Clint Scerri’s mother has also been put on the state payroll
June 12, 2015 at 6:18pm
So far we have Clint (position of trust/Lands – Michael Falzon’s private secretariat), his Russian wife (EU executive control officer, Employment & Training Corporation), and his brother Rainer (reserve chauffeur for magistrates and judges, Courts of Justice) all put on the public payroll.
Rainer has also been given a small house in Old Bakery Street, by the Lands Department, near Tufigno Photo Studio and opposite Rubino restaurant.
Now I am informed that his mother Vicky Scerri has also been given a taxpayer-funded job with the state, and that she is at the Office of the Prime Minister. I don’t yet have any more details, but if you do, please send them in.
The Scerri family tal-Lazy Corner (and Moscow), freeloading since 2013: