Easter Bunny Coconut Report: Opposition Leader summons press to Castille at 1.30pm today to address the nation about yesterday's power cut

Published: April 3, 2010 at 12:42pm
I'll take any number of power-cuts rather than this bunch of sods. L to R Toni 'rubber puppet' Abela, Joseph 'hair gel' Muscat, Joe 'enough said' Debono Grech and Anglu 'I swallowed my elephant' Farrugia.

I'll take any number of power-cuts rather than this bunch of sods. L to R Toni 'rubber puppet' Abela, Joseph 'hair gel' Muscat, Joe 'enough said' Debono Grech and Anglu 'I swallowed my elephant' Farrugia.

Damn right yesterday’s blanket power-cut was a massive inconvenience and twice in as many weeks is ridiculous.

But do we have to extend the farce with this, or is it the only kind of thing that Joseph Muscat knows how to talk about?

Bring on the Easter bunnies, and coat those coconuts in chocolate.

Press Call PL: Il-Mexxej tal-Partit Laburista Joseph Muscat jindirizza konferenza stampa dwar it-tieni qtugh il-bierah.

Media Release
DATA: ILLUM, 3 ta’ April 2010 HIN: 1330 hrs

POST: Quddiem l-Ufficcju tal-Prim Ministru, Kastilja

SUGGETT: Il-Mexxej tal-Partit Laburista Joseph Muscat jindirizza konferenza stampa dwar it-tieni qtugh ta’ dawl fi spazju ta’ ftit jiem li sehh il-bierah.

Ufficcju tal-Komunikazzjoni
Partit Laburista

Tel: 21 249 900 / 622

58 Comments Comment

  1. Ganona says:

    Tajba din. Mela Toni. Joe u Anglu kien imisshom jaghmlu konferenza stampa kuljum fl-80s ghax gurnata bla dawl u ohra bla ilma.
    Vera li jinqata id-dawl darbtejn fi hmistax iddejjaq lil kulhadd, imma li il-Leader isejjah konferenza stampa hija redikola.

    • Marku says:

      U dak iz-zmien id-dawl kien jien qata apposta – biex naghmlu l-ekonimija u nissikkaw ic-cinturin.

      • Not Tonight says:

        U darba kien (kumbinazzjoni) inqata’ d-dawl kif bdew ikantaw il-Mattia Bazaar fl-istadium tal-Gzira ftit qabel ma vvintaw il-ligi ta’ l-indhil barrani. U xi nghidu ghal-glied li kien iqum fit-triq meta l-bowser ta’ l-ilma dejjem kien jigi ghall-istess erba’ familji. Gieli domna iktar minn erbat ijiem bla ilma. Kif tista’ tivvota Labour?

      • tat TWO NEWS says:

        Biex ma nsemmhux anke meta kien ser ikum hemm xi dibattitu jew xandira fuq it-televixion meta jkun sejjer jinghad xi haga li ‘mhux fl-interess tal-poplu’ li jsir jafa.

      • Karm says:

        Dak iz-zmien, id-dawl kien jinqata’ apposta f’certu nhawi, specjalment f’tas-Sliema. Ir-ragunijiet ghal dan huma ovvji – Huma l-istess ragunijiet ghaliex hemm il-mibeda minn certu nies lejn in-nies li huma originarjament min tas-Sliema, jew li ilhom jghixu hemm ghexieren ta’ snin.

  2. Note taker says:

    They all seem to have had their fair share of the elephant. Oops, its 13.23pm now – got to dash to that press conference. It’s going to be very…errm…illuminating.

  3. red-nose says:

    Is it possible that Labour have not got anything else to think about? I suppose their internal turmoil and the uncontrollable contributors to Daphne’s blog should be of great concern to Muscat

  4. john says:

    Joseph wAnka sings ‘Put your head on my shoulder’, whilst Debono Grech feels a right tit.

  5. Dem-ON says:

    Mela dan dejjem jitghannaq mal-IRGIEL?

  6. Gahan says:

    Bil-kontijiet nofs prezz konna nkunu aghar.

  7. Not Tonight says:

    Oh, how he dreams of being INSIDE that building. I hope he realises that once inside it, he will actually have to come up with some solutions.

  8. pippo says:

    Quddiem Kastilja mar jghamel il-press conference? Lanqas irridu il-poter.

