
Published: March 9, 2008 at 9:30pm


That was a shout of relief. Oh yes, so that’s why Jason the Peacock has disappeared and Chicken Run Sant is probably holed up somewhere knocking it back and sulking.

Let off the fireworks! We’ve seen the back of these rubbish people: out into the dustbin of history with the lot of them. If I never have to hear the phrases bir-rispett kollu, korruzzjoni lampanti and bidu gdid again I’ll be more than grateful.

The moderator is going out with his girlfriend now and I am going to take a hot bath and go out for a drink. Here’s one to all the petty ditherers, the whiners, the whingers, the I-want-a-changers, the I’m-not-going-to-vote-because-of-the-carpark koccuti, the vote-for-coalition-waste-of-spacers: WE DID IT WITHOUT YOU. It’s thanks to us that you’ve escaped the punishment of having Alfred Sant as prime minister for the next five years. I hope the events of today focus your minds and put all your petty thoughts into perspective. How would you be feeling now if you had that Cowardly Custard as prime minister – a man who doesn’t even have the guts to concede defeat when it’s staring him in the face?

Now go and have some fun, everyone. We’ll be back later. And if you meet one of those we-need-a-change people, buy them a beer and forgive them (for they knew not what they were doing).

Big kisses to all XXXXXXXXXXX

240 Comments Comment

  1. lino says:

    Good Lord Daphne, I looooove you.

  2. claud says:

    i can’t believe it….
    michael falzon still didn’t concede that pn won the election….

  3. John Schembri says:

    Michael Falzon does not want to be the messenger of bad tidings.Let us respect our adversaries and enjoy this victory without insulting anyone’s feelings.Shame on the non -voters

  4. genome says:

    Dan hu il-mument! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. CODama says:

    Alla jbierek lin nies kollha ta rieda tajba u anke lil dawl li jriedu bidla:)

  6. Ian Bugeja says:

    Nowwwwwwww does Dr Alfred Sant Have ANY REGRETS??????

  7. daphnecorinnevellaamandamalliaheleneasciak[Moderator] says:

    Hello Victor Laiviera

    Don’t take all of this too badly. There’s lots in it for you too.

    You can continue – and finish – your university degree in peace. And when you graduate you can hang onto your kartanzjan, collect your pension and still work at any job that interests you.

    And you can do that anywhere in the EU which the MLP would rather have kept ALL of us out of, because of your friend Alfred Sant’s obstinacy.

    And that, Victor Laiviera, is thanks to the last government and this one – not to the one you would have liked to see elected today.

    Don’t be too hard on yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. Just thank heavens that some of us don’t always do so.

    Daphne Caruana Galizia Corinne Vella Amanda Mallia Helene Asciak [Moderator]

  8. Sand says:

    PHEEEEEWWW!!!! Optimistic all day long but still heaved a HUGE sigh of relief!! Happy celebrations everyone!!!

  9. me says:

    Daphne, Mod, thank you for letting me post my two pennies worth of reflections. Let’s hope no one gets hurt tonight. Nice way to celebrate a birthday Mod. All the best.

    [Moderator – Thank you, me.]

  10. eyesonly says:

    Thank God for the result!

    I am happy that we all did our part…


  11. Paul Caruana says:

    We love you Daphne! :)

    Let’s hope this is the end of Dr. Evil (and Number 2 and Fat Bastard too)

  12. Matthew Muscat says:

    We Won!

    ole olu ole olu (for M. Falzon) Scrunt scrunt!


    So wy is everyone eround me dead? Oh yes!!! Silly me! I live in Zabbar!

  13. Char says:

    Oh God thank goodness.
    I can go to sleep with my mind at rest.

  14. Peter says:

    Finally a sigh of relief,
    Malta won and thanks to Lawrence gonzi and his loving wife Kate the country goes into another 5 years of stability and consolidation of the achievements that have been done in the past 4 years.
    Thank You Gonzi

  15. armageddon says:

    MLP NO DEAL! thank god!

  16. hawkize says:

    well done daphne….i havent spent as much time in front of a single website as today….keep it up…..when the flame turns blue :)

  17. GBD says:

    OMG.. :)

  18. C Gauci says:

    Yaaaaayyy!!!! At last! Phew… :D

  19. GBD says:

    LOL.. 2205HRS and labour are still counting…

  20. Marguerite says:

    Well done Daphne for all your guts and
    support for our Gonzi and his (and of
    course our) party…. He is a real leader
    and we love him and his wife Kate. He is
    a brick for our country and we put all our
    trust in him, which he has already proved
    to us….. God bless him..

  21. mafjuz says:

    i just hope that our beloved leader now has the balls to chop down on all those things which have been sucking money out of the maltese coffers. what i intend is that now i hope dr.gonzi has the gutz eddie didnt have in closing down that bloodsucker that are the dockyards and clamp down on all those that work irregularly and declare themselves unemployed. In the south we are full of them and our party has always been afraid to tackle them. We, the real people, are fed up of these things. This is the last chance for malta and the pn has to finally put malta on the right track!!

  22. Adrian Cachia says:

    what a relief – please please let us respect everybody – i am sure that’s what Gonzi wants. i look forward to great things for our country.

    Praise the Lord = allelujah

  23. Chris says:

    Actually I really admire MF for the way he’s been acting today. Good sport. Up until now, anyway. Still, he and Joe were both pretty cool cats up until the final result came out.

  24. tonio mallia says:

    Why did the chicken cross the road?

    It didn’t. Its holed up somewhere very dark.

    Why did the chicken cross the road?

    It went for a DNA transplant.

    THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. John Schembri says:

    Keep this site at least up to the downfall of the great placebo politician and his lackeys ! I see Michael (the lion) as a very good option with Zrinzo Azzopardi as General Secretrary , at least they withstood the pressure and did not abandon ship at a very crucial moment. Well done Michael you have our respect, at least you can withstand the pressure of your opponents, when it was most needed. Go get that seat and shape up a new good responsible opposition party for the government . Democracy needs people like you.

  26. Mark V B says:

    I thank you for this entertaining blog! Not that it did much good for my blood pressure and pulse rate!
    My thoughts right now are with Lawrence Gonzi, my gratitude for his leadership, example and positive campaign. May “flimkien kollox possibbli” materialise.
    Also a thought for Alfred Sant who mustered all those thousands of votes but could not muster the other thousands who preferred to stay away and not vote. I am sure that he also managed to encourage a few thousand to vote Gonzi PN.
    So really everyone won!
    Pop goes the bubbly !!!

  27. Joseph Abela says:

    And next is Eurovision!!!!!!!! Vooooooooodka! xxx

  28. Vanni says:

    Many thanks for providing this rallying point, Daphne.

    Enjoy your B’Day mod, and Connie, give Mr. Laiviera a hug (just twisting your tail :P).

    To all the rest, enjoy yourselves, but stay safe.

    C U next elections.


  29. Anna C says:

    Thank you for the entertainment throughout the campaign, it was needed as we all take ourselves far too seriously… I hope you keep this non blog up even when life on the island gets back to normal… We can all have a good nights sleep now!
    We should also thank the people who flew in to vote they made a difference …
    Have a happy future and peace of mind to all,


  30. John says:

    Dying to go out and celebrate, but me and wife must be responsible parents and look after our baby.(Who thank God and all that is good!!!! Does not have to repeat a year.
    Dying to see AS resign. 4 defeats in a row, that must be a record/
    This is a win for Malta, let’s hope we finally get a real opposition now!!!!!
    See you al ltomorrow.

    FEJN Huma L-iljuni tal-Bidla!!!!!!!

  31. Dorrie Galea says:

    Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
    So…the cookie crumbled in our favour.
    God bless you, Daphne!
    God bless us all!

  32. stefan says:

    Jason on ONE TV, they will not concede will wait for all votes, around another 5 hours??

  33. Gozo says:

    Jason Micallef just appeared on One News saying that PN hasn’t won anything yet. But says “Nationalist Party wins 2008 elections, Gonzi gets new mandate”.

    Great coordination at Mile End.

  34. daphnecorinnevellaamandamalliaheleneasciak says:

    And now for the mother of all chicken jokes…

    Why did the chicken cross the road?
    To leave Michael Falzon face the music (and cameras) alone.
    That’s Labour United for you.

  35. Censu says:

    MLP are very bad losers. They do not want to admit defeat. Shame on them!!!!!!!

  36. Shaza says:

    Good Night Too ALL as I am sure we all will have!! Thank you Dahne and everyone who contributed to this site, ……… See ya tomorrow at Castille :-)

  37. la gonzaga says:

    NET showed maltastar article claiming that PN won…now i just went to checck it out…lol… i wonder why its changed… perhaps due to statement made by JAson Micallef…

  38. Pauline says:

    Thanks a million for all the information throughout.. Brilliant

    You truly are a gem.

  39. Jurgen B says:

    Hi Daphne,

    As they say “The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword”, and you have proved it. Congrats and thank you for this web-site. Please keep this site. Cheers.

  40. Rebecca says:

    just got back from savouring the sweet taste of victory on the Sliema/St Julians front, what a party!!!!!! To all those superficial people who thought they could hold a government to ransom by not voting or collecting their voting document, thank your lucky stars that you are not looking onto a sea of red flags with horrible chants of ‘viva l-labour’ all night long. Oh and just in case you’re still all disgruntled, you can always switch to Super One and amuse yourselves with the petty boy, oh I pooed in my pants again, Jason Micallef!!!

  41. CATherine Desira says:

    Flash News Again – According to the latest news; the MLP does not want to concede defeat yet – they want to await the electoral commission’s first count votes to make a declaration.

  42. S says:

    We love you too Daphne! Logging into your web page has been an amazing daily adventure. Well done and thanks for everything :)I’m so proud and thankful to all you guys out there who voted NP!Against all odds we still did it! …even though Jason is saying he does not agree with the NP’s statistics! I’m no mathematician however, numbers are numbers Jason!

  43. CATherine Desira says:

    A very big thank you to you all – DCG – Moderator – helpers and contributors. A truly memorable experience. Hope we’ll meet again.

  44. Rob says:

    LMAO ur hilarious, and it’s funny cause it’s true.

    This country needs more outspoken journalists like you!!


  45. me says:

    livin in Zejtun is not so bad. At least I can sleep in the quiet.
    well done gonz!!

    [Moderator – This ‘me’ is different to the ‘me’ who has been posting calculations (and they are using different email addresses).]

  46. dna blue says:

    Thank God!
    A word of thanks also to Daphne for her sterling work during these last days.
    Please do keep this blog open!

  47. CATherine Desira says:

    I thing AS is still hoping that his ‘fiend’ – remember – ‘the one he said he is ready to make alliance with’ to come to his rescue! Who knows? We’ll wait and see.

