But when you’re not dying, use your Labour Party behemoth machine to grind them down and menace them

Published: December 8, 2016 at 9:11pm

The man who has spent the last several years grinding down the Labour Party’s enemies using the party’s behemoth media machine and all manner of dirty tricks, who has set up a complex structure of ‘Russian dolls’ companies in several offshore jurisdictions so as to defraud the Maltese authorities and corrupt business operators, including the managing director of Malta’s largest newspaper, has now, faced with the savage reality of a brutal prognosis, discovered…Mahatma Gandhi. And he tweets about it.

Even in extremis, these worthless individuals can’t be original.

What we are interested in, Mr Chief of Staff, is not your tweets about conquering your enemies with love after years of trying to butcher and/or silence them, but a proper statement about your condition and what you intend to do about your job.