    • tat TWO NEWS says:

      U ghax mhux quddiem l-Enemalta il-Marsa. Jaqaw ghax hemm mhemmx tarag fuqiex jitla, biex ir-ritratt jiedhulu min taht halli minghalieh hadd ma jkun jaf li qed jitfartas u allura jibqghu jahsbuh zaghzugh.

  9. Rover says:

    Joseph has a lot of deep cleaning to do before climbing the stairs at Castille. By attracting the Labour old guard it is more than likely that he would have to stick to the street pavement.

  10. Pepe` says:

    This power failure played a nasty trick on Joseph Muscat. He found himself hugging Joe Debono Grech when the lights came on.

  11. John Schembri says:

    Pointing fingers at what happened will get us nowhere. If Joseph is PM tomorrow he will have the same people manning the power stations.
    The synchronizing of generators in power stations is not a job for politicians.

    • ciccio2010 says:

      We all know that Joseph Muscat and his Labour Party, plus Super One, love power, and they would do next to anything to get into power.

      So maybe this is another case of misunderstanding from Labour’s camp when they heard that there were “problems at the power station” last night – maybe they thought there were problems in Castille?

    • MarioP says:

      Apparently, it cannot be entrusted to Enemalta engineers either.

      • A.Attard says:

        Why not?
        Generators are synchronised, and put in and out of line every blessed day of the year.
        Now I have no inside information but it must have been either a fault in a relay or instrument which gave the green light to go ahead erroneously, or else someone messed up big time.

        Synchronisation of generators is a very critical operation, as we saw yesterday. If done incorrectly the protection devices are designed to trip in order to protect the equipment from catastrophic damage, hence either a black of a couple of hours or else no generator for a long time.

        Actually the blackout is the time required to put back all the generators in synchronism again.

  12. Snoopy says:

    I believe that the PL is doing its outmost to stop the new extension to Delimara and now here he comes, triumphantly telling us that once he is in power, we will have wireless electricity to our houses and a power station at every corner.

    • Karl Flores says:

      So we’re back to square one. ‘Wireless light’……., just like the good old days, when we used torches and candles and what not. They did illuminate us, though, didn’t they?

  13. Joseph Micallef says:

    I am impressed by Professor Scicluna who probably stayed up all night to calculate the cost of the blackout. A staggering 20 million euros.

    When I next meet him I’ll ask him what it cost Eve.

  14. A.Rapa says:

    X’imhabba. Look at them, how cute!

  15. Vendetta del Disco says:

    Kollox se jibdew jaghmlu issue politiku, issa tara. Anki jekk tkakki hamiema fuqhom, arahom johorgu jilmentaw en masse bil- ‘plakards’ u l-‘benners’.

  16. TROY says:

    Ara veru laghqi dan Debono Grech – mela meta lahaq Joseph beda jsabbat saqajh ma l-art u issa jighlaq. U halluna ja qabda ipokriti. Veru li mhux sewwa li nqata id-dawl u hadd ma jiehu pjacir pero ejja ma ninsewx li fi zmien il-Labour kien jinqata id-dawl kull gimgha u meta tela il-P.N. haseb biex tinbena power station gdida allavolja il Labour ma rieda b’xejn. Vera ma tisthux.

    • Jo says:

      Troy fakkartni meta wiehed lejburista miz-Zurrieq – ferhan se jtir – beda jiftahar f’tal-linja kemm ha pjacir meta kien wiehed minn dawk li ‘pprotestaw u qalghu bicca mit-triq li tati ghall- power station. Min jaf kemm gerger il-bierah. Tghid haseb ftit illi kieku ghaddiet tieghu dan kien ikun avveniment regolari. Probabli kien ikollok tixtri xi nofs tuzzana cikkulata Dezerta biex tiehu xi pakkett xemgha!

  17. jomar says:

    Someone should tell Joseph that synchronizing one’s lips is much easier than synchronizing generators in power stations.

  18. carlos says:

    They just forgot their own power and water supply cuts which were on rotation of three times a week.

  19. P Shaw says:

    A stage managed ‘spontaneous’ press conference takes place the day after the ‘spontaneous’ blackout on Good Friday. Considering that the Enemalta is controlled by GWU, there are far too many spontaneous events..

  20. Karl Flores says:

    ”If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.”

  21. Cannot Resist Anymore! says:

    Does Anglu Farrugia accompany the Leader to his business dinner appointments with Sandro Chetcuti ? I would say it is beginning to show.

  22. Karl Flores says:

    Or else, ‘‘If you’re not the solution,’ says Peter Madden, ‘you’re part of the problem.’’ ‘’It would be terribly arrogant of me to believe I was the solution to anything.’’
    [1975 M. Bradbury History Man v.]