  48. Amanda Mallia says:

    Wake up early, Mod – Am dying to see all the comments!

  49. Amanda Mallia says:

    Has anybody noticed that Labour United sent Michael Falzon alone (well, with Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi in tow, to be exact) to face the music on Super One just when the PN victory was announced?

    So much for the united team!

    DNA whotsit and chicken run dude abandoned have been out of sight completely. Meanwhile, the peacock made an appearance (albeit not a “live” once) on One News well after 11pm, after a good 10-hour absence from our TV screens …

  50. Amanda Mallia says:

    Lemon chicken for supper, anybody? :)

  51. Amanda Mallia says:

    Marie B. – Seeing that you’re not going to be needing your champagne, would you please pass it on? (It won’t go down too well with all those chips.) :)

  52. CATherine Desira says:

    By the way – where is our dear Charlon – did anyone see him around or hear from him? I did not have the pleasure to see the look on his face!

  53. Amanda Mallia says:

    Everyone’s been asking where somebody’s gone. I think I’ve found that out:

  54. CATherine Desira says:

    Hope u’re all having a great time out there. I had to stay home because I take care of my elderly parents and cannot go out to celebrate. So I’m now making some analysis.
    1) Dr. Gonzi (& his lovely wife) are great assets for PN.
    2) If there’s a person I would have felt sorry/pity for, if the PN lost – it would have been Dr. Gonzi – because he is a real statesman. Just look at the way – he has conceded everything to his opponents. Do you think if the result was reversed – it would have been the same? I’m convinced.
    Certainly NOT.! What’s your views?

  55. Erica says:

    Finally we can all sleep with our minds rest assured that Mr. Chesiere Cat Grin, Mr. Colgate Smile and Mr. Iljuni-Tal-Bidla ended off the day just how they deserved it. All they needed to win this election was a strong leadership with genuine and well-thought ideas and proposals. Failing that, what could we expect? Hope Mr. Harruba & Co. will one day admit defeat…please don’t repeat the Partnership fiasco!!

  56. Renald says:

    Where are the Lions of Change? waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  57. edward says:

    gloria lil Alla fil-gholi tas-smewwiet, u paci fl-art lill bnedmin ta’ rieda tajba!

  58. JE says:

    Don’t you think that ir-Rih Tal-Bidla should bring about new people with valid ideas now?? It’s now or never! PN’s victory is all down to Dr. Gonzi and no one else. Let’s hope that we see a change now and everything that was promised(a reshuffle, finally!) is delivered. Welll done Dr. Gonzi – it’s thanks to you and your skill that we can sleep tonight knowing that our future and your hard work is not lost. Ooooh I’d just love to see Jason Micallef right now and hear his explanation for the result…..what, another rebha for the iljuni??

  59. CATherine Desira says:

    The PN is very much loved and endorsed Party by the Maltese because it is ontinuously making history:

    1) Independence – G. Borg Olivier
    2) EU membership – E. Fenech Adami
    3) Euro-Zone – L. Gonzi

    The above are the 3 major historic events that shape Malta now and in future.

    Keep enjoying yourselves – you deserve it.

  60. Simon says:

    This has been an emotional roller coaster – phewwwwwwwwwwwww.

    MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. – huge hug to my wife

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx – kisses to my wife and kids

    XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx – love you all, enjoyed sharing my emotions, frustrations, fears etc with you

  61. Amanda Mallia says:

    To all the abstainees/AD voters, especially those “disgruntled” ones from Sliema – Remember that me made it despite you!

  62. Simon says:

    News from CNN Malta (ie Maltastar)

    The result at around 2315hrs s still very close to call despite the Nationalist Party manoeuvre to announce victory.


  63. CATherine Desira says:

    DCG et Al – my final comment is that there was no website/blogsite that has come near to your input – your site was by and large the NO. 1. You came out with the news/info at first hand. GREAT JOB & THANK YOU.

  64. Simon says:

    Flash news.

    Numerous pools of foundation were found in the corridors of Naxxar counting hall. A new X-file has been opened and Agent Mulder is expected in Malta soon

  65. Meerkat :) says:


    Thank you so much for articulating every thought we had and more.

    Thank you for the comic relief you provided during one of the most stressful days of our lives.

    I hope that you will continue to write regularly on this site.

    Issa ha mmur norqod mohhi mistrieh!

  66. LM says:

    Thank You Dr. Gonzi, Thanks to all the P.N voters, Thanks to all those that have contributed in this web site (especially DCG). I will quote one of the banners I saw this evening which i really liked “INCEDULKOM…..No Problem…elezzjonijiet kunsill lokali…elezzjonijiet membri fl-ewropa… best TV station… imma li tigvernaw QATT”

  67. Simon says:

    Good one Daphne. I am sure that we are going to read or hear a lot about this blog in the coming weeks especially from the other columnists (maybe from Pamela Hansen, Marie Benoit, Joseanne Cassar, Saviour Balzan) and Super 1 discussion programmes. They will discuss the right for this blog to exist, law etc etc. That will surely be an interesting discussion.

    Similarly two months ago I listened to a discussion on Kalamita (?) (One TV) where the presentor Zammit and his guest Frans Ghirxi (I believe) were discussing “your right to write columns in the papers”. After a long, serious and deep analysis they came to the (surprising) conclusion that since “your columns spread venom” the right (to write) should not exist!! Any surprise?

  68. Simon says:

    Oh, in my previous post, I forgot to mention the most intriguing columnist – Norman Hamilton

  69. Paul Fenech says:

    well I’ve been out celebrating… the fact that the nationalists won is finally sinking in!!

    Guess what, Labour didn’t accept the defeat. Surprise Surpise? I guess all of us were expecting this reaction. I would have been surprised if the Labour party had actually accepted defeat

  70. Simon says:

    I have just finished watching ViciVersa of last Wednesday (March 5), hosted by the You Tube star Charlon Gouder. The poodle was present together with other guests.

    Apart from the melo-dramatic call in from Harry Vassallo where all expressed their disbelief that we are living in “Nazi Germany” (By the way swearing could be heard in the background at the end of the phone call); there were a few famous words which were uttered by the poodle:

    “When history about this era will be written I am sure that historians will conclude that the Labour Party has been Malta’s unique European party”

    “Labour MEPs are more at ease and feel more at home in the European Parliament than the Nationalists MEPs”

    “I can understand that there will be voters (xi votanti) that will not vote for the Labour Party”

  71. Ilona says:

    SO, now, I have just one question for Charlon Gouder – Who won the elections???

    If I was a labourite, which, thank God, I’m not, I would have slapped Jason-naturambjent in the face, for asking me to go out in the streets, make fool of myself and pretend to celebrate at 10am…

    so, now, I, once again, have just one question for Jason – Why are you so stupid?

  72. Vanni says:

    @ mod
    Sorry I meant “Corinne vella” and not connie. You know how it is with missprints…..
    Sincere apologies to Corinne

  73. Peter Vassallo says:

    Merhba lil Maltin u l-Ghawdxin kollha.
    Hbieb, Bongu f’Malta b’rasha mistrieha ghall-5 snin ohra. Irridu lkoll nirringrazzjaw lil Alla tax-xita ta’ grazzji li tefa’ fuq Malta u Ghawdex. Lil dawk li ma vvutawx minhabba xi forma ta’ protesta nghidilhom li hadu cans u laghbu mal-futur ta’ ulied il-Maltin kollha minhabba forsi xi haga li riedu u ma hadux. Lil Laburisti GENWINI: Hemm bzonn li tbiddlu t-tmexxija kollha tal-Partit. Tbiddlu nies bhal Jason Micallef, Manwel Cuschieri, Charlon Gouder & Co, Miriam Dalli & Co. li bi kliemhom u bil-harsa taghhom ma jurux hlief certu hdura lejn kull min jista jkun Nazzjonalist u huma nies li ghamlu hsara kbira lil MLP. Iva, sincerament nemmen li hemm bzonn bidla mill-qiegh. Anke l-MLP ghandu jkun grat lejn il-poplu Malti li vvota biex ma jkunux fil-gvern. Lil uhud mill-kaccaturi ffissati: Minhabba rixa kellkhom il-hila tilghabu mal-futur ta’ wliedkom stess jew dawk li jigu minnkom meta tafu li lanqas biss hawn fuqiex tisparaw. Lil Harry Vassallo: Fl-ahhar jum tal-Kampanja kellek il-hila tohrog bi qlajja tal-arrest meta, skond il-Kummissarju stess, il-pulizija giet ghandek minhabba xi serqa li saret u hadu c-cans biex ikellmuk tirranga s-sitwazzjoni tal-multi. Lil Josie: Hadtha wkoll kontra l-PN u wiehed tajjeb jistaqsi ghaliex? Zgur mhux biex inti u A. Xuereb tirrangaw lil Malta ghax bil-posizzjoni taghkom m’intomx kapaci. Prosit PN ghax irbahna kontra 5 kurrenti: MLP, AD, AN, Kaccaturi u dawk li pprotestaw. Gonzi wera li hu l-bniedem sincier u li ghandu vizjoni SINCIERA ghal futur taghna u ta’ wliedna. PROSIT ONOREVOLI PRIM MINISTRU TAL-GIEH LI QED TAGHMEL LIL MALTA U GHAWDEX BL-EZEMPJU TIEGHEK. Ahna issa nifirhu mieghek ukoll. Dawk in-nazzjonalisti li naqsu li
    jivvutaw ukoll issa jhossuhom rashom mistrieha u zgur li ghandhom xi forma ta’ rimors avolja l-PN rebah.
    Insellmilkom u prosit li MALTIN U L-GHAWDXIN.

  74. joe muscat says:


    A other words are superfluous.

    Thank you Lawerence.

  75. Dutchie says:

    Good result, Congratulations Malta. Was worth having to do without my (Maltese) wife for a couple of days for! She DID vote….. and is celebrating today!

  76. Christian says:

    Thank you all for yesterday’s information and encouragement. You were the best source of information, better than all three tv stations put together. Well done and hope this blog carries on.

    Moderator may I suggest that the time when the visitors’ comments are posted are shown next to the date? Thanks.

  77. John says:

    Official Result MLP Accept defeat 1500 – PN 48.3% ( It should not have been that Close – PN please note – On Paper this should have been no contest.
    Gonzi Manchester United/ Sant Bubaqra primary FC.
    Find out what pissed off 48.8.% of the country and sort it out because I doubt we will have a strong opposition be fore 2018.

    Thank you Malta for once again Common Sense prevails ( only Just!!!!!!! ).A big Thank you also comes from my 4mth old…..

