We have to elect them ghax xebghu fl-Oppozizzjoni

Published: September 21, 2008 at 9:30pm

Well, that’s what Muscat just said, amid a lot of meaningless and uninspiring (except to chickens and wives in long satin dresses) hot air. We have to elect them because they’re fed up in Opposition. Not because they’re fit to lead. No. Because they’re getting twitchy outside of the Auberge de Castille.

Now he’s telling us about Labour’s glorious past. That Labour ‘gave’ women the vote way back in the 1940s. Sixty years of Labour Party history and that’s the only thing he can find to boast about. Jahasra.

Now there’s lots of sexless hugging with his mother/sister Michelle (miskina), and Manwel Cuschieri’s brother getting his 15 minutes of fame on stage (min jaf kemm hu proud Manwel). One Joseph claps in time to the hamallagni anthem, while the other Joseph waves, oblivious to his wife, standing there like the third wheel in big satin while Cuschieri stands between her and her husband.

And it’s over. Thank God.

29 Comments Comment

  1. Stacey says:

    … and I thought the Maltese soap operas start in October!

  2. P Shaw says:

    Can somebody, who is coputer savvy, create a Youtube channel for all these performances. We’re in for a blast in the coming years…and he has not stepped his foot in parliamnet yet. this is just a preamble.

    [Daphne – The man is a Monty Python sketch and he doesn’t know it.]

  3. Gerald says:

    Posting videos has become the favourite toy of the blue eyed boys and girls breathless to have a laugh at Labour. Has the comedy channel (which most privileged background kids seem to watch nowadays) gone sour or isn’t it transmitted anymore?

    [Daphne – Gerald, please, you’re the wrong age, size and shape to be part of the MB band.]

  4. Gerald says:


    [Daphne – Marie Benoit.]

  5. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Gerald, my eyes are brown, I’m not a privileged kid, I don’t own a TV, and I’ll have a laugh at anything.

  6. hope says:

    daph, either you don’t know maltese or else you don’t know how to interpret the exact words!!! Though he mentioned that phrase ‘xbajna fl oppozizzjoni’, he didn’t use it in the way you did!

    [Daphne – Really? Does xbajna translate in any way other than ‘fed-up’, both in terms of emotion and of the stomach? Please don’t let me have to go through this explanation again: my Maltese is far better than that of many who speak nothing but. I grew up with Maltese-speaking parents. Like Toni Abela, uou are under the mistaken impression that I don’t speak Maltese because I don’t speak the working-class Maltese with which he is familiar. I trust you’re not the sort who thinks that the English spoken on Eastenders is ‘better’ and ‘more idiomatic’ than that of those who read and write the news for the BBC World Service?]

  7. Luca says:

    Excuse my ignorance, but will someone tell me who this Mary Benoit is? I read something by her, but could not comprehend what she was speaking about. I mean, I got lost. I can’t get who she is in favour or against. Then again, excuse my lack of knowledge.

    [Daphne – That’s because she’s been banned from writing about me – because I work with the same company and it looks bad, not because I give a damn. So what she does is waste time, effort and editorial space making oblique references to me that only I and a few others will understand. That way, she vents her spleen and imagines she’s wreaking vengeance on me for writing against her beloved Alfred Sant, while all the while I’m wondering what it is about me that is a magnet for obsessive stalkers who develop this strange ad-mix of fascination and resentment. Meanwhile, the rest of our newspaper’s readers don’t have a clue what she’s banging on about and think she should be put out to grass. The rest of the time, she writes a newsletter to the ‘girls’ from her class at Sacred Heart, all of them now a year away from 70, talking about things that are of interest only to them, while the rest of us don’t five a flying wotsit, and then she publishes it in her role as features editor. And in the features space that’s left, she tells us how she loves Alfred Sant and how good his policies would have been for Malta, jahasra miskin the victim, even though she doesn’t know what those policies were and so can’t elaborate. In every single magazine she edits, there is the obligatory feature about Chanel and the usual depressing piece about how unfair life is and how fundamentally poor human nature is, or about depression, or suicide, or losing loved ones, or coming to terms with life….something one should have done long ago at 68 or 69. Then she tells us how well the wife Sant walked out on shortly after his daughter was born can cook (the fool, to have taken up with such a loser in the first place) – but who cares? We’ve got to vote for him, not for his ex-wife’s simmered capon. And in the space that’s left, she publishes pictures of herself slumming it with the sort of political rednecks the ‘girls’ would wrinkle their noses at, like Charlon Gouder and Glenn Bedingfield, making it amply clear she thinks of herself as radically chic and a sort of Left Bank type circa 1955. But please, don’t get me started.]

  8. Gerald says:

    Ok you had me for a moment Daph. I’m not part of the MB band if you’re implying that I’m a champagne socialist!
    Baxter, seems you don’t have much better things to do than laugh at Joseph Muscat!

  9. Amanda Mallia says:

    It always struck me how somebody like Marie Benoit, who comes across as being ever so snobbish, could possibly rub shoulders with people she would otherwise classify as ‘not our sort’ if they weren’t Labour politicians or Super One journalists.

  10. H.P. Baxxter says:

    First of all it’s Baxxter, not Baxter. Secondly, laughing at Joseph Muscat IS the best thing to do. Apart from ruffling your feathers.

  11. Luca says:

    OK, I get it now. Thanks a lot, Daph. That’s why I couldn’t comprehend what the heck was she talking about… I had a hunch she must have been some hysterical woman, probably not having anothing to do but to piss off others. I cannot understand why The Independent keeps her… and how The Guardian would publish something of hers. People like her should be banned from the press, for the sake of others I mean. If she wants to speak to her oldie friends, then she should go to coffee mornings with them. ANd perhaps take Sant with her. Yeah, they could go play bingo together. The sort of woman imdejqa mil-hajja I guess.

  12. Gerald says:

    Food for thought – Alfred Sant was right after all


    [Daphne – Pity he was wrong about VAT, the European Union and everything else, though.]

  13. David Buttigieg says:

    I just read Marie Benoit for the first (and last) time in my life! Hilarious!

    She also really has no reason to be snobbish as she is a real wannabe!

  14. Malcolm says:

    At the risk of incurring the virtual wrath of all you meanies out there, I rather think Marie Benoit’s quite lovely.

    I’m also amused at the fact that Luca had no idea who this woman was, but was prepared to dislike her with a passion based on one person’s opinion – however fascinating this person may be. I’m a new reader of this blog but I get the vibe that this kind of thinking isn’t encouraged.

    If you’ve got your heart set on forming an opinion on this woman, read more of her articles, read about her from some other sources, and if she still doesn’t tickle your fancy then – you can come back and tell us all about it.

    [Daphne – I admire your trust and faith in the goodness of human nature, and I know who you are and I remember that she interviewed you recently (I enjoyed your replies) – but it really doesn’t do to take people at face value. Unfortunately, I know rather more about this sad case than what I learn through her articles. The fact that she’s lovely to you does not mean she is lovely. She is anything but. Her description of spite and envy in her last oeuvre refers entirely to herself, except that she projects it onto others. And quite frankly, she’s paid to entertain and inform a general readership, and not to redress what she deems to be an imbalance in favour of the Nationalist Party. L-orizzont and KullHadd didn’t run Charlon Gouder’s wedding photo, but thanks to Marie who doesn’t know her readership, The Malta Independent on Sunday did: the wedding photo of a journalist who works for another media organisation. Unbelievable.]

  15. Antoine Vella says:

    In the case of JPO, Alfred Sant was not credible because he had cried wolf so many times before. Henry Frendo, John Dalli, Joe Fenech, Marin Hili and assorted barunijiet come to mind – I’m sure I could dig out more names if I did some research.

    [Daphne – Charles Polidano of Monte Kristo wine vaults…..]

  16. david s says:

    @ Amanda “not our sort” . The exact terms are NQLU “Not Quite Like Us” or HKLP “Holds Knife Like Pen” (as in table manners)

    [Daphne – As a long-suffering attendee at one-too-many lunches with HKLP guests, I must ask: what’s their problem? Can’t they learn how to use cutlery, or do they imagine that anything goes as long as it gets the food into their mouth? Many of these lunches are proper torture, really embarrassing. And these terrible table manners span the political spectrum and even, I’m afraid to say, the social spectrum.]

  17. Luca says:

    @ Malcolm

    Firstly, I said I had a hunch, and just laid my comment, which does not mean it is a cast-iron fact.

    Secondly, I said her articles were quite eerie, (to my mind of course) as I never could fathom what she was trying to say. But that may be due to the fact that my English lacks the flawlessness of Benoit’s. (By stating I do not know her, I didn’t want you to understand that I don’t read her pieces. In fact I do, since I get the paper she works for. Daphne did understand that, you, apparently, did not.)

    If you have been interviewed by her, and personally liked her, then that’s cool. (For you, of course.) If others do not really like her, then it should be no concern of yours. What I think is no one’s business, right? I just said that to me her pieces were a little unfathomable. I’m glad you do like her. I do not know her, and not wishing to either, so what I think of what she writes and the hunches I get from her writings are just my business, not yours.

  18. hope says:

    @ daphne

    You have to listen to the sentence to interpret it. You cannot take just a phrase and interpret it. Sometimes the meaning vary. This case is just an example.

    Issa either qed tilghabha li ma fhimtx x’qed nghid, jew inkella trid tghawweg diskorsu.

    [Daphne – I was watching and listening, despite being appalled by the crassness. There are no two ways to interpret his words. We are fed-up/tired of being in Opposition means just that: we are fed-up/tired of being in Opposition. Jekk nghidlek li xbajt bil-kummenti stupidi, kif se tehodha? There’s only one way.]

  19. Luca says:

    Can someone explain to me why the Labour Party had to place the flowers beneath the monument before the President had placed his? Doesn’t that go the normal ritual? (I am just asking, lest I be accused of deriding the party in some way or another [which is something I could do, since they give us a lot to scoff at.]) Please, enlighten me.

  20. Mariop says:

    Benoit – yes, she is the flag waving chest beating revolutionary type who get their heads chopped off in the first days of the revolution

  21. Darren Azzopardi says:

    Workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but the boring articles of M Benoit.

    I’d love to see a reality show ( I know, I know, bear with me…) on how champagne socialists would cope in the following circumstances.

    a) ihottu xi vjagg gebel
    b) discussing the base-superstructure dialectic of Marx f’hanut tat-te go Albert Town.
    d)well you get the hint…

  22. Amanda Mallia says:

    David S – HKLP! That’s something that really gets to me.

    [Daphne – Miranda in Sex and the City does it all the time. And she waves her cutlery around and talks with her mouth full, too. In almost every episode.]

  23. Malcolm says:

    Sorry Luca, didn’t mean to upset you.

    I admit I have a weakness for picking on people who seem like they may take themselves too seriously and you just seemed like an easy target.

    You are of course entitled to your hunches. Furthermore you are free to post them on the internet in a hostile tone and it’s nobody’s business but your own.

  24. FB Aquilina says:

    Of course li xebghu fl-Oppozizzjoni! Don’t forget that Labour has a divine right to govern… nough said! Its such a pity the people don’t trust the MLP…Ah… truly a pity … Josephus Primus, I can picture him with a diadem and sceptre declaring L’etat? C’est moi! Dream on Labour!

  25. Luca says:

    @ Malcolm

    Oh well, no hostility was shown from my end. If that’s the impression you got, then you are mistaken. Oh don’t worry, you can pick on people as much as you like. I think that’s why you are on Benoit’s side, haha. Doesn’t she like to pick on others too? Poor Daphne being one of them. (Well not really poor… Otello said all those ruling Malta would dash away to avoid her fury.)

    [Daphne – Come on, you two – kiss and make up.]

  26. Malcolm says:

    Love you Luca X

  27. Luca says:

    Oh, I love you too Malcolm X

  28. P Shaw says:

    I remember during the EU referendum campaign, MB used to mock the EU and anything related to the EU. She used to write about myths as though they were factual news.

    One of these myths was the EU farmers were obliged to buy toys for their pigs to entertain them. She used myths like this one to ridicule the EU and try to give credibilty to these myths. Looks like she and Super One used the same scare tactics at the time

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