  23. Cannot Resist Anymore! says:

    tell that to Eve

  24. Rover says:

    Joseph should give Debono Grech a few Benny Hill taps on his head and send him packing. He should have called it a day a long time ago, actually before his screaming fits in parliament.

  25. Tiziana Camilleri says:

    Ara vera m’ghandhomx x’jaghmlu tal-PL….wisq iktar m’ghandhomx x’jaghmlu tal-PN, joqodu jahlu l-energija fuq l-kumenti ta’ Joseph minflok jaraw kif ha jgibu l-energija!

    • jomar says:

      Il-PN ilu jahseb kif igib l-energija. Tkabbir tal-power station ta Delimara li l-Oppozizzjoni qed taghmel min kollox biex tostakola u l-‘inter-connector’ ma Sqallija li tal-Lejber anqas biss jafu joholmu bi progett bhal dan.

      Il-hela ta zmien huwa kagun ta l-oppozizzjoni li ghandha ghira bazwija ghax dak li hemm bzonn qed isir min gvern Nazzjonalista u jekk xi darba il-Lejber jispicca fil-gvern, qajla jsibu x’jaghmlu. U l-injurant bil-fanfarunati biss tista forsi taghmieh.

  26. Lino Cert says:

    What power cease?
    I must have slept right through it.

  27. GiovDeMartino says:

    Taht il-lejber kien hemm TIME-TABLE: Mosta, il-Hamis bla dawl u l-Gimgha bla ilma. Mhux gimgha wahda, imma s-sena kollha. Tiftakruhom il-bowsers jigru ma’ Malta biex jimlewlna t-tankijiet bl-ilma?

  28. Camillo Bento says:

    If this single blackout cost the nation 20m Euros, would the erudite Profs enlighten the nation what was the cost of the water and electricity suspension from 1971 to 1987 and how long it would take the nation to recoup that hofra?

  29. carmel says:

    Ara veru trid tkun bla sens biex taccetta li jkollna blackouts ma Malta kollha fl-2010. Il-Gvern missu ilu li haseb biex ikollna energija sostenibli, mhux issa kollox urgenti u se jfaqqarna bil-kontijiet tad-dawl u ilma. Mela dan il-gvern ma jaghmilx sbalji jew, amettu wahda, ma, kemm inthom biased?

  30. pippo says:

    Lawrence Gonzi u Tonio Fenech jekk iridu issolvu din il-problema tal-qtuh td-dawl, imisshom jaqbdu u jibdew jaqtaw l-irjus gol-power stations, mhux Alla jbierek kollox jibqa sejjer mar-rih u hadd mhu risponsabli ta’ xogholu.

    Jekk ma jittiehdux passi kontra hadd, hekk ser nibqaw sejrin ghax kullhadd jigi jaqa u jqum min xogholu.

    Jekk hemm xi hadd li hu irrisponsabbli gewwa il-power stations, ghandhom jghadduh inkjesta u bih jghatu lezzjoni lil kull min jahdem hemm gew, ghax il pajjiz ma jistax jibqa sejjer hekk.

  31. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Bejn Edward Scicluna u Edward Debono, difficli taghzel min hu l-iktar overrated.

  32. Magrin says:

    Those that are at the forefront of the protest movement make me laugh.

    First they fill the streets protesting about the tariffs of the cost of power – as if the infrastructure to provide this is not substantial – and when the generators fail to work they also want to vent their spleen.

    You can’t have it both ways. You either pay for the best and guarantee continuity of service, or pay cheap tariffs and get power failures.

  33. Camillo Bento says:

    @Carmel. Dan il-Gvern jaghmel HAFNA zbalji, ferm aktar milli tahseb int. Pero ma hemm l-ebda paragun bejn l-ideologija u direzzjoni ta’ dan il-Gvern – nirrepeti bid-difetti kollha li ghandu – u dik tal-partit li thaddan int. Ara l-frott li pproduca Mintoff – u li kollha llum int qieghed maghhom ghax thaddanhom – u malajr tifhem. Sandra Chetcuti huwa l-ahhar ezempju li tista tiehu.

  34. red-nose says:

    Camillo Bento: Ma nahsibx li dan-nies jifmuk. Lanqas l-alfabeta ma jafu.

  35. another john says:

    The caption under this photo of Dr Joseph Muscat & Debono Grech should read:

    “New Labour embracing Old Labour”

    In more ways than one.

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