    Daphne Please keep us posted if you have any Indication when the feathered once will concede and resign please let us know, as I want to record it and watch it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

  78. Colin Vassallo says:

    Thanks Daphne and co.

    cu Colin

  79. Daniel says:

    Hey Daphne, I’m a bit older than your own son. 24 that is so I still don’t remember the 80’s as I was only 3 when Eddie won the elections for good.. Having said that I feel so relieved as I still remember the uncertainties of 96-98! Thanks for your great site. Keep it up! I’ll still check your opinion page on the Malta Independent! Thanks for everything!

  80. Daniel Scicluna says:

    Were are the strayed lions of michael falzon….MEOW MEOW

    To all labour supporters…you deserve better than alfred sant.

    enjoy your repeater class on your opposition benches for the next five years

  81. Bendu says:

    This victory has to be dedicated mostly to:
    1. Justyne Caruana who in a racist comment claimed that they were one family and we were outsiders
    2. That ‘mhux hamallu” Labour supporter who at Zurrieq was seen saying “F*** demmhom”
    3, The elite George Vella for glorifying the students and their parents.
    4. Charles Mangion the DNA expert
    5. ‘Journalists’ Charlon Gouder, Claudette Baldacchino, Miriam Dalli, Matthew Carbone for their inspiring questions to Dr Gonzi in the run-up to the election (apologies to that Illum journalist whose name I regret I cannot remember).
    6. Harry Vassallo for all his efforts to try and create confusion

  82. Mario Debono says:

    Oh God Almighty. I slept like a baby. Every two hours I woke up crying in relief. Here I was dreading a red dawn this Monday. But its blue. The birds are singing. The rain yesterday clensed the air . It smells clean and uncorrupted. And not a whiff of korruzzjoni lampanti or pjan ghal bidu gdid in sight. Bliss ! We are rid of the tiresome cliches and mudslinging at last. But with that comes the realisation that at least Alfred Sant has no equal in one thing. No one knows how to mudsling like he does. He is a master at it. He is also a master at letting people down. Where was he during the counting process? He let Michael Falzon go it alone. I feel sorry for the man in a way. He has spunk. His message that it is not he who should concede defeat is a clear warning to Alfred Sant. Amongst the lejburisti, he must be some sort of folk hero by now. I’ll warrant that if a leadership election had to be held, he will win it hands down.I’m not saying he is what MLP needs. But he will win. I predict that after this expensive campaign the MLP will implode both financially and ideologically. Someone in the know told me it has run up unsustainable debts with banks to finance its campaign.How its going to pay them back, the Lord only knows. Its really hard to touch the faithful for cash from the opposition benches . It will also start questioning itself where it hurts. It will have to get rid of Fredu Sant for sure. He has become an awesome liability overnight. We need a good MLP with a leader with vision. The PN needs a counterfoil so that it can continue the process of renovating itself. The only way for this to happen is under the constant stinging of a good MLP. Otherwise, the PN will also implode morally and ideologically. The best people identify themselves as PN precisely because it is coherent and dynamic. It needs to remain that way. A big issue that has had an effect on the PN is the voting pattern. I suspect that the PN has lost ground in its base middle class support. It has taxed us, sent the VATmen and the taxman to minutely examine our butt****, it has hit us where it hurts time and time again. It has let itself be run by civil servants with such huge chips on their shoulders that they assume all businessmen are theives before even starting to talk to them. The huge effort we all made to turn out the vote has shown me that the PN MUST make an act of contrition with those of its own that it has hurt. The party has never had much control of the Governmeet after the Austin Gatt who was superlative as Secretary General. It needs to get its act together. Ministers are not the Party.They cannot dally off and forget the party for 5 years just because they have their own little ministerial empire. The party is supreme and is the fount. Forget that at your peril. There is also a question of arrogance. I for one will be only to happy to publicly denounce arrogance in any minister. Just as i had no problems saying on TVthat whenever I dealt with Gonzi, he never wanted to introduce any fees for services by the patient when it comes to healthcare. I have no problems doing that. Maybe thats why my own party is uncomfortable with me. And for God’s sake, Gonz, lets have some Ministers who can manage. There were some who couldnt even organise a piss-up in a brewery ! And involve us, the private sector, to advise you.Not just the many lawyers that infest Valletta. There are so many competent people of my generation around. Choose them to help you. They will do you proud. Not the same tired old names as chairmen and board members. Out with the Old. Make a clean sweep. Put in new blood and empower it. Lastly, Gonzi needs to heal this country from the rampant hate Alfred and his friends have fomented. He must truly make everyone feel loved, wanted and respected. Half the population voted against the PN. The difference is 1500 votes. We must all make a statement of reconciliation. We must not let our brothers who do not support our party feel disenfranchised for the next five years. If we manage this, herein lies the root of another PN victory five years from now. This is what Gonzi knows how to do best. This is his DNA. He can do it. He WILL do it. A last word for Defni. Didn’t care much for you, girl, in the past. Dont agree with you sometimes. But i have to hand it to you. You kept this blog going and gave us heart when things did not look too good. And you write with heart. So here’s to you, Defni ( I just like spelling it this way, it seems so….jasonish dosent it ?) . I raise up my cup of fresh brewed columbia/java coffee to you. May you always inhabit the ether, and the printed word, and the gastronomic one for that. We need people like you. One day, we will meet and trade barbs, and discuss mundane things like good food and the brand of Gejsin’s foundation, and mybe his tastes in …..oh i had better stop this. In the meantime, look out of your Bidnija (lucky u!) window and savour the fresh air .Hear the birds singing. Its a new dawn. A real Bidu Gdid, not the pink/purple one with the ballerina. Look into your heart and smile. We are safe!.

  83. Damian P. Xuereb says:

    At 10.30pm last night I slept like a baby, calm and relaxed, believing that our country is in a good pair of hands. No not perfect, but stable, reasonable, organised and democratic.

    It’s a bright blue day today and I cannot believe the general feeling of peace and serenity that’s over cast the country. More of it please!

  84. Olivia Spiteri says:

    Thanks to Our Lady and Jesus!!! God Bless Gonzi the ministers and all their families!!
    What a relief!!!

  85. Tonio Mallia says:

    Why did the chicken cross the road ?

    Don’t know, haven’t seen it for a while!

  86. chully says:

    Kullhadd ghall Belt

  87. ole ole ole ole!!!!

    Anyone knows what’s happening today???

  88. alexandra says:

    click to see crowd at St.Julians last night.

  89. Fluku says:

    20 more years !!! Oghoqodu hemm !!!

  90. Adrian Borg says:

    anyone knows what time the PM will take the oath

  91. Answer to Tonio Mallia
    Why did the chicken cross the road?
    ‘Cos it’s looking for more M-U-D!!!!!

  92. Corinne Vella says:


    No problem. I’ve been called worse things : )

    Funny how Victor Laiviera’s nowhere around.
    Oh, of course..didn’t he say he’ll be in Valletta with a red flag today?
    It shouldn’t be too difficult to spot him in the crowd, then.

    Have a good day.

  93. D.M. says:

    i fully agree with Bendu, a deep sense of satisfaction ran down ma spine as i thought of ‘the witch’ claudette, albertown charlon, miriam all-smiles-even-if-burning-inside,mur-xommu justyne.

    nice one tonio mallia, maybe the chicken is sulking in a beauty parlour with peacock jason touching up his fowndejxin:P

    i hope that there’s gonna be a meeting tonight:D does anyone know if there’s gonna be one?

  94. la gonzaga says:

    guess there will be a gathering outside Castille today to supprt the GONZ… meeting tar-rebha most prob will be on Sunday!

  95. Stefanoc says:

    Have been following this site for a while, very entertaining, even though too biased in one direction. I also have mixed feelings about calling half our population chickens; I understand it’s part of the fun and that politics should not be taken too seriously but I also think that calling someone a chicken will not exactly promote unity among the Maltese people.

    Well, it’s nice to have people celebrate when there is a winner but celebrations and partisan politics aside, I think the Nationalist Party has some serious homework to do (same applies for MLP). Since 2003, the Nationalists have lost 2,700 votes while Labour have added (only?) 7,200 votes. I’ve put the question mark myself as I am not sure if 7,200 is too little or quite a lot. It certainly was not enough to tilt the balance, but it would be political madness to try to ridicule or ignore an increase of 7,200 votes.

    Have fun, well done for the PN victory and let’s try to be a bit more civilised to eachother.


  96. Marie says:

    Thank you Daphne.

  97. Pat says:

    A big sigh of relief..

    I voted for;

    Peace of Mind
    Sound thought out proposals

    Maybe now the labour party will realise that Alfred Sant has set his party back 10 to 20 years. If they had elected a competent leader who was capable of constructive criticism and new ideas instead of leaving Sant in his post in 2003, maybe today we would be waking up to a ‘bidu gdid’. What Sant offered was personal mud slinging, repetitive phrases ad nauseum and policies that were outdated, already done by the PN, or simply not wanted by the majority of the Maltese population.

    Common sense has prevailed ..but only just.

    Now let us look forward and reap the benfits of all the hard work that the PN has done in the last few years. We are in the EU, we have the Euro, we have the 800 million euros…let us continue to build a better Malta for everyone…PN and labour and everyone else.

  98. Catherine says:

    why did the chicken cross the road?

    to try to join the winning team hahahahaha

  99. Adrian Borg says:

    Just heard that the PM won’t take the oath until official results have been published. Does this mean that we have to wait for no-VAT Harry to be eliminated (obviously not in the Mafia sense!) from the 10th district? Anyone heard anything on this?

  100. Christian Scerri says:

    Dear Mario Tabone Agree with you 100%. Hope that Gonzi takes the que and utilises the large amount of valid advisors in the various fields.

    As some of you have been saying,I have slept soundly and started to eat again since 3 days.

    Daphne thanks for giving us this opportunity and kept our spirits high throughout the last few days.

  101. Christian Scerri says:

    Adrian Borg – yes that is right – as we have not reached the 50%+1, we have to wait until all the third parties are eliminated from all the districts!

  102. stormy says:

    Thank God for the peace of mind that knowing we will have Gonzi at the helm for another five years brings.
    I am sure that we will see the necessary ‘bidla’ as Gonzi puts together his new cabinet.
    I also pray that the MLP do some serious soul searching and see what is staring them starkly in the face. Get rid of Sant, a dead weight who will confine them to the opposition benches for ever if he stays. They should then re-invent themselves – the way Tony Blair reinvented Labour in the UK. They must change their attitude. They must grow up and stop their insistence on ‘gvern laburista ghall-laburisti,’ their playing to the gallery and to all that is crude and base in their supporters psyche. They should establish a clear vision for Malta built on the gains that Gonzi and the PN has achieved over these past few years. If they do all this, and they have five long years to do it, they will stand a good chance of being the next Government. Failing this they will go down in history as the party which will forever languish on the opposition benches. MLP for your sake, for the sake of Malta, undergo a real ‘bidu gdid’ internally. Good luck.

