Tow Karmenu to Libya – sign our petition NOW

Published: February 28, 2009 at 8:51pm

Infected by the current epidemic of pointless petitions, Running Commentary
has started one of its own.


Please go on line and sign our petition. Signatures from Anonymous are welcome, as are double, triple, and quadruple ones.

27 Comments Comment

  1. Harry Purdie says:

    Where’s the garbage barge. A job’s awaiting.

  2. Denis Catania says:

    Thank you Karmenu.

  3. Fanny says:

    Please can we add two more men (you know the ones I mean..), so then we’ll have ‘three men in a boat’, even if there’s nothing remotely amusing about them?

  4. Antoine Vella says:

    I’m glad KMB has joined the anti-immigrant rabble. The racists deserve him.

  5. A Camilleri says:

    @Antoine. Is an anti-immigrant always a racist in your books?

  6. jesmond says:

    Please put Vince Farrugia in the same boat.

  7. Harry Purdie says:

    Aha! The famous Mr. Catania raises his pinhead in defence of the burr-head.

  8. Antoine Vella says:


    “Is an anti-immigrant always a racist in your books?”


    One may be concerned about the logistical and practical problems of looking after so many people without being anti-immigrant. Nobody thinks the PM is anti-immigrant, for example, even though he mentions the objective difficulties that immigration presents. The reason is that he talks about the situation but never attacks the immigrants themselves. He is not anti- anything.

    On the other hand the anti-immigrants or “anti-illegals” as they like to call themselves, are racist because they target the person, the group. Read carefully any article or comment by the anti-immigrant lobby and see how, sooner or later, they will mention that immigrants are different to us, they come from a different culture/religion and will therefore cause problems.

    Moreover, I believe that those who do not condemn racism are themselves racist. You cannot be neutral on such an issue and this refers to the political parties as well as the Church. By condemning racism I do not mean mouthing a couple of vague platitudes but a specific and robust condemnation of the words and attitudes that we are seeing around us.

  9. Andrea says:

    Bless my socks!

  10. Darren Azzopardi says:

    Out of curiosity, I went to Edward de Bono’s think-tank thingies – the first one last month, which was about Israel-Palestine and the financial crisis, and then last week’s, which was about the illegal immigration issue.

    So, can anybody please tell me how this man made his money? Both sessions were total utter crap. They didn’t even have the faintest idea what they were talking about. They came up with these totally illogical ideas, with no basis in reality.

    The sad thing is that this guy is representing Malta as our ambassador for creativity. I hope he’s not charging too much for this “honour”.

  11. Harry Purdie says:

    Hey Darren,

    Maybe the gene pool could use a little chlorine.

  12. A Camilleri says:

    Antoine: Do you realise you sound like Debono Grech’s “Min mhux maghna kontra taghna!”

  13. Antoine Vella says:

    A. Camilleri

    “Antoine: Do you realise you sound like Debono Grech’s “Min mhux maghna kontra taghna!”

    If you think I sound like Debono Grech, might you be a little tone-deaf perhaps? “Min mhux bħalna kontra tagħna” seems much closer to the Debono Grech quote.

    It’s very simple really: if you lump all immigrants together and describe them as the problem you’re being racist. Admittedly there are different levels of racism but basically, anything which could lead to discrimination on the basis of colour, creed, etc is racist.

  14. Tony Pace says:

    How would you solve the Israeli-Palestinian problem, Professor de Bono?
    Elementary, Dr Pace, ”Deduct 5,000,000 dollars from the aid that the Palestinians receive every time they shoot a rocket from Gaza into Israel.”………….u hallina sir!

    [Daphne – Yes, he actually said that in an interview, didn’t he?]

  15. Corinne Vella says:

    Tony Pace: He never noticed that a total suspension of budget distribution failed to stop any rockets flying.

    [Daphne – His solution to illegal immigration? Target the middlemen and confiscate their boats. He hasn’t noticed that the immigrants come in on ‘disposable’ boats, and that even if middlemen are found trafficking immigrants, there’s provision in the law already for confiscation of the vessel.]

  16. A Camilleri says:

    @Antoine. Thought it was meant to be the other way round. You’re a racist if you do distinguish between illegal immigrants on the basis of colour, creed, etc.

  17. Antoine Vella says:

    That is what I said.

  18. Corinne Vella says:

    So the thinking-hat solution to immigration is to scuttle the boats. He had the foresight to realise that the people on board should be removed first. He’s now working on the next bit: what to do with the people rescued from the scuttled ship.

  19. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    It looks like Karmenu’s petition was designed by the same person who picks Josie Muscat’s outfits. Put on your sunglasses before clicking here.

  20. kev says:

    “It looks like Karmenu’s petition was designed by the same person who picks Josie Muscat’s outfits. Put on your sunglasses before clicking here.

    