The Lion of Change is a big fan of

Published: March 8, 2008 at 7:00pm

Baby, he loves us. Click on this link to listen to him defend his santa tal-Madonna fil-but and give vent to his outraged honour even more loudly than George Vella did.

Tarzan of the Apes


He swings through the jungle and has a jolly time with Jane in his L-Iklin swimming-pool, soon with lower bills due to a halved surcharge. Hello Magazine interviews the deputy leader of the Labour Party in his lovely home, where he has provided a sanctuary for animals in need. Click here.

Supermodel for the elderly

He is fast, fit and gorgeous and old ladies love him. Hello Magazine catches up with supermodel Silvio Parnis while he takes a break from handing out plastic roses at the school gates. Click here.

8 Comments Comment

  1. issimpson says:

    i guess he’ll need the santa tal-madonna whether they win or lose the election tomorrow.

  2. S says:

    there is an sms circulating urging all MLP supporters to go out and celebrate at 10.30pm tonight.sms has been traced to results will be out by 10.30pm irresponsible to send people out in the streets celebrating when no results are known yet. this could create havoc.

  3. Corinne Vella says:

    What this all shows is how sorely this place lacks a real sense of humour. The whole lot take themselves a tad too seriously, don’t you think?

  4. anna degiorgio says:

    the sad thing about the chickens that follow dr. alfred sant is that they are capable of breeding and allowed to do so, raising more brainless chicks! from the cradle they learn to sing viva l-lejber and dont know what they are saying. its a sad world.

  5. V says:

    lol @ S!! hilarious!!! are they planning to win this election whether they win it or not? deja vu!!!

  6. Amanda Mallia says:

    And the guy who tried to gain his adoring crowd’s praise by saying something along the lines of “iva, jiena kburi li laburist u li ghandi santa tal-Madonna fil-but”, can’t even get his boss to call Mater Dei hospital by its proper name. Sant constantly refers to it as “l-isptar tal-Qroqq” – Even Gonzi had to correct him during the final debate on PBS. I suppose one would find it very hard to acknowlege such a name if one is agnostic/atheist/whatever – Try explaining that to his adoring, chest-banging crowds!

  7. Gozitan says:

    Just heard that the election time has been extended untill 23.00hrs. Does anyone on the sister island know what is happening?

  8. Amanda Mallia says:

    Is anyone having problems accessing (I’m just curious, since I can’t seem to access it myself.) I wonder what’s up?

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