My thoughts exactly

Published: November 12, 2008 at 8:08pm

The Times, Wednesday, 12th November 2008
Muscat chooses to play to the gallery

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat and Finance Minister Tonio Fenech had one thing in common on Monday – they both wore a blue tie. For obvious reasons, this must have hardly gone unnoticed among diehard political enthusiasts, but the blue tie was just about the only thing they did share. Most of what Dr Muscat said in his marathon reply to the budget speech ran diametrically opposite to the views held by the Finance Minister and his government, and indeed Mr Fenech lost no time in demolishing key arguments made by Dr Muscat when he gave his reaction to them shortly afterwards.

Dr Muscat was evidently keen to appear as politically objective as possible, repeating what has now become one of his favourite mantras, that he was tired of the senseless pique and that he was eager to steer a new course in politics. Well, judging by the way he tackled his reply, his urge to steer this course, shared, it must be said, by thousands of uncommitted voters, does not seem to be all that consistent. Indeed, to all intents and purposes, the body and tone of much of the reply were mostly political, as was the manifestation his party held in Valletta on Sunday. Wisely, the social partners, strongly at odds with the government over the rise in the water and energy tariffs, immediately saw through Labour’s move and turned down its invitation to take part, with the exception of the GWU. The trade unions now plan to hold their own demonstration on Friday.

As expected, the Leader of the Opposition focused on the energy tariffs and made what he considered as proposals aimed at tackling the issue. The social partners in the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development had urged the government to postpone the effective date of the rise to April next year, but Dr Muscat went even further than this. He called for the withdrawal of the tariffs, arguing that since oil prices were back to 2007 levels, the hefty increases were not needed. The Finance Minister has been explaining all along that the corporation bought refined oil, not crude, and that its price was still high. In any case, in view of the difficulties which the recession abroad was expected to bring about, the government preferred removing the subsidy and investing in the economy to save jobs. Some governments abroad have opted for a stimulus of this nature rather than giving tax cuts.

Dr Muscat made some good suggestions which could perhaps be taken up, if this has not been done already. For example, it is quite obvious that all efforts should be made to reduce inefficiencies at the energy corporation. However, other proposals he made in his speech can hardly be tackled overnight and could not therefore be given as a solution to the problem the government is facing today. Dr Muscat does not appear to have taken the wider angle of the economic situation well enough in his assessment of the situation, and the references he made to the ill wind blowing from abroad were far too brief and superficial. True, in view of such ill wind, the sharp rise in tariffs has come at a critical moment but, as already pointed out, the government has preferred to give the economy an investment stimulus than opt for a tax cut higher than that announced in the budget.

Finally, it takes a great deal of political courage for the leader of a party that has resisted change over vital matters to the island to say, just eight months after losing the third consecutive general election, that the people want a new direction. In his first real political test, Dr Muscat appeared far more interested in playing to the gallery than in giving an objective assessment.

12 Comments Comment

  1. Amanda Mallia says:

    Some light humour:

    Here’s what you get when you cross Joseph Muscat with Toni Zarb:

  2. P Shaw says:

    In the next 4 years we are going to hear Obama’s campaign lines / slogans / messages ad nauseum. The question is – how would these phrases sound once they are uttered by a big headed clown.

  3. Corinne Vella says:

    P Shaw: Where, outside that farcical letter written by Toni Abela, did you hear Obama bicker about utility rates and try to pass that off as his political vision?

  4. P Shaw says:

    @ Corinne Vella. I am not referring to the current issue of utility rates (which eventually will die down), but his approach in general. I am quite certain that he will use the slogans, and adopt them as his own.

  5. Jomar says:

    Did anyone watch Dr. Gonzi tear Joseph apart in his response to Joseph’s speech after the Budget was presented?

    Caught Joseph red faced a couple of times when the cameras panned on him.

    But with Anglu on one side and Charlie on the other, Joseph was amply propped up.

    Still looks out of place, though.

  6. tax payer says:

    I am one of the founder members of UHM , at that time MGCU . Just to say how disappointed i am in seeing them agreeing to the GWU trap to participate in tomorrows protest march . As for the GWU its something expected now that they dont wear blinkers as in 1997 but then one has to ask what protest march did UHM organise after the 1997 budget ?

  7. tax payer says:

    Also same thought for the other unions especially the MUT

  8. Marku says:

    What this protest is ultimately about is the fact that some people expect to have something for (next to) nothing. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone comes up with a plan to enshrine a “right to free electricity” in the constitution.

  9. Corinne Vella says:

    P. Shaw: My question was about Obama, not Muscat.
    That said, I agree that we will be treated to more of the same from Muscat, though he denies it.

  10. Corinne Vella says:

    Isn’t it odd that the GWU at least partly protesting against itself?

    Referring to the corporation’s losses, Mr Tranter said Malta was striving to reach international standards. Dr Gatt said some non-technical losses emanated from internal inefficiencies, including overstaffing, unneeded shifts and overtime, which were being tackled through talks with the General Workers’ Union.

  11. Malcolm Buttigieg says:

    I found a comment on Net TV during the PM’s speech yesterday rather amusing.

    “The government spent 70million Euro more than anticipated this year because from January 2008, people started receiving increased children’s allowances.”

    Ermm…I may be wrong, but I think that the bloke who wrote this message on screen during the PM’s speech must have no idea of the meaning of the term budget!

  12. Lino Cert says:

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