  103. DNA-Dejjem Nirbhu Ahna says:

    Yes all counts have to be finalised before Gonzi is sworn as PM since PN didnt get absolute majority. But don’t worry. This is what the law says. Yes Harry has to be officially eliminated firsr.

  104. Alfred Caruana says:

    ‘He who laughs last laughs best’

  105. Ally says:

    I can think of only ONE reason to be sorry that this ordeal is over and that the iljuni tal-bidla have suddenly become kittens – THIS BLOG – not only did it provide the much needed information when we needed it but gosh it kept me entertained and splitting my spleen everyday….having to go back to wait for Thursdays and Sundays will take some weaning!!!

  106. Adrian Borg says:

    Anyone knows what time Doktor Sant is to hold his press conference, I don’t want to miss the show.

  107. DeeGee says:

    Yuppppppiiiieeeee…..I’m soooooo happy :) :)

    Felt so nervous seeing all the smiles and happy faces on One TV in the morning and hearing everyone say ‘not looking good’ (due to the poor turnout)…..that it makes this victory all the more sweet.

    Now lets go out and celebrate guys…..and what a beautiful day to do so!!!!

    Wuppppiiiieeee xxxx

  108. C Gauci says:

    It won’t be surprising if he comes up with something stupid like that they won because they increased votes, or that they won because they nearly won! :D

    Anyone knows at what time he’ll do the press conference? I wouldn’t want to miss the show either!

  109. DeeGee says:

    By the way…..what a great site Daph (hope you don’t mind me calling you that but that’s what my friends call me!!).

    Keep it up!

    Rgds to Mandy :)

  110. Adrian Borg says:

    The Times website is reporting that Alfred Sant has resigned.

  111. ann says:

    Times headline 11:23 – Alfred Sant has resigned with immediate effect

  112. Tonio Mallia says:

    Final Chicken Vote from me:

    Why did the Chicken cross the road ?

    To hand in his resignation!!!!!

  113. K Zammit says:

    Interesting programme about interior design on We are one (Yes one thousand votes short at least). Dear DCG, don’t tell me you have a hang over – come on post something please. I am having withdrawals to your lack of postings. Eh, I think I know where you are – At it dar tal hgieg waiting for the press conference to ask the same old question: Now that you have lost, will you resign? And the answer will be: “I don’t answer hypothetical questions” Or “Issa jiltaqa il-kunsill w jiddeciedi imma xorta jien ser inkun qieghed immexxi dan il-partit kbir”

    By the way Labour United? Which division?

    One thing for sure – Hats off to Michael Falzon. He has regained some respect with his attitude and behaviour yesterday. Although not charismatic enough to lead the party – too poor as a public speaker, he has been the best of the bunch.

    Lastly, bring back Lino Spiteri or George Abela. There is noone charismatic enough to lead the Party!!!! The closest that it can come to is Evarist but then again no charisma. And please do us a favour, dont even consider any of the Mangions with all due respect.

  114. GBG says:

    Alfred Sant resigned …about bloody time!!!

  115. DNA-Dejjem Nirbhu Ahna says:

    Official. Alfred Sant resigned when giving a press conference. The only praise Alfred can get how hard he worked for his party in these 5 weeks after being very sick.

  116. AF says:

    issa l-kurzita li jmiss hi din:
    Min minfloku?? heheee

  117. Mgl says:

    And finally at long last Sant has decided to step down. Well better late than never! Hooray!!!! It is now definitely a NEW BEGINNING:)

  118. DaVe says:

    as i said earlier heqq kemm ha iddumu johorgu idoqqu ghal 5min biss tal labour! :P

  119. DaVe says:

    Dont get so exited coz that means The party needs to work much harder now to stay on top.

  120. Marcellinu says:

    Alfred Sant will now vanish into obscurity no doubt. In my opinion he should never have been leading anything. At best he should have been a consultant for the party and like all consultants sometimes ignored. Lino Spiteri would be the excellent choice in my view.

    Now we have to wait for the white smoke coming out of the chimney at the glass house !!

  121. Adrian Borg says:

    No chance of Lino Spiteri or George Abela coming back. Probably Michael Falzon will win the leadership

  122. Matthew Muscat says:

    For some MLP officials, it wasn’t that bad for loosing the elections. Take Michael Falzon for example. With Dr. Sant stepping down, he could be the next PM!

    That is a change! At the moment, a good opposition is very healthy for our country.

  123. C Gauci says:

    I don’t think I’d be minding Michael Falzon stepping in. He showed great maturity during the whole process especially since everyone had abandoned ship and he was left to deal with it alone.

  124. rebha taghna says:

    Min jaf dik ta bil kunjoma franciz li tikteb kull nhar ta hadd kemm qieghda tibki bhall issa. L-idolu taghha, mhux talli ma rebahx imma rresenja wkoll!!! Xi hadd ghandu xi lumi ghaliha? Miskiena…..

  125. Dave UK says:

    Alfred Sant resigning is good news and expected. I think what the MLP (and the country) needs is not a “Santa tal-Madonna”-wielding Michael Falzon but a young, energetic, promising and experienced politician like Joseph Muscat. This would be a breath of fresh air for liberal traditional PN voters who only vote PN for its economic policies and not its archaic religious/cultural values. PN made it through by an armpit hair this time, but signs of people being weary of it are evident.

    At the end of the day, the whole country will be a winner if both government and opposition are worthy. During these five years, PN was allegorically racing against a tortoise, with the eventuality that it took a nap and almost lost the race. What the country needs now is two (maybe more) racing horses.

  126. Albert Farrugia says:

    Before the elections Gonzi had said: If you want me as Prime Minster vote for the PN, if you want Sant as Prime Minister, vote for the MLP, or AD or AN or dont vote at all. Result: 50.7 per cent voted MLP or AD or AN, plus 2.5 per cent reduction in people voting; on the other side, PN 49.3.
    The electorate clearly wants change. But anyway, who cares? This is Malta after all, and all those honking their horns will from tomorrow start complaining about potholes, the environment, the cost of living, taxes. Good thing we might be dancing our irritations away at Spin Valley after all :)

  127. dna blue says:

    Unbelievable!! But what is this that he never learns? “Dr Alfred Sant said that a level playing field was not provided in the campaign, complaining his party received much less airtime compared to the PN.” (
    Come on Dr. Sant, don’t be a spoil sport…be a good looser!!

  128. Matthew Muscat says:

    During his address from the “Dar Centrali,” Dr. Lawrence Gonzi metioned our brothers from the Labour Party.

    The Nationalists strated booing. Pitty and shame.

    But then something i was hoping for happened! Gonzi Stopped the croud saying! “Le! le! … FLIMKIEN Kollox Possibli!”

    What a great man, what a great leader!

    Notice Saliba next to him! He is thinking that he is doing the sign of Victory with his two fingers! He got it wrong. The sign of victory you show it with the back side your palm. He… unknowingly is showing us the sign of peace! Well, isn’t this a wonderful coincidence?

  129. Christian says:

    Dear Albert Farrugia,
    This reasoning is similar to that which Alfred Sant used to deduce a victory in the referendum. Again, are you counting with you sick and people who have passed away? Did you forget Nanna Olga?
    If the people wanted a change they would have voted MLP but it seems this party only appeals to its traditional die hard supporters. There was no shift to the Labour party, just an increase in the number of non-voters.

  130. Albert Farrugia says:

    Well actually this reasoning is the reasoning used by the Prime Minister before the election. Have you forgoten that the PN used to say all the time that votes to AD, to AN and non-voters equals a vote to Sant? Sure enough, 50.7 percent voted, according to the PN, for change. Gonzi has managed to reduce the PN’s 51.7 majority in 2003 to 49.3. Simple mathematics.

  131. AMangion says:

    Dear Albert,

    It’s this sort of reasoning that has led MLP to loose 6 out of the last 7 elections (incl. 1981). Keep on thinking along these lines and PN will remain in power for ever. What is really required is, clever and smart analysis of MLP situation.

  132. Juan says:

    I’m 25 years old, and from all those proposals MLP mentioned NONE of them would affect me! So how can I vote for MLP!

    What we want is to pay less tax from our wages, and pay tax for what we ask for ONLY!

    Thank you Gozi for all

  133. Christian says:

    Gonzi said that if you vote for Ad or An you might be contributing to a Labour victory without really wanting it. The only hope left for Labour is that Harry Vassallo gets elected, which is a very remote possibility.
    This shows that Gonzi was right. The same happened in the MEP elections, only this time Labour did not benefit enough from the smaller parties and from abstentions.

  134. Lulu says:

    Hey Albert, Bravu – now just keep on counting until you wear your fingers out – no hurry, you’ve got time – another five years !!!!!!

  135. Alex says:

    This parade of gloaters does no one proud. When will the Maltese learn that politics is not a sport? Carcades don’t make sense in politics. After all it takes a chicken to know one. Meanwhile the crucial issues have been ignored, by the winner and the loser. The high rate of asthma among our children? Where does that come from I wonder? The construction industry, with one hand in one PN’s pocket, the other in the MLP’s pocket? The dominance of a mass media run by the political parties? The every more worrying direction the EU is taking (note for instance the absolute absence of debate about the revised Lisbon Treaty, a constitution in all but name)? Where is the debate? Where is the mature nation I dream of belonging to?

    [Moderator – What is the point of having healthy lungs if you never get to talk, shout, scream, boo, cheer and sing? It’s easy to become misanthropic when you find yourself at odds with most of your nation – but don’t let that get to you or you’ll end up like Gulliver, so resentful of his own family that he spends the rest of his days in a barn, longing for the company of the Houyhnhnms. Crucial issues might have been ignored, but sitting around moping will not go anywhere towards solving that. As Donahue told Chomsky, ‘We wonder if you ever knew the experience of a hot dog with mustard and a cold beer.’]

  136. Albert Farrugia says:

    In fact, Mr AMangion, I believe that this result is double so painful for the MLP. Had the PN won an absolute majority, it would have been a clear victory for Gonzi. But simple mathematics says it was NOT. The PN lost some 2.4 percentage points and its 5 seat majority has most probably been reduced to one (in which eventuality it would be, interestingly, John Dalli). However, and this is why the result is double so painful for Labour, the MLP has failed yet again to translate unhapinness within the electorate into votes directly for itself to ensure a change of government. Moreover, since Alfred Sant now has decided to abandon ship, the MLP will need to go through an extremely painful transition. I believe that the PN has won TWO terms in this election, not one.

  137. Athina says:

    Hi Daphne, your blog was my lifline this past week as most of my extended family and neighbours are Labour supporters. Last night was the first night I slept soundly these past weeks. Now the hard work begins to bring more prosperity to our much loved island.

