More joy from cyberspace

Published: September 6, 2008 at 4:57pm

Here’s the pick of the crop of the latest inanities from The Times comments boards.

Damn those niggers. They’re stealing all our crime and pushing up its price. Here’s one who’s angry because crime in Malta will soon be beyond our means.

G Zammit (5 hours, 1 minute ago)
@ John Azzopardi, you hit the nail on its head when you said lawyers are helping
illegals stay in Malta. I’ll also add with you that this will mean a great business
for lawyers especially in a decade time. Crime in Malta will be beyond our means. It
happened in those developed countries accepting immigration, Malta is going in the
same direction. Anyone who thinks that the above is xenophoebia, please visit Marseille day or
night. The once cultural city being the pride of France where the birth of the
french revolution started, today is no longer considered french soil, but instead it
is called ‘Petite Afrique’. The only filthy rich french, who live in large villas on
the outskirts of Marseille, are lawyers!

And here’s one who’s telegraphic thoughts are expressed in telegraphic style.
J.M. Chapelle (6 minutes ago)
Stop. All of you who think that lying down taking it is a solution, stop. All of you who welcome them as humans, but forget that they are culturally hostile, stop. All of you who try to seem ‘outside’ the problem by posting about how we complain and never get anything done, stop.Now, liberate Malta. Start.

3 Comments Comment

  1. Mark Aloisio says:

    To the Chapelles and the Zammits and the other bloggerz, here’s what civilized behaviour looks like (from today’s edition of La Sicilia):

    Vittoria intitola una piazza ai migranti morti

    VITTORIA (RAGUSA) – “Sono molto addolorato per l’ennesimo sbarco di disperati sulle nostre coste. Nel contempo, sono felice che si sia risolto tutto per il meglio e che non ci siano state vittime, come avvenne invece diversi anni fa con la tragedia consumatasi sulla spiaggia di Baia Dorica, quando morirono diversi amici extracomunitari”. Il sindaco di Vittoria (Rg), Giuseppe Nicosia, commenta così lo sbarco di oggi sulla spiaggia di Cammarana.

    In ricordo dei morti del 2002, il comune ha organizzato il 22 settembre una cerimonia per intitolare la piazzetta antistante la spiaggia di Baia Dorica “II giro di Boa”, dal romanzo di Andrea Camilleri in cui si fa riferimento appunto alla tragedia dei migranti.

    “Non possiamo considerare costoro delinquenti – dice il sindaco – i governi da cui scappano sono delinquenti, le politiche internazionali che sfruttano i loro territori, le guerre e le guerriglie permanenti sono delinquenziali; coloro che speculano su questi drammi, chi li trasporta in condizioni disumane e di estremo pericolo, chi li abbandona al loro destino in mezzo al mare: sono questi i veri delinquenti”.

  2. John Schembri says:

    Is this guy another racist?
    I observed that Gaddafi did not shake hands with Rice , she was sort of embarrassed I think.
    I know of a group of people who treat women and coloured people as lesser beings .

  3. sisi says:

    John – in Islamic culture it is not permissible to make any physical contact between the sexes other than in intimacy of family, and even then only in exceptional cases. You are not even supposed to admire her beauty (the veil) let alone make physical contact.

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