted and one day after the news broke.
Was Muscat hoping no one would notice his government wasn’t doing anything to secure Martin Galea’s release?
The behaviour of the PM and his government is disgusting. This is a new low, even by labour standards.
what Labour standards?
Malta Today ‘reported’ that Martin Galea hadn’t been found sooner because none of his captors spoke English or Maltese.
How amusing.
Was that code-speak for Muscat and Mannie Galea not being fagged about doing anything until the proverbial hit the fan, splashing it all in their faces?
Martin Galea speaks fluent Arabic and at least one of his captors spoke fluent English. Maltese could have sufficed, if not.
What a load of w*nkers we have for a government.
The conduct of both Capt. (Rtrd) Martin Galea and Dr Farrugia is much respected by many.
As for the sewer of politicians and their lackeys, involving themselves with this story, ‘pimps, thieves and scoundrels’ does not make the point adequately.
I look forward to meeting these people in hell for a chat.
Is this the safe place the ambassador’s friend told us about?
Is this the way ambassadors protect their people?
I wish I see some kind of reply to this article from Mannie the Hero!
A former Super One reporter, a septuagenarian family doctor and an overwieght criminal defence lawyer, aided by press clown Kurt Farrugia, at the airport two nights ago, provided us with a clear example of their desperation and of things to come.
This incident should not be put away and forgotten.
Having known and worked with Martin some years back, I can vouch that he is not a man to exaggerate problems.
In fact, he is a man who reduces problems to smaller problems until they are resolvable.
I also know him as a man of integrity.
So if he says he was in danger, I believe him, hands down.
Government spinners telling everybody that he was captured and held a prisoner for his own safety flies in the face of logic and defies intelligence.
Unless it is calculated that the audience is a Potemkin audience, in which case anything goes.
However, the truth will always come out and lying just to belittle the achievement of a supposedly disgraced public official reveals the pettiness of those involved.
Watching the videos on The Malta Independent on line clearly show the qualities of the man as you described them.
It is very evident that he is telling the whole truth. He gives even minute details in a very clear and concise manner. People who lie speak and act differently.
So we should assume that armed with this claim from Mr Galea journalists will ask the PM why he said that Mr Galea was held ‘for his own safety’?
Why was Mr Galea singled out for special treatment by his Libyan ‘friends’?
Why is it that the government felt the need to keep mum and say they knew nothing about Mr Galea’s whereabouts seeing that he was kept ‘for his own safety’? Etc. Etc. Should I hold my breath?
Imma le ta’, Martin Galea bilfors fehem hazin.
Mhux hekk qalilna Joseph, u jekk nemmnu f’Joseph, Joseph jemmen fina.
Muscat’s indicates a psychological deficiency. Such extent of pomposity, arrogance, misuse of public funds, corruption and lies is not normal in a 40-year-old man. “Unfit for purpose” does not even begin to describe him. PN, when are you going to begin to bite instead of just bark?
“Such extent of pomposity, arrogance, misuse of public funds, corruption and lies is not normal in a 40-year-old man.”
Neither is it normal at any other age, say double that.
The one serves to guide the other.
Destruction lies in the wake of both.
This episode is the ultimate proof that the country is bring run by people who will not stop at anything.
They are amoral and dangerous. They use suffering Maltese citizens simply as pawns to further enhance their public image.
The government’s grand PR spin was thrown into disarray when Martin Galea said what he honestly felt he had to say about (non-taghna lkoll) Marisa Farrugia.
That was it. This was not in the script and therefore not in the grand scheme of things.
Immediately, the government went into reverse gear.
Who’s Martin Galea?
The guy who just spent eleven days being looked after by some buddies in Libya.
No more top secret negotiations because of the delicacy and seriousness of the situation. Everything under wraps and enshrouded in mystery. Goodbye to national security.
Abduction? What abduction?
And who is this Marisa Farrugia anyway?
Who on earth asked her to get involved with Martin Galea and his Libyan pals?
U ejja ! That’s nothing compared to what Joseph went through with the pain in his eyes under that tent !
This also shows that Mannie Galea is also in collusion because Malta Today is quoting his friend as saying Martin Galea was ever in danger. But do they think the people are daft?
They don’t think the people are daft.
They are sure about it and have the absolute proof of a 36000 vote landslide victory.
Xi dnub li Xarabank bħalissa wieqaf! Kieku Peppi żgur li kien jgħamlilna programm dwar dan il-ħtif u l-gideb sfaċċat ta’ Muscat & Co, akkost li jitlef il-krittu ma’ dan il-gvern.
Saviour Balzan’s rag is forever trying to feed us another version of the truth, depending on whatever axe its owners (there’s another one, remember) have to grind at any given time.
So the PM minimizes Martin Galea’s abduction but then waxes lyrical on the unbearable sufferings he had to endure when his eyes were hit by a laser beam.
