Hot from Charles Marsh's Facebook wall: Jason Micallef and the internal battles at Super One

Published: April 3, 2010 at 10:54am
Jason goes camping with MEPA officer Omar Cucciardi

Jason goes camping with MEPA officer Omar Cucciardi

Here’s Charles Marsh, who has worked at Super One radio since it started out almost 19 years ago, writing on his Facebook ‘wall’, the day before yesterday at 1932hrs (note the ‘SUR Jason Micallef’ and ‘RGIEL’ in capitals for sarcastic emphasis) about how he fought with Micallef and left Super One:

Wara hafna interventi minn naha ta Ray Azzopardi u Dr Vella Haber irnexxielna nibqghu ghaddejjin sa l-ahhar ta Marzu ghax skond is-SUR Jason Micallef la l-ftehim ma kienx bil-kitba ma jghoddx.

Nistaqsi jekk hemmx xi programm iehor fuq ir-radju li sar ftehim ghalih bil-kitba u mhux bil-fomm hlief ghal prezentatur gdid li qed jithallas bl-eluf ta’ Euros u mhux bis-soldi bhal kumplament.

Biex minghalih jghalaqli halqi s-sur Micallef qal lil ta’ tahtu biex joffruli hin iehor u gejt mistoqsi inhix interessat naghmel programm darbtejn fil-gimgha bejn il-5 u 7 ta’ filghaxija meta dan jaf li bix-xoghol tieghi ma nistghax barra li jien ma rrid naqla l-hadd minn shabi li dejjem imxejna ta RGIEL ma xulxin u dejjem hdimna f’ARMONIJA minghajr indhil zejjed.

Kien ghalhekk li jien iddecidejt li fic-cirkostanzi preżenti ma ghandix triq oħra hlief li wara 19-il sena se jkolli nieqaf minn Super 1, l-istazzjon li ddedikajt hafna minn hajti ghalih, senza interessi u mill-qalb.Tajjeb li tkunu tafu li l-anqas biss kellu d-dicenza li jitkellem maghna fuq dan kollu.

Jiena qatt ma rajt il-buzullotti li qieghdin isiru bhalissa hemm isfel. Qatt ma naf li xi hadd minnha l-preżentaturi ġie trattat ahjar minn haddiehor, dejjem konna kollha l-istess biss issa qed naraw Spots fuq it-tv, Intervisti l’hawn u l-hemm u sahansitra sms minn red touch lill- klijenti kollha biex minn nhar it-Tnejn nibdew nisimghu persuna partikolari kmieni tippreżenta l-breakfast show.

Dan mhux kollox. Saru jingles godda minn flus l-istazzjon biex izejnulu l-programm u hafna xinxilli ohra li ahna l-anqas biss noholmu li jigu offruti fil-programmi taghna. Din hija is-sitwazzjoni hbieb. Nahseb f’dawn ic-cirkostanzi kontu tiehdu d-decizjoni li hadt jien.

Pero’ hbieb kif ghidt dalgħodu l-partit ma ghandux x’jaqsam ma’ dan kollu. Anzi pjuttost il-kontra. U ghalhekk hadd ma ghandu juri r-rabju tieghu lejn il-Partit. Jien laburist kont, ghadni u nibqa sal-mewt.U min forsi ghamilli hekk biex numbra l-Partit nassigurah li umbrajt lilu w mhux lil-Partit li tant nghozz.

22 Comments Comment

  1. Alan says:

    “Pero’ hbieb kif ghidt dalgħodu l-partit ma ghandux x’jaqsam ma’ dan kollu. Anzi pjuttost il-kontra.”


  2. red-nose says:

    Someone said that SUPER ONE has taken over the Labour Party and Jason seems to have toppled Joseph’s “Leadership”

  3. Angie says:

    Who is the new presenter Charles Marsh is talking about? Anyone know?

    [Daphne – His second name is Doughnuts, I believe.]