  138. Alex says:

    Re. Moderator’s comment: And what’s your point? Is it misanthropy to appeal for maturity? For real debate? And who says I’m moping? Your flippant comment simply drives my point home. Shrugging off the real issues in favour of a temporary “electoral victory” fix is foolish, and crass. The blinkers will stay on I suppose, for another five years.

    [Moderator – The carcades aren’t going to last five years, don’t worry.]

  139. DNA-Dejjem Nirbhu Ahna says:

    Dear Albert Farrugia,

    U wish that John Dalli will do like your ex-lover Dom Mintoff and votes against PN in parlament? You wish!!!!!!!!!!!! It is much more easier that Joe Mizzi finds oil in Malta !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dream on dream on for at least another 5 yrs.

  140. John Schembri says:

    To Albert Farrugia: GonziPN was not in competition with an Alliance of parties, it would have been something different if they had a common program . Can anyone imagine AD and MLP agreeing on Spring hunting for example, BEFORE an election. Non-PN votes would have actually voted Sant to be a prime minister, not with an agreed program but by default (not a vote for Gonzi). Elementary Albert.

  141. Peace says:

    Dear brother Mr Farrugia,

    What happened to the 20,000 vote majority landslide? Surely it wasn’t invented by some Nationalist provocateur!

    I wonder what ‘kind’ words would have been used against the PN supporters if Labour won.

    However, as our same leader stated, we should now work together as brothers and sisters for the common good.

    DNA hazin

  142. Lulu says:

    Albert -your party has failed to “translate unhappiness…into votes directly for itself” because you are built on hate whilst we are built on respect. Compare the two leaders’ words – one is inflammatory and the other reconciliatory. Not all who are unhappy with the PN are comfortable with hating as an alternative… so why should they come over?

    Early this morning I saw your Deputy Falzon in a new light and thought these people have no respect for their own supporters because when they address them they are FALSE – they try to inflame you and, unfortunately, succeed. At 3.00 this morning he looked like a very decent and acceptable human being. Why can’t he project himself to his followers in the same manner? Has he no faith in them or would he not get the required response?

    Before you change all your mud slinging and name calling tactics you are condemned to Limbo.

    How could a decent person actually feel comfortable calling Dr. Gonzi a LIAR?

    If you keep on this path, all your leaders will continue to be LOSERS.


  143. mm says:

    Well done. I think your report was great. And thank god we won. I have always been a Najjionalista and always will be. I just hope Lawrence Gonzi will keep to his promises and change all the ministers who are shady and in disgrace. Even the new ones who have just been elected. I am not a zaghzagh but middle aged and I think we count.

    [Moderator – You do.]

  144. Alex says:

    To Moderator: But the carcade mentality. That’s not going anywhere fast, I guarantee you. You’re either part of the solution or part of the problem. There’s a cliche for you. But it rings true. And when one cannot even see the problem when its staring him in the face, there isn’t much hope is there?

    [Moderator – Do you think that carcades are part of the problem? If so, remember that the carcade is the flipside of the protest. They are both public displays of emotion. So if you think that there’s nothing wrong with protesting injustice, then you must think that there’s nothing wrong with celebrating justice. Now, if your pique is with what people perceive to be justice, then that is a different matter altogether.]

  145. Albert Farrugia says:

    As regards “my party”, i am just a voter who happens to believe in the need for change…as do the majority of the electorate (though, admittedly, this is not a united majority). And this need for change will be most apparent tomorrow at the swearing in of the same faces in cabinet. And in the years to come as, as Alex said, the real issues are buried under Maltese-style festa politics.

    [Moderator – The festa is the flipside of the revolution.]

  146. Adrian says:

    The only way is ….OUT. Hee! hee!hee!

  147. Malcolm Buttigieg says:

    Congratulations to the Nationalist Party, particularly to leader and soon to be reconfirmed premier Dr Gonzi and all the other contributors in this electoral campaign. That includes Daphne and her team responsible for this blog.

    Ultimately, this blog managed to achieve its objective!

    Well done.

  148. Corinne Vella says:

    I see the grouches are out in force again, only now they’re berating people in carcades rather than booing politicians.

    Please remember that politics is about people. Celebration and booing are not the enemies of serious politics. Ideas that don’t connect to people are. That’s the mistake Alfred Sant made. See where that got him.

  149. Corinne Vella says:

    I see that Alfred Sant and the MLP have finally understood their own message about Bzonn ta’ Bidla u Bidu Gdid.

    About ruddy time too.

    [Moderator – And they are ruddy well rudderless.]

  150. Difference says:

    Dear Albert/Victor/brothers and sisters:

    This is the difference between one politician and another:

    Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi in a first reaction to Alfred Sant’s resignation, has thanked the MLP leader for the energy he put into the service of the country.

    Speaking to reporters at PN headquarters, Dr Gonzi said Dr Sant and himself had a relationship of mutual respect, and he regarded Dr Sant as a worthy political adversary. He wished him well.

    (Extract from

    Proud to have a DNA hazin

  151. Marisa Xuereb says:

    Sant gets more votes than Gonzpn!!!! Lawrence Gonzi – 15,598 Votes : Alfred Sant 16,504 Votes

  152. CODama says:

    25years guys it’s a deal, 5year reception class for Dr.sant

    Grazzi Gonzi, Grazzi Malta

  153. Dave UK says:

    Carcades, flag-waving, fireworks … these are just frills which neither damage nor enhance politics. I don’t think anything fruitful will come out of discussing whether they are good or bad. I think that whoever has Malta at heart at the moment should wish for two things in the next 5 years:

    1) that GonziPN take the message which the electorate has given it and make a better performance as the party in goverment this time round

    2) that MLP reforms itself and elects a leader which makes it the worthy opposition any Maltese citizen with a bit of grey matter would like it to be

    Not all is lost for the MLP … they should just bring to the forefront the more decent people (which it has). On the other hand, the PN should keep its word in giving us a cabinet which is a mixture of fresh and competent faces, and keep the tarnished faces (yes that even includes JPO) in the backbench.

    That way, in 5 years time, Malta will be spoilt for choice, not baffled between which of the two evils is the “lesser evil”.

  154. Cheryl says:

    My dream … is to fly … over the rainbow … bye bye

    But we’re still the winners … pacenzja Marisa

  155. Alex says:

    Well, when the buried issues start to get out of hand (the environment SERIOUSLY impinging on our already depleted quality of life, job security increasingly under siege, EU membership (which was inevitable by the way – I voted yes) and all its negative political ramifications, etc etc) let’s hope the flipside to all those carcades will also be in evidence on our streets. Unfortunately by then it will be too late.

    [Moderator – Not unless you do something to make sure it isn’t. And that doesn’t mean working in direct opposition to it. You can always change something from the inside, just like ‘europarl’ is trying to do with the EU.]

  156. Eddy says:

    DNA PN = Dejjem Nirbhu Ahna
    DNA MLP = Dejjem Nitilfu Ahna

    Ta min hu hazin ?

  157. CODama says:

    Marisa Xuereb mhux il-kwantita imma il-kwalita

  158. Oh says:

    Oh my Marisa…

    Are you sure? Mhux xi zball iehor bhal tal-20 elf hux?? erm…. ‘elves’ ridt nghid

    ha ha ha

  159. Nala says:

    Damn!!! Still looking around for JAYSIN!!! Anybody seen JAYSIN??? There again, I’ve been hangin’ around all this time at the wrong places: being an absolute “hamallu” in front of Dar Centrali, carcading in Tower Road Sliema, marching Republic Street Valletta – simply celebrating my DNA!!!

  160. CODama says:

    Marisa Xuereb he didn’t have enough exposure on tv miskin and that has to be the reason why he lost the election miskin hux, now he has enough time to gather mud to throw to people without keeping in consideration that with doing that he is harming people who are relative of the victims…

  161. CODama says:

    D ont
    N eed
    A lfred

  162. Mark Azzopardi says:

    we did it………thanks to all those who contributed to have again our beloved GONZI as PRIME MINISTER…now Malta is safe…and let us all say goodbye to Dr.Sant….where are the lions of change right now?? where is JaSoN?? well done daphne also to you….you had so much courage…you are not a chicken like someone who escaped from the counting hall….:-) yo yo

  163. Joseph Micallef says:

    Let us celebrate with respect!

    The seeds of the next election victory are sown today!

  164. CODama says:

    Nala he is in the nursery but nobody is sure if he is sowing the seed of hate or he is planning to do another year to cover the gap between kndergarden2 and primary

  165. Dave UK says:

    Ejja isa … stop this football-ground jeering.

  166. Anna C says:

    Well said Dav UK… Carcades are a way for ppl to let off steam… it was a very stressful night for all sides… I think Michael Falzon did a very good job… Chalie Mangion and Jaysin mucked up as usual… I’m off to catch up on sleep.. Ppl respect each other…You have to admit Malta under Gonzi is good for PN and MLP supporters alike!

  167. Marisa Xuereb says:

    It just shows the worth of your Leader when compared to Sant, Gonzipn was all about the Gonz and he didnt even get as much votes as Freddie Goner :)

  168. CODama says:

    please guys and gals leave Jaysin alone he has been working more the 40 hrs a week and being paid a flat rate for all the extra hours…cultivation was a better career choice Jaysin,

  169. Alex says:

    When do you think I was born? Yesterday?

    The European Parliament voted en masse in favour of the Lisbon Treaty and ignored all the promises made to have referendums in the individual countries. Is that the kind of change you are proposing from the inside? With change like that who needs the status quo!

    And Gonzi’s empty promises in the heat of his campaigning … hmmm, I’d like to see what will become of those.

    But anyway, MLP can reform all it likes. Most people posting here will still find an excuse to vote PN in five year’s time. It will be same old story all over again. You cannot trust MLP. The same old faces. Negative campaigning. Besides, it’s probably anathema to vote MLP for most of you, as it is to vote PN for others. That’s the way the system works, and nothing is going to change it from within.

    How many of you really want change anyway? You’re hardly consistent either. One day Michael Falzon is lampooned (for valid reasons by the way. he made a fool of himself with that football chant), and the next you’re saying he’d be an excellent and viable leader after Sant.

  170. Aidan Zammit Lupi says:

    Why did the chicken cross the road?

    Hopefully to disappear into obscurity….

    The resignation of Alfred Sant is really the best news of the moment. He and his companions from the Mintoff days have done so much damage to the country and to their own party.

    “Thanks for nothing” and “good riddance” is all I can say to them. Malta desperately needs a Labour party with no ties to the dark days, with a positive and constructive attitude.

    In the 80s I had to leave Malta because of their fascist policies. I would not want my children (or indeed anyone else) to live through similar times.