One should read the comments on to see how ruthless some people can be. Martin you are a brave man and as a Maltese citizen I am proud of you!
Oh yes the Labour elves all out in force on message and all together, to discredit Capt Galea and try to show Joseph and the Forty Thieves as heroes.
As far as I know, no news agency has yet published Consul Marisa Farrugia’s side of the story.
It seems that the only people who mentioned her are Martin Galea and Daphne. Martin made a point by mentioning her name. It is a lead the newspapers should follow.
Hope we will read her story in the coming days.
[Daphne – Marisa Farrugia, like all those who work for the foreign service/civil service, is not permitted to speak to the press.]
I am speechless … how can one ever dare belittle somebody else’s suffering because of his ineptitude.
The video is chilling. Joseph Muscat is at the very least guilty of ridiculing a gentleman by claiming that there were no signs of violence or torture. One can only speculate as to why he is doing this, and I hope it does not relate to maintaining good relationships with Libya.
I can’t understand why the government is belittling Martin Galea’s ordeal. Perhaps I’m naive but won’t Muscat “johrog ta’ bravu aktar” in his attempt to take credit for saving Mr Galea the more he depicts the ordeal as having been a serious one instead?
It’s not your fault. Maniacs and liars use a sort of infantile logic that takes a bit go getting used to.
Also known as ‘psychopaths’.
Where the art of deception reigns.
That was the plan until Martin Galea thanked Marisa Farrugia and Joseph & Co risked being shown up for having to ask for her help when they were trying to destroy her. All the iced buns they handed out still left them in need for a true professional and they could not allow that to be known. Remember one has to get to understand abnormal psychology in order to understand what is going on.
As long as it boosts their image in the public eye, who cares about morality and who they trample on? Now they’re in goverment so they presume they can get away with daylight murder.
The Malta Independent has uploaded Martin Galea’s interview on YouTube (3 videos)…
The next film by the new Maltese Epics Productions Associates , will be called ” Our Man in Tripoli” staring Joseph Muscat as himself.
The PN is being loaded with enough ammunition to crack this corrupt Labour government but still remains idle for the summer holidays.
The video-interview released by The Malta Independent leaves you speechless.
Enormous sympathy and admiration for Mr. Galea & family apart (I just want to go and hug the guy), I think that this episode, specifically the vile, brazenly dishonest way that the government have handled it since his safe return is the thing that has gotten to me the most, of all of the disgraceful things Muscat’s gang have pulled since taking office. It is repulsive.
And for what? Why? Simply to continue undermining and belittling one person whose face didn’t fit in their view – Marisa Farrugia, an absolute heroine.
Just watch the Coconut scramble to save more blushes for his master.
Has Manuel Mallia been turned 360 degrees at the waist or is he really so grotesquely deformed?
Excellent coverage by The Malta Independent. Well done.
I saw many people snapping up The Malta Independent this morning. Times of Malta pathetically carried the government’s official version of the story only.
Just looking at the expression of anguish on his wife’s face makes the prime minister’s behaviour even more despicable! Imagine not letting him meet her immediately he got off that plane!
Fis-skiet, fil-hemda, fis-satra, fis-silenzju, li ma mmorrux ahna il Maltin li ghandna fama li nghajtu, inkunu kagun li joqtlu lill Galea. U fis skiet u l-gabra tigi in-nanna inkiss inkiss u lill Joseph tghatih bewsa ta kif imiss. Miskin zeppi taghha kemm jghidulu xorti, mela dak li zammew il-Libja fejn tirrenja il-paci u l-kalma liema bhalha.
“Maltese oil worker Martin Galea has said that two of the people who kept him in captivity in Libya for 11 days had lived in Malta in 2001.
He even identified one of them as being called Fahmi and said, angrily, that this man had wanted him dead as soon as he was seized. He did not say why.
Another of his captors, called Ashur, was a former captain in Gaddafi’s army.”
For those who are wondering why Mario Cutajar is appearing before the press on behalf of the government, the answer may lay in the link below.
As far as I know no mention of him being the head of the crisis centre was ever made. I stand to be corrected.
So the government says Martin Galea was being kept in a safe place.
Martin Galea says he heard his “keepers” discussing his death.
That makes a lot of sense. Can any person be more safe than buried six feet under?
And another question arises: safe for whom? For Martin or for the Malta Puppet Government?
And who will bet against the government in the not too distant future using this episode against Marisa Farrugia to complete their persecution of her?
Excuses can be found or even invented for the purpose.
Sack the ambassador for planting a false story on Maltatoday
Martin Galea mentions emotionally that there was a Turkish man captivated in one of the places he was held. Is something being done by the authorities to help save the life of this Turkish man? Perhaps at least inform the Turkish authorities which I think our Government ought to do?
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Turkey is aware of the matter.
If Joseph Muscat and his government have to do something, they do it dirty or upside down or in a false way.