Do I hear the gnashing of teeth?

Published: March 17, 2008 at 5:21pm

L-iljun tal-bidla gave an interview to The Sunday Times. He tried to explain why he was dumped and left to hold the fort alone at the counting-hall, and in doing so revealed cracks in Labour’s armour. ‘Somebody was needed at the headquarters,’ he said, referring to Jason Micallef and Charles Mangion as ‘they’. ‘Yesterday they issued a statement saying they were with Alfred Sant after they left the counting-hall, and I assume this is true. I kept in touch with Dr Sant. I am not the leader and I couldn’t take decisions on my own.’

Presumably, Sant didn’t tell him, ‘Oh by the way, Jason and Charles are here in my office. They send their best regards. Would you like to say hi?’

‘I have no regrets for having stayed on at the counting-hall until Tuesday,’ Michael Falzon went on. ‘I don’t want to pass judgement on anybody – but it goes without saying that all support at moments like those is more than welcome.’

The interviewer, Herman Grech, asked him whether he thinks he will be tripped up when making a bid for the leadership, given that he is not part of Sant’s kitchen cabinet. ‘Nobody has the right to play dirty or to try to disrupt a fair contest,’ he replied. ‘I would be the first to declare outright that I’d be ashamed of being in a political party where the leadership election ends of fomenting even more discord and division. Jason, or anyone else for that matter, has the right to back a candidate – but no right to play dirty or to use the party’s machinery to work against somebody.’

It looks like we’re not the only ones who think that Jason’s a prat.

More from the Jason Micallef Fan Association

National Best Glare Competition

“The MLP’s answer to the PN’s tactic of pushing forward a Sant-Gonzi confrontation was to present the MLP as a team and not as a one-man show. The problem was that whenever the MLP team appeared together on television screens they rarely smiled, as if they were endeavouring to win the National Best Glare competition. The exception was the party’s general secretary, who tended to preen and grin, and to say things that cemented a perception of total inanity.”

Joseph Pirotta, ‘Defeat snatched from victory’s jaws’, The Sunday Times, 16 March

2 Comments Comment

  1. D. Muscat says:

    Labour is like Malta’s soccer team supporters. We maltese have become so accustomed to see our soccer team being defeated so miserably that when we lose with a “zbrixx” of 1-0 we go in the streets rejoicing.

  2. Carmel Scicluna says:

    Wara li prodott Sant ma ghamel xejn ma’ prodott Gonzi, l-iljuni tal-bidla qed jhezzu snienhom u jillimaw in-nejbiet taghhom qabel jispiccaw fl-arena tal-MLP biex jitkesksu u jitqatlu bejniethom sakemm jizbranaw lil xulxin … imbaghad jintghazel bil-kalma l-Iljun Ghall-Bidu Gdid fl-MLP. Min jaf min se jkun? Tghid Charlie Kuntratti Mangion? Jew Varist Clone-Ta’-Sant Bartolo? Il-Pudil Ginger ta’ Fredu? Anglu Torturi-fid-Depow-Acqua-Passata Farrugia? L-Iljun tal-Bidla nnifsu? George Harbilna-F’Nofs-Kampanja Abela? Marie Louise Qalb-Perzuta-Mal-Fqar Coleiro Preca? Nistennew fuq ix-xwiek u naraw.

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