  171. Amanda Mallia says:

    Victor Laiviera – How disappointing! I walked all the way from Pieta’ to Castille Place with Corinne and my 5 & 7-year-old girls JUST to see you, as you suggested to some of us a few days ago. WHERE WERE YOU? We then went all the way back to “stamperija”, but still no sign of you. Have you retired to your grotto?

  172. robert says:

    Prosit lil Pn tar-rebha li ghamel. Prosit lil Michael Falzon li wera maturita’ kif mexxa l-affarijiet ghalkemm kien wahdu. Prosit lil Malta li temmen fid-demokrazija. F’din elezzjoni kien hemm hafna messaggi ghal hafna nies.

    1. Lil maggoranza ma trid lil Dr.Sant li jmexxi lil Malta. Donnu dan il-messagg wasal diga ghaliex irrezenja.
    2. Li Pn hemm bzonn ikun aktar umli u dawk ta’ madwar Gonzi jemmnu li qeghdin hemm biex iservu u mhux biex jisservu.
    3. Il-Kaccatturi jridu jifhmu li ma jistghux ikomplu jahsbuha kif qed jahsbuha.
    4. AD hemm bzonn tkun oggettiva u mhux nipprova tisraq l-voti imma trid tikkonvinci
    5. AN li Malta ma TRIDX TKUN RAZZISTA
    6. Il-poplu jrid aktar politici serji u maturi.

  173. CODama says:

    Marisa Xuereb he is worth three electoral defeats
    and he still belives he has won the EU referendum

  174. Corinne Vella says:

    You’re clearly disappointed about this election, but it sounds like you’ve dropped by to grind a few axes rather than to make any suggestions anyone here could take up.

    People don’t need excuses to vote for a party. They need reasons. Whether they are positive or negative reasons is another matter.

    Working from within is possible. Plenty of people do that all the time. That is why positive campaigning is possible for some but, till now, not for all.

    I still hold out hope that the MLP will reform and that the entire political system will grow up. Meanwhile, we can laugh at the ridiculous. That is not inconsistency. It’s a healthy way of living in an imperfect situation.

  175. Lulu says:

    Marisa, Sant’s 16,504 still got him to resign, Gonzi’s 15,598 put him in the driver’s seat again.

    Sneer at that and start scratching your head to find the next leader you’ll be adoring !!!!

  176. Peter M says:

    1. I still can’t believe that afterall there are still so many “cwiec” out there by giving the PN just a scrape through.
    2. As long as those who lived through the 70’s and 80’s, AND THINK ABOUT THOSE DAYS, it will be extremely difficult for them to vote Labour. No matter what. We will only vote Labour if we are in a hateful mood with the whole wide world.

  177. Tony Formosa says:

    Those Nationalists who opted not to vote should feel so ashamed of themselves as Malta celebrates yet another PN electoral victory.
    We are honoured to have a strong pair of hands to steer Malta to even a better future.144550 think the same. GonziPN for ever.

  178. Stanley J A Clews says:

    Having lived through the 70s and 80s as personnel manager of Malta Drydocks and the tortures of MLP governments I cannot sleep without worries after yesterday’s marathon of worry. Gonzi has made it again with that charming wife by his side. At the age of 85 I hope to make it for the next 6 years – at least = under his leadership.
    bye, bye Freddie!

  179. Twanny says:

    Whew! That was a close one! Malta still stands as a democratic country, and our nation has given the MLP an opportunity to reform themselves – to distance themselves from a shameful past of political violence and terrorism – and perhaps to be a viable alternative the next time around. It is what Malta needs – at least two political parties whose sole priority is to serve the nation. We hope that the day will come when Malta can go to the polls in the secure knowledge that regardless of the result, the future well-being of the nation will be in good hands. To get to this point, the MLP need to do some soul searching and reject their past misdeeds.

    One last thing. Should in the future, anyone feel the urge to call others “hamalli”, they should consider the following. Does the definition of “hamalli” include those who vandalised, ransacked , and violated churches stooping so low as to violate the sanctity of the Tabernacle? I say it does!!

    They might keep in mind the old saying “People in glass houses should not throw stones.” Sorry about having to write that. I felt compelled. The devil made me do it.

    One last comment. To Marisa Xuereb. It’s not how many votes, but what percentage of the total votes cast that they represent – in other words 16,504 votes out of how many cast? In any case, it’s a moot point. Alfred Sant has done Malta the greatest service that he could have – he resigned his MLP leadership.

  180. me says:

    How time flies. A few days ago everyone was edgy because of this election.
    MUD was the name of the game. MLP was the hand in the game.
    We were wary how the ‘Jeffery’ mud sling will have on the result.
    Dr. Harry’s ‘frame-up’ was quite a problem to digest, and the explanation came a bit late for everyone to know the details in time.
    Saturday night the MLP carcades were already visible in Qormi and other towns.
    Sunday morning was terror in the streets with MLP supporters already celebrating a victory before even the counting had started. Carcades, petards, loud party songs and what have you were blaring in every town square all over the islands. Word from Naxxar was that there was an absolute winner with a majority ov votes.Many were biting their nails to the flesh awaiting for violence to erupt like in the 70’s an 80’s. Terror struck the hearths of all those who are old enough to remember the 70’s and the 80’s.
    I must confess, I was not immune. I was present in many an awkward situation in those far of days. The feeling is of cold sweat with blood rushing to the head making each hair on the body stand on end. Memories flash past in instants.
    The 70’s Independence march in Valletta, with policeman throwing stones at PN supporters and charging the crown hitting at anyone and everyone in their path for no reason at all….. MLP supporters throwing stones as PN supporters pass under the Blata ‘l-Bajda flyover….. Gas fired during the Independence manifestations at Floriana in the late 70’s….. shooting on the crowd during the PN Rabat meeting…..Tal-Barrani
    Many of the MLP candidates asking for our vote during this election were in positions of power during those event full years.
    The sweat dries, feel dizzy. You say to yourself, “No history cannot repeat itself, not now, we are past all that”. But the names of those candidates keep coming back, they are still here with us, alive and kicking. We even heard what they had to say in many a recent party meeting, it wasn’t nice and reassuring at all. They have even enrolled a couple of young upstarts to their way of thinking, and are using the same body language and phrases.
    Suddenly an MLP official comes on the TV screen saying that it may be over shortly.
    You take a sigh of relief.
    A couple of hours pass and a young upstart flashes his face on the TV saying “No, it is not over, we must check this and that and whatever”. And the horns on the streets start blaring again. Good lord, you think, will history repeat itself, spare us a repetition. We have already been there.
    Then a bouncy MLP official is seen on the TV, he enters the counting hall, walks over to the PN official and hugs him.
    It has been a dark moonless night.
    I look out of the window and see the first sun rays crossing the horizon…..
    God….it is over.

  181. Mark says:

    May I put forward three candidates to replace Dr. Alfred Sant:
    1. Silvio Parnis
    2. Joe Mizzi
    3. Joseph Cuschieri

  182. Stefanoc says:

    Dear me

    I never read anything so ridiculous in my whole life! Seriously, you need to visit a psychologist if you thought that by having labour supporters celebrating, there would be terror in the streets.

    What did you expect them to do after 10 years in opposition. Open their champagne bottles at home and that’s it?

    And please grow up and accept that what you are talking about happened 30 years ago and has very very little whatsoever to do with today’s situation.

    Baah, I think the country as a whole has gone down the drain. People are celebrating because the PN actually decreased their votes and the MLP increased their votes by almost 8000??

    You’d better start analysing why you lost all those votes

  183. Chris says:

    Seeing some of the PN candidates that shall be elected,it is clear that those that did not vote(i.e. those that were PN, did not want the MLP to govern but took the decision not to vote), lost a chance and with them made us loose a chance,of really making a drastic change in the old PN faces .

    These have or shall be elected and Gonzi shall have a smaller choice from where to choose his Ministers. It is clear that most of these do not have the least idea of how our electoral system works – basically send a message to the party or leader that you trust by choosing the right people to represent you. These people, instead of improving the situation have in fact made it worse:

    1. Gonzi has fewer new faces to chose from
    2. a much reduced majority – can be influenced by smaller pressure groups e.g. contractors, bus drivers, dockyard, quarry owners, entertainment establishment etc.
    3. more direct influence by the old faces that have been elected.

    I think that these people need to meditate and analyse these points.

    Mediate Gente, Meditate

  184. Alan Borg says:

    Il partit bl ahjar proposti rebah fl opinjoni tieghi. Imma ma tistax tajdu li Sant ghamel deni biss, bhal ma kien aw min qal! Ghal linqas Sant waqaf lil dawk li kinu jipromovu il vjolenza. Sinjal postiv hafna.
    Nispera li l Labour jibdlu il Kbarat! Ghax bir rispett kollu lejhom ma tantx ghandhom hila (specjalment Jason u Michael)! Nixtieq nara nies bhal Evarist Bartolo, Herrera, Lino Spiteri. Li kollha nies jafu jitkelmu, u fejn il partit nazjonalista ghamel il gid qaluh. Nies bhal dawn jmexxu l pajjiz l quddiem, ax mux gvern tajjeb biss trid imma anke oppozijoni. Thank You

  185. Vanni says:

    Quo vadis MLP?

    Reading Di-VE it seems that AS didn’t do the MLP the last great service before fading to obscurity. Unfortunately he was weak enough to try and pass the blame for the loss (actually losses, seeing that he lost a clutch of elections, referendum and what have you) on lack of airtime (I presume he means media exposure). To quickly lay that particular excuse to rest, MLP have their own TV Station (Station of the Year), print various newspapers, and also have a radio station. I believe all their media enjoy very high ratings. So the tools are and were there.

    I am not going to go into what lost the election. There are far better analysts than this armchair critic around who will be doing that job. However I will be hoping that the MLP find a good leader. A person who can provide the leadership that the party desperately requires. He doesn’t have to be an intellectual, but a requisite would be “the common touch”. Not a “hamallu”, but somebody who can talk to the grass roots today, and to the EU leaders tomorrow.

    What is needed is a new face. The old faces of Labour have been around for far too long. Now is the time for a clean sweep of the old guard. Unfortuantely most of the young Turks do not convince me. A party like the MLP deserves a revamp. Actually Malta deserves it.

    The worth of a good football team is judged by its wins. But if it plays constantly against poor opposition, it stagnates. The same thing holds for the PN. It needs a strong counter balance, and the MLP will be failing its duties if it does not deliver a coherent opposition, one which embraces sound principles, and provides a reasonable alternative to the PN.

