Employers alarmed while PM creates problem and plays with bucket of water

Published: August 29, 2014 at 1:59pm


muscat mizzi bucket

Joseph Muscat’s government has put 2,000 people on the public sector payroll since coming to power in March last year, and employers and economists have sounded the alarm.

The prime minister knows about the problem because he created it knowingly, and in any case, he’s busy with a bucket of water and Konrad Mizzi, or jumping in and out of various hotel swimming-pools in Gozo right now.

21 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Where and how did they “sound the alarm”? They whispered in corners, more like.

    Maltese lobby groups who oppose any government policy have become unable to articulate their position. I think I know why. They are still under Joseph Muscat’s personality spell.

  2. A.Attard says:

    Who cares? He has achieved his aim, that of becoming prime minister. Now his aim accomplished, he must reap the benefits, celebrating and gloating his way of getting revenge over those who bullied him at school.

    The class of St Aloysius College 1990 has a lot to answer for.

  3. Arnold Layne says:

    Personality spell: you’re right, but I find it hard to understand. Joseph Muscat is not a charismatic, spell-binding person in the mould of Bill Clinton or Tony Blair. They are both personalities who can be disliked from a distance, but who turn on the charm in a one-on-one situation. They can make anyone feel that they are the centre of the universe for those brief seconds that they are engaged in conversation. Joseph Muscat does not have that. I have seen him at close quarters and he just does not have it. It therefore says more about the audience he is dealing with than about his own effect on people.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      It does. The Maltese have spectacularly bad character character judgement skills. The higher the position, the worse the skill. Lawrence Gonzi was a case in point, but it’s not just him. It explains why Maltese institutions tend to favour incompetents and smug twats.

      Joseph Muscat’s Malta is no different. He sucks up to various Nies Potenti and immediately wins them over, because those Nies Potenti have never been judged themselves.

      Call it Gonzian stupidity reversed. He promoted a bunch of incompetents who sucked up to him. Muscat is promoted by a bunch if incompetents to whom he sucks up.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Personality spell: Joseph Muscat has been waving the amoral magic wand for years now.

      First on a promise.

      Now in practice.

      Nothing whatsoever to do with personality, of which there is none, but with the promise of carte blanche and discriminatory favour.

      Trust the Gattopardi to promote it to an in-your-face political brand.

      The majority erred on the side of temptation: a calculable risk.

      Now define temptation.

  4. just me says:

    The actual number of people employed in the public sector by Muscat’s government is much higher than 2000.

    One must consider the number of emplyees who terminated their employment due to retirement, death etc. These have been replaced and a FURTHER 2000 employed.

    The actual number of people employed in the public sector by this government is probably more in the region of 3,500.

  5. Volley says:

    X’ma jitlax id-dejn !

    • observer says:

      X’ma jitlax il-lejber!

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        X’ma jitlifx il-PN!

        Come Christmas, we’ll have the usual l-Istrina hamallagni-fest, and yet another record will be smashed. The nation will donate 5 million Euros, and everyone will be beaming. Qed tara, Joseph, we put aside our differences, hux veru. Qed tara, Simon, haw il-flus fl-idejn wara kollox.

        Yes sure, undeclared. The black economy.

  6. Kavallier says:

    Everyone is mentioning the 2000 new job with the government, but no one is mentioning the increased cost to the Maltese coffers arising from the many promotions and package upgrades that have been granted.

    • Hmmm says:

      Spot on. In the last year at MEPA the number of useless positions created so as to promote Labourites is impressive. Suffice to say that the Planning Directorate, which has less then 100 employees has a Director, a Deputy Director, 2 assistant Directors and a number of unit and team managers; all promoted in the last year. The situation has become ridiculous with more chiefs then Indians.

  7. Someone says:

    Where was the PM s ice bucket challenge filmed? Looks very green for Malta unless it somewhere they can afford watering the lawn three times a day.

  8. nistaqsi says:


    This editorial is disgraceful. It claims to give credit where it is due and yet it fails to mention that the Dock 1 project was a project which was mostly carried out by a PN government, using EU funds also obtained by the PN. PL simply finished off the project.

    Also the editorial claims it to be a project 20 years in the making (wrong) and that the project is now complete (wrong), thanks to Joe Mizzi (wrong again).

    The Dock 1 project is one of a long list of projects carried out by the PN for the Cottonera area, like for example Vittoriosa waterfront. People in the south have enjoyed the benefits of this and other projects for many years now.

    There are still more projects to be carried out, mainly the Knights building and the British buildings. Regeneration of Cottonera is works in progress.

    The only credit that Joe Mizzi deserves is his ability to take credit for project/s carried out by the previous PN government.

  9. Francis Said says:

    Joseph Muscat prior to the elections had announced proudly that he would be the youngest PM.

    What he failed to mention was that he was a puppeteer, an incompetent due to lack of experience and surrounding himself with yes men and women, without a sound economic policy and having the ability to promise Heaven on earth and not deliver.

    Ex President Ronald Reagan was a mediocre film star, but he had one great characteristic: he surrounded himself with quality counsellors, discussed, listened and took decisions.

    Being a great politician requires a good degree of intelligence, but also requires one very important trait: accept advice from a wide range of experts and be wise and humble enough to accept constructive criticism. Unfortunately this PM does NOT have those qualities.

    Also, a true politician must realise that his main responsibility is to serve his country, without bias. Again the PM is found lacking in this respect too.

    Malta deserves better than this.

  10. Albert says:

    How do you think the unemployment figure went down!

  11. M says:

    Now that we know that he has a bucket we should get him a spade for Christmas. Unfortunately there seems to be no limit as to how deep a hole he can dig us all into.

    Perhaps we should print him a copy of Dr. Mark-Anthony Falzon’s article in today’s TOM and frame it for him as well. But, unlike many, some do realize that he did indeed have a road map, just not one to improve Malta’s standing or the lives of its people. You see, with labour, one can never believe what they say. One wonders what the switchers who did not get an iced bun are thinking, but then if they had the ability to think, we would not be in this situation would we? But wait, some of them might feel they made the right choice as they drool over the promised €25.

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