And so she should be – now she should do something about it
The usual idiots are out in force, justifying Philip Rizzo’s – typical elderly old Maltese fool – sexist and offensive remarks about a female subordinate, and criticising Helena Dalli for her views while saying that she is “jealous”.
Jealous because a waddling old man didn’t tell her that she has “brains, boobs and balls”? I hardly think so.
Maltese men really have no idea. Clueless. Savages minn ta’ wara l-muntanji.
Helena Dalli was one of the best-looking women of her generation. It’s a safe bet that she had to deal with remarks far worse than Philip Rizzo’s on a routine basis, besides come-ons, suggestive chit-chat and pawing attempts. That is what it was like for women back then – really, really bad.
She knows what she is talking about. Most women in public life in Malta do – unless they are like Giovanna Debono and adopt the plain and sexless demeanour of a nun in civvies as armour.