  186. Dave UK says:

    Tony Formosa, with all due respect I don’t think you are in a position to pass any judgement on people who refused to vote PN (despite traditionally doing so) this time round. I’m sure they had their own valid reasons not to and I don’t think they feel any better about PN just because it scraped through and won. Thanks to this sign of disgruntlement, the PN now has the next five years well aware that it cannot just sit on its laurels and win by default. I think the result couldn’t have been any better. It has sent the required message to MLP, and it’s already reacting with a resignation from Sant and a search for a new leader, and it has also sent a message to PN which I hope it listens to. If PN won with the usual 13k majority, this would definitely not have made it wake up and smell the coffee. Now that Sant is gone, many will be tempted to try something new and promising (Sant wasn’t new; he was tried, tested and failed). And I’m sure anybody with a bit of a brain would admit to himself that this wasn’t PN’s best 5 years ever. As I said before, by having a worthy government and a worthy opposition, we all stand to benefit.

  187. Chris says:

    Peter M. – most of us have lived through those dark ages, suffered to some extent or other with some still showing the actual scars on their bodies, and in the meantime, high officials of today’s MLP are were already influential officials of the MLP of that time.

    Can you blame us for not trusting them? In the meantime, we have seen Malta being transformed – in the 70 and 80’s the fight was for democracy and the right of speech, now it is on (valid but not on equal terms) the number of cars passing through my street, the number of buildings going up, the arrogance of people in power that they know you for 5 weeks and then forget you for 5 years, the travel tax (remember that the typical traveling of the 80’s was on a Gozo ship to Catania for chocolate and toothpaste – I shudder at the embarrassment just thinking about it), etc.

    I think that given the choice, people would rather live in heaven with arrogant ministers then in hell with arrogant and violent ones!

  188. Alan Borg says:

    Replying Chris:

    What do you comment on Labour fans back in the 80’s that were not forgiven their sins, only because they voted labour??

    Both parties did several mistakes in that area. At least people are starting to recognize that politics should not be done in that way, and one of the promoters of such thinking was dr.Sant (one of the few things he got right actually).

  189. Castaldi says:

    I am terribly displeased about the comment daphne caruana galizia made about dr sant and jason micallef.What has he done to you personally to dare to insult him???.ok pn have won and you have every right to celebrate but do it without hurting no-one or you have lost all the civic manners like the university students.

    Due with all respects

  190. Matthew Aquilina says:

    Chris may I ask you if you are one of those that goes to church on Sunday as a Catholic and yet prefer corruption to roam free?

  191. Marie says:

    dear alan borg

    both parties made mistakes however you just cannot comapare!!! and how can you say that sant changed
    MLP has to apologise for the horrors of the 80s, clean the party from top to bottom so finally for the good of the country Malta will have a viable oppostion

    dear castaldi
    keep your hair on!! “dare to insult him”? are you joking. as a politician he is a public person and we have every right to criticise and comment

    good on you Michael Falzon for being gracious in defeat.

  192. me says:

    Yes you are right, many HAD to visit psychologists, doctors and surgeons to try to mend or live by the traumas they passed through during those days. Some still carry the scars. On some they are visible, and on some they are not. I suggest you visit the national library, the newspaper section, and ask the librarian for those past newspapers. You will get a shocking surprise.
    No celebrations are nice to watch. What worries many of my age, are the celebrations before the results; celebrations on Saturday at 10:00pm , before even the polling booths are closed. Do you know that the 1981 ‘celebrations’ started at noon on election Saturday? Do you know how many people were beaten during those event full hours.
    Do you know how many PN party clubs were burnt down on that day ?
    Are you old enough to remember?
    Yes, these events are thirty of years ago. That is what worries me. These people are the same people who had the power to make or break in those days, but stood on the fence and clapped whilst Malta burnt and Maltese suffered. You can never erase history.
    Yes the MLP increased votes, but lost the race. The silver lining is that maybe the process has been put in motion to purge the MLP of all this.
    I am sure that the PN will not count as theirs the votes of those who didn’t vote last Saturday so as to claim some obscure absolute majority.

  193. Chris says:

    Reply Alan Borg

    Those where the 60’s and it was the catholic church that took that decision. I recommend you to read Prelates and Politicians in Malta by Adrianus Koster to have an objective and clear answer to that. Do not forget that in those days (and technically even today) the church could ban one from receiving holy communion, get married in church or be buried on consecrated ground on grounds of presumed sins. The only difference was that at that time the Church had a deep influence on the population. The PN happened to be the other major party (in those days we had 5 or 6 parties (all larger than AD or AN) and thus benefited from the situation.

    In the 70’s and 80’s it was the workers movement, the peoples’ shield or better known as the MLP that tried to muzzle free speech and movement through violent, illegal and murderous actions!!

    to Matthew Aquilina – Given the choice, I would rather roam free, have freedom of speech and feel free then be oppressed in a corrupt-free society (if ever such a thing exists) – reminds very much of China.

    Would you prefer living in China rather than in Malta?

  194. Castaldi says:

    if sant did nothing he removed most of the violence that mlp dreadfully had in the 70s and I thank him for it.I am very unhappy that some of you talk rubbish about mlp behaviou when pn supporters destroyed Harry s window

  195. Chris says:

    In relation to me’s statement – not only the old guard. Between the 1980-1987 – basically what the Italians would call “l’Anni di Piombo” – there were young people, today enjoying high profiles in the MLP that either did nothing to stop the actions or even worse were accomplices.

  196. Matthew Aquilina says:

    At the moment I prefer living aboard, somewhere where tribal politics doesn’t exist.

  197. me says:

    Looks like the elves are working their way out of the grotto.
    Please let them in. Hope they clean themselves of the mud before the enter your domain.
    It is good to read into their way of thinking.
    The thing they cannot understand is that with all the odds against the PN, the MLP lost the race. That proves beyond resonable doubt that just with hardcore support, the PN can beat the MLP anytime. They cannot stomach that they have been refused again by the electorate.

  198. Gordon says:

    Castaldi – I am sure none of us condone violence of any form but with all due respect – breaking a window pane is not destroying a window…..just as student heckling is not a threat to our democracy!

  199. John Schembri says:

    Dear all , can any of you spot those people who before the election said that they were not going to vote,or vote AD because they don’t like the way Gonzi smiles , and that he seems he’s pulling our legs?That there is too much corruption , and they are fed up of this government (after they had their fill)? Well , now they are coming back with tall tales telling us that after all, at the eleventh hour they did go to vote.I would have preferred them coming to us and tell us ,that they were being selfish , and all they were interested is having more, after having their fill.

  200. David Buttigieg says:

    Matthew Aquilina,

    I am Catholic, go to Church and voted PN. Yesterday I dropped to my knees thanking God for delivering me, my wife and two little boys and all Malta from 5 years under Sant.

    Believe me, I would walk on glass on my tounge rather then see Sant as PM. Once was more than enough.

    As for corruption? Mud definitely (after the amount that was thrown) but did that coward (Sant) have the ‘pair’ to face anybody? NO – that says it all!!

  201. M F says:

    I think Gonzi has done a good job, he had to take hard decisions at his first 4 years as PM, that means guts. Now he gained experience so will see the next 5 years, hope he does good. Also I would like to thank Dr Sant, because of him we have been celebrating quite a lot of elections. Now lets look forward for a decent opposition with new faces and in favour of EU, not like Evarist. Surely I would not want to see Michael Falzon or Charles Mangion. Lino Spiteri or George Abela 1st preference. Thanks for everyone who voted pn!!

  202. James De Giorgio says:

    To Castaldi who has still not learnt anything after the election defeat. Insulting students lost you the elections!

  203. Dave UK says:

    Stop living in the past the whole lot of you … this regurgitation of 60s, 70s and 80s makes me sick … it’s the past, not the future. The way Maltese society has evolved, it can never be the future, whatever party there will be in government. The Maltese will show that party the way out come next election if it dares. Just because the present MLP has remnants of Mintoff’s MLP that does not mean it is violent, or that these people condone violence. When you had a leader like Mintoff, whatever he said was the rule and you dared not object. You can accuse Dr. Sant for a lot of things, and I would agree, but you cannot accuse him for being violent, for inciting violence or for not having purged the violent element from the party. As for MLP supporters honking their horns at 10 on Sunday morning … please give me a break about this being a deja vu of 1981 … it’s just the symptom of party supporters desperate to have their fair share of celebrating. Unfortunately for them, before another 5 years, this is not to be.

  204. Stefanoc says:

    Grow up the lot of you! You’re well on the way of making MLP’s own mistakes of the past. You are still trapped in the 1970s and 80s. Prime Minister Gonzi, for all his defects, has never mentioned anything from this era, so you’re well out of line from the party’s line. And, by the way, I voted for PN last Saturday, so what I am saying is solely aimed at benefiting PN not harming it. I am very sorry, but I do not think many comments on this site are showing PN in a good light. So I tell you again:grow up, times have changed. This is 2008, not 1981.

  205. me says:

    I cannot agree with you, Dave UK. The past is not ‘water under the bridge’. The past is a mirror of the future, especially when the same people could have been wielding power.
    You wrote ‘whatever he said was the rule and you dared not object’. Wrong again, we did object and I repeat, we were stoned, beaten, gassed and shot at.
    I have never accused Dr. Sant of violence, and that is a sure plus for him. But those of my age still await an apology for ruining our youth. He was president of the MLP during those days, and he still ‘has no regrets’. I ask you, do not take my word for it,. Go to the national library and do some research.
    I repeat ‘ruining a large chunk of our lives’ where instead of having fun we were obliged to fight an undemocratic, institutionally corrupt dictatorship hiding under the name of the ‘workers party’. The same workers that were being trampled upon by the party machinery with today’s ‘new’ people managing the controls.
    ‘Celebrating’ was not ‘just a symptom of party supporters desperate to have their fair share’. SMS’s were received urging people to go out and celebrate an ‘MLP victory’. Some of these SMS’s were received by the ‘wrong’ people.
    ‘Fortunately for many’, many of these MLP ‘old guard’ will be out of the scene by the next five years.

  206. Amanda Mallia says:

    Stefanoc – Times may have changed, but many of the MLP’s faces have not: Debono Grech, Freddie Micallef, Karmenu Vella. Anglu Farrugia, Alfred Sant himself …. I think I’ve made my point!

  207. Rebecca says:

    Daphne where are you??? please get over your hangover and celebrations and amuse us some more with your brilliant pen!!

    I have just a few observations to make, apart from the fact that I am disappointed that I didnt get to see The Gonz out on the palace balcony, I am also relieved to know that this morning I did not wake up to a ‘Xemx hamra hanina fuq Malta'(I believe the Lion King’s words still reverberating in my ears, not by choice believe me, since I live so close to Luxol), but I woke up to beautiful blue (please note!!) skies with a sense of security and peace of mind that Malta shall be led by a party that has a clear vision for the next five years.
    Matthew Aquilina may not appreciate the meaning of this since he lives abroad. I have no idea how old you may be Mr Aquilina, but if you were my age and lived through the eighties, you may have some more respect for the way we feel about the crucial element of democracy. And yes we still feel very strongly about this issue since the Labour party have failed to re-invent themselves and throughout this campaign have continued with their slandering, dishonest tactics that in fact prove that little has changed when it comes to political integrity. If these issues are of little importance to you Mr Aquilina, then it means that you are living in the right country where you can afford to take these things for granted. As yet, while the Labour Party in Malta are what they are, I cannot afford this luxury.