  4. freefalling says:

    How can these people ever hope to run a country if they are unable to work together? Prosit Jason – fi kliemu, dan mhux Nazzjonalist izda Laburist sal mewt. Mit-tajjeb ghall-ahjar! Ghaxxaqta!

  5. Camillo Bento says:

    @Charles Marsh. Ibqa’ ghozzu ‘ll-partit Sur Marsh. Tahsibx li int kont l-ewwel u l-ahhar injorant biex tigi sfruttat. Kemm hemm bhalek fil-kju jixxenqu biex imqar jaghtu laghqa wahda lill-lider. Viva l-Lejber

  6. Daphne, I think they call him Lawrence min M ‘scala

  7. Anthony says:

    This confirms the accuracy, from an old salt at Super One, of Daphne’s analysis last Thursday. The PL media are most certainly in deep shite as their freelance propaganda consultant Eve Bajada might say.

  8. Angie says:

    OMG so Super One are pouring out thousands to get Gorg tad-doughnuts run the breakfast show for them?

    Jason Micallef has found the golden ticket. Charles Marsh is dead right to walk out. It’s hurtful enough being sidelined after 15 years of service but to be replaced by that cretin tad-doughnuts must be hell.

    Ikkonsla Charles. Jason is sticking to his own kind. It’s human nature. Anyone above IQ 60 must be a threat to him.

  9. sherpa says:

    Could it be Gorg tad-doughnuts the guy who thinks he knows about everything under the sun including acting?

  10. Dem-ON says:

    Is this a “coup” within the government-in-waiting?

  11. pippo says:

    No, it’s DJ Arthur Caruana.

  12. SDS says:

    Jason Micallef is a pompous little git! Every time I see his face I feel like slapping him.

  13. carmen says:

    Tajba din, allura dan il-ġdid se jibda jitħallas u int kont tagħmlu b’xejn? Mela issa agħmillu u agħtih il-kont!

  14. Riya says:

    Jason l-ewwel tellifhom l-elezzjoni issa jirrovinalhom is-Super One ghax tghidx kemm hu bravu!

  15. pippo says:

    Tajba charles……ghamlulek hekk u ma kontx titthallas, mela kieku kont titthallas xkienu jaghmlulek?
    Dak il-qsajjar ta’ Ghawdex imiss issa, allavolja haga wahda mieghu fuq il-palk meta qalilna li is-Super One hu l-istazzjon tas-sena.

  16. red-nose says:

    Lil Charles: Dawn tattici tal PL. Hekk jghamlu; u kif ghandek ma indunajtx li dawn jisservew bin-nies?

  17. Rita Camilleri says:

    Jason Micallef fil-qsari jifhem u xejn aktar.

  18. Brian says:

    @Charles Marsh

    I truly felt sad when I heard your story. You gave nearly 19 years of your life for something you believe in, and without any personal interest or gain.

    I admire people like you and others who give or rather sacrifice part of their life for something they believe in with no personal gain or reward, be it political or otherwise. Yet, you were used as a disposable item, with no recognition of your hard work…they just squeezed the sponge dry and just threw it out with the trash after use (no ill intent here).

    Yet, you astonish me Mr. Marsh, with statements such as this one below,

    ” Pero’ hbieb kif ghidt dalgħodu l-partit ma ghandux x’jaqsam ma’ dan kollu. Anzi pjuttost il-kontra. U ghalhekk hadd ma ghandu juri r-rabju tieghu lejn il-Partit.”

    No, I don’t accept that pathetic statement, I am sorry. Do you mean to tell me that the LP is oblivious to what’s going on in there?

    Oh come on Mr. Marsh I thought you were more intelligent then that. The LP is turning a Nelson’s eye to the turmoil at Super1 and its own internal affairs. The LP has to and must clean its own ‘lair’ from trashy and unsavourable individuals it has accumulated in its ranks. This is the only way forward for the LP to be accepted as a true political party and a respected opposition that holds Malta and its citizens at heart.

    D.C.G. was right after all, in saying that your leader has been hijacked by his own political television station.

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