A Class A remark from the AN

Published: October 8, 2008 at 11:42am

Malcom – sorry, Melkim – Seychell of Azzjoni Nazzjonali posted this comment beneath the www.timesofmalta.com story about Muscat’s visit to Tripoli.

malcolm seychell (1 day, 10 hours ago)
There is nothing to lose from this visit. After all the prime minister everywhere he goes,he comes without anything concrete. So might as well that Joseph should start building his contacts because most probably he will be our next PM

Somebody’s been thinking in Maltese and translating literally into English:

M’hemm xejn x’titlef minn din iz-zjara. Wara kollox il-prim ministru kull fejn imur jigi lura minghajr xejn konkret. Allura majtezwel li Joseph jibda jibni l-kuntatti ghax probabilment se jkun il-prim ministru li jmiss.

X’pajjiz tal-biki, fejn lanqas il-politikanti ma jafu jiktbu u jitkellmu sew.

18 Comments Comment

  1. Corinne Vella says:

    I suppose we should be thankful he didn’t say ‘our prime minister which touches’.

  2. mat555 says:

    i’m not proud of my english! imma ta lanqas ma nizattatx fil politka! imma dawn tal misthija ta!

  3. Corinne Vella says:

    Well, what do you expect from someone who is unembarrassed by something like this:


    The party secretary-general’s English is the least of Azzjoni Nazzjonali’s problems.

  4. Malcolm says:

    ‘our prime minister which touches’ – classic.

    Malcolm has a silent l at the end and I think you’ll find that most Malcolms would take umbrage at its exclusion – having gone through much confusion during childhood trying to understand why their name is spelled in such a seemingly random way. Also, whether they may refer to themselves as Melkim or not – they sure as hell better learn to answer to it. In the case of anyone over 60, they also learn to answer to Matthew, Marco, and anything else that sounds vaguely similar. Even if it’s their own father-in-law.

  5. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Wow, that’s an excellent reconstruction of the original there. It’s not easy to invert a nonlinear, non-
    well-behaved function.

  6. David Buttigieg says:

    “X’pajjiz tal-biki, fejn lanqas il-politikanti ma jafu jiktbu u jitkellmu sew.”

    Uhmmm do you actually consider him a politician?

    [Daphne – He is an AN politician.]

  7. Marku says:

    Daphne, the guy’s an idiot, what do you expect? But that’s what Far Right groups like AN are all about: turning idiots into pseudo intellectuals with a simple solution for all of life’s problems (”the immigration issue will go away if only Gonzi had the guts to sink their boats before they get close to our shores”). I have friends who think that we should engage in debate with people like Malcolm. I think we should expose them for what they are: a bunch of fools.

  8. Amanda Mallia says:

    Malcolm – I know exactly what you mean.

    At school (so much for Gerald calling church schools “tal-pepe”), my name was said in a variety of ways apart from the proper Amanda/ Mandy used by a small number of friends and teachers. Among the variations, I can remember:


    [Daphne – Don’t get me started on Defni, Stefni, Stef, Def, Dafanie….or, as Toni Abela pronounces it, Dah-fah-ni.]

  9. NGT says:

    Your ‘Melkim’ spelling was done with tongue planted firmly in cheek… now this is genuine – read on…

    [Daphne – I’m copying it here. Amazing. Anyone want to buy this man’s car? Dawk il-leder sitz, hej!

    Peugeot 605 terbo diese //BARGIN //

  10. lino says:

    Moreover “Peugeot” is spelled wrong. It should read ‘Bigu’, with a g as in gurdien.

  11. Nick says:

    [Daphne – I’m copying it here. Amazing. Anyone want to buy this man’s car? Dawk il-leder sitz, hej!

    I saw one the other day on that same website, a guy was trying to sell his mobile with “blutoot”.

    [Daphne – Tal-ustja.]

  12. Amanda Mallia says:

    NGT – If you thought that was bad, then do take a look at the “perfect 3-piece sofa” on http://www.maltapark.com/viewauctions.asp?Category=42&mode=browse (You have to click on the picture and enlarge it to appreciate the aesthetics.)

  13. Amanda Mallia says:

    … apart from the fact that it’s not a 3-piece sofa, but two chairs and a stool, all covered in made-to-measure plastic covers, of course.

  14. Corinne Vella says:

    Marku: “I think we should expose them for what they are: a bunch of fools.”

    They’re doing a good job of that themselves. The people who take them seriously and loudly proclaim the fact, fall into the same category

  15. Kenneth Cassar says:

    @ Marku:

    “I have friends who think that we should engage in debate with people like Malcolm. I think we should expose them for what they are: a bunch of fools”.

    You can do both at a single go. By engaging them in debate, you have absolute certainty of exposing them as a bunch of fools.

  16. Gerald says:

    There are a couple of very intelligent people with AN who shun the limelight but work quietly in the background.

    [Daphne – They beaver away in their Batcave and then come out at night in their Batmobile to save the world, wearing a mask and tights, with a sidekick called Robin.]

  17. Amanda Mallia says:

    Here’s another one – “5-car garage ideal to live in it (sic)” (Simply click on item number 287306 on the link provided)


    [Daphne – “Item: To rent. Ideal to live in it. 5 car garage in M Scala.Price monthly 175 euro(LM75).” Hawn xi hadd jithajjar jikri garaxx ha joqghod go fih? You have to laugh.]

  18. Sybil says:

    “[Daphne – “Item: To rent. Ideal to live in it. 5 car garage in M Scala.Price monthly 175 euro(LM75).” Hawn xi hadd jithajjar jikri garaxx ha joqghod go fih? You have to laugh.]?

    If you occasionally visit that part of the island, you will find that the occurance is not as unlikely as you may think. What is even more ironical is that after they convert the garage into a comfortable living space, plant their sardinella outside the garage and hang their washing right outside, in the “drive way”, they brazenly post the “NO PARKING – GARAGE” sign on the front door and even go as far as to slap on a few home-made yellow lines on the road in front of the garage. Some enterprising souls are known to turn their garages into take- aways as well.

    [Daphne – You mean ‘drive-in’.]

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