  208. Amanda Mallia says:

    John Schembri – The mother of an AD CANDIDATE was having a “kafe jew tnejn” in Sliema today. Rumour has it that she said that her son is only an AD consultant/advisor (to which my comment was that he should have shown Harry how to fill up his 37 o/s VAT forms!) Another AD u-turn? :)

  209. edward says:

    one must always respect his or her opponent, even when on the winning side……but its too tempting to go out and sing SPICCA IL LABOUR SPICCA IL LABOUR HEY HEY!!!

  210. chully says:

    This is truly a Government of opportunity and job creation.Latest vacancy for leader of the opposition.

  211. me says:

    As a continuation to Ms. Amanda’s entry:
    Please, can some journalist interview Dr. Harry Vassallo and see when he is going to pay his taxes due. The country will surely need the money to pay someone’s ‘karta nazjan’ benefits.

  212. Catherine says:

    RE: Matthew Muscat
    ‘Notice Saliba next to him! He is thinking that he is doing the sign of Victory with his two fingers! He got it wrong. The sign of victory you show it with the back side your palm. He… unknowingly is showing us the sign of peace! Well, isn’t this a wonderful coincidence?’
    I personally believe that Joe Saliba was killing two ‘birds’ with one stone, victory and peace. He is quite used to showing us the victory sign now, so it is not something new for him :-)

  213. Stefanoc says:

    Of course you are free to sing Spicca l-labour spicca l-labour hey hey, but having just one seat more in parliament is not exactly being the only party in the land. Grow up

  214. Hubert Paul Farrugia says:

    However Stefanoc, PN never had the problems Sant had in his 96-98 government….

  215. me says:

    Well Stefanoc….just news: Alfred Sant, resigned – Harry Vassallo, resigned – Jossie Muscat, resigned….looks like by the end of the week there will be only one complete party.

  216. Kathryn Z. says:

    What a very nice day l-ahwa. I’ve never felt such a good vibe from all the blue Maltese. The celebrations were scattered all around Malta and I hope this day ends without any major accidents.

    I was displeased to hear that some members of the blue party attacked the lions’ den. I must not forget to mention that the lions themselves attacked the crowd at Sliema by throwing beer bottles. Let’s not ruin the fun by the ghajn b’ghajn, sinna b’sinna reasoning please.

    Well done Dr. Gonzi =) [and all PN members]

  217. Stefanoc says:

    Dear me

    your reply looks exactly like a line from Orwell’s 1984. Reflect on what you just said and again, grow up

  218. eyesonly says:

    @Dave UK,
    Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.

    We made sure we did not forget the past so YOU would not have to repeat it!

  219. me says:

    Dear Stefanoc, I look at facts and reflect. My writings here are proof to that. If I comment on news, well I do have a right don’t I.
    Crawl back to your grotto…..

  220. so what if we want to celebrate! so what if I still remember what they did to us in the 80’s!! I remember when I wasn’t allowed to get into school at the start of my most crucial year.. From 5. I remember tasting tear gas and i remember police running after us. I’m not that old either.. you can work out the maths. I’m Celebrating that PN will take us further and my mind is at rest for the next 5 years. Yes.. PN now need to see why it wasn’t a tkaxkira.. they need to take care of their own more and Lawrence needs to keep a clean cabinet.. no excuses. We’re in for a great 5 years guys.. it’s ours!

  221. Chris says:

    Dave UK & Stefanoc -yes you are right, those lines really look like lines from Orwell’s 1984 – interestingly it was 1980 – 1987 – but contrary to the ELVE Comment Generator -this is not made up BUT VERY real – and it still send shivers down our spine.

    History is very important – people are required to learn it so as to reduce the chances of it happening again.

    And as for people of that time, a lot of the people in MLP today were in a position of either changing the MLP of that time or having the courage (not be a chicken) to speak in public against it or else leave the party (and speak about it). Nothing of this occurred as they were more interested in their own, self centred interests (including power and money). How can we trust these people, please convince me to do so, as I would really like not to be too worried about MLP taking power again!

  222. Amanda Mallia says:

    Why did the chicken cross the road?
    Bir-rispett kollu – It didn’t WANT to cross the road; it was all because of the power of incumbence.

  223. Shady says:

    One hath sown,both shall reap.

  224. Amanda Mallia says:

    DeeGee – Thanks, and “hi” to your siblings, too! (Ara ma’ jihux ghalih, zijuk ;) )

  225. Twanny says:

    It is hard to believe what Stafnoc wrote when he said that he voted PN. For someone who says that he did that, he sure sounds like an apologist for Alfred Sant and the MLP. To quote Shakespeare – “Methinks he doth protest too much.”

    As long as I am on the subject of Alfred Sant; he has shown himself to be a coward who did not have the common decency to face the music and personally concede electoral defeat. He behaved like a mangy dog who had just pooped on the floor and then slunk away with his tail between his legs leaving someone else to clean up the mess. A true personification of the word “chicken” denoting cowardice. Is that how he would have behaved as Prime Minister of Malta in the discussions that he insisted he would reopen with the EU? When he is losing the game, he grabs the ball and goes home. How childish! I wrote some time ago in the Times that Alfred Sant and his bunch have a lot of growing up to do. Leading a country is serious business that is best left to those who can do it, not to those who can only spout off about it.

    At the same time, all PN supporters should consider being generous in victory. You don’t have to gloat. In fact, quiet self-satisfied smiles are more effective than boisterous celebration.

    On the subject of “water under the bridge” I quote from George Santayana – “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” There is a big difference between forgiving and forgetting. In time, when the wounds have healed, people who were victimised by the MLP might learn to forgive; and that is as it should be. But to forget is downright stupid. If you forget how much it hurt when you grabbed something hot, you’re likely to do it again and get hurt again. Until the MLP renounce the political violence and terrorism that they have long been accustomed to, and until they prove it by good civilised behaviour, they are unfit to assume political leadership of our country.

  226. Anna says:

    How can anyone say MLP violence has stopped? Surely slander, defamation and character assassination are a more insiduous form of violence.

  227. Amanda Mallia says:

    Marisa Xuereb – To put your mind at rest, the amount of number 1 votes Gonzi got do not in any way reflect a lack of esteem for him. I can vouch for that – Whilst wishing to give him my number 1 vote because I truly felt he deserved it, I assumed that he would get sufficient votes to be elected, and therefore chose to give it instead to somebody else I think would be an asset to the party.

  228. Amanda Mallia says:

    Rebha taghna – Do you mean Benoit? :)

  229. Amanda Mallia says:

    Alfred Sant – Air-time has nothing to do with it. Even my 5-year-old could suss out the difference between you! And we’re just talking about body language here!

  230. Amanda Mallia says:

    Castaldi – I quote you:
    “I am terribly displeased about the comment daphne caruana galizia made about dr sant and jason micallef.What has he done to you personally to dare to insult him???.ok pn have won and you have every right to celebrate but do it without hurting no-one or you have lost all the civic manners like the university students.

    Due with all respects

    Bir-rispett kollu (:) ) – Go back to elfdom!

  231. Julian Sammut says:

    Why did Malta Today print Michael Falzon’s face with the words ” bad loser ” underneath on the front page top corner this morning ?
    Untrue and unfair , kumment vojt ! ???

  232. me2 says:

    why did the chicken cross the road?
    because it was incumbently stalking the son of daphne

  233. Amanda Mallia says:

    Castaldi – I quote you yet again:

    “… I am very unhappy that some of you talk rubbish about mlp behaviou when pn supporters destroyed Harry s window” (sic)

    If you know who the person/s who “destroyed Harry’s window” are, then I suggest you go to the police with the information. If you don’t, then just take a walk …

  234. Amanda Mallia says:

    me – You said “the past is a mirror of the future” – and the eyes are a mirror of the soul. Need I say more? :)

  235. Amanda Mallia says:

    Stefanoc – You seem to love the phrase “grow up”. Maybe you should apply it to yourself.

  236. Amanda Mallia says:

    Katryn Z – About the lions throwing beer bottles in Sliema … I remember the days when they used to “celebrate” their victory (?) by p*ssing over the sides of their trucks along the (Sliema) front, and I was only a young child at the time.

  237. Noqqu says:

    Finally, AS resigned from the MLP. Hope that Labour will now choose a decent leader who can be a thorn on the Government of the day. The PN Govt now enjoys a slim majority. That’s a plus point for democracy’s sake, because a 12000+ majority in 2003 fanned some arrogance from certain ministers. Hope that now a fresh cabinet checks in. I DID NOT want Alfred Sant in power, but I was not glad either with the performance of certain ministers / authorities under the previous administration. May this election clean the mess up and I am feeling better now that Gonzi will take MEPA by the horns like he did successfully with the country’s finances. MEPA needs a complete restructure and clearance from the present system. MEPA has to remove the red tape with the citizens BUT has also to stop using silk gloves with contractors. Everyone knows that the DCC boards at MEPA are causing a lot of harm and grievances to the Government and the Maltese / Gozitan honest citizens.

  238. Dave UK says:

    me, Chris, eyesonly etc..

    I won’t object if you want to cling to the past. It’s your decision. But don’t get so heated up if others don’t. Lots have moved on. If MLP provides a decent alternative, I will vote for it and not invoke the 80s for scaremongering’s sake.

    me … you said that you and your peers fought for democracy paying a price, and that’s commendable. Some people, like you, fought for that change from outside the MLP. Others, due to their love for the party they were brought up in, fought for that change from within.

    Whether you like it or not, we all need both PN and MLP. The absence of either one of them would turn the other party into a monster which takes its power foregranted. That’s why MLP became a monster in the 80s, because it thought it could toy around with democracy by bending around the constitution. And I don’t want that to happen with the PN by taking its mandate foregranted.

  239. Anna C says:

    Matthew Aquilina… maybe too much of a personal question but here goes… do you live abroad because you had no choice but to move abroad to find work because there was no future for you under a 1970-80 labour regime ?or are you a recent immigrant who has been given a brilliant education and future and has chosen to move abroad and create an exciting future for yourself like many young people have done in the last 5yrs?
    Your tone hints to the latter … maybe i’m wrong… don’t dismiss your roots… you know deep down you want to be out street partying with us in Sliema/ St Julians… do not worry we will have a drink for you instead! And mohhok mistrieh your country is in safe hands

  240. Peter Vassallo says:

    Just click here to watch Charlon Gouder and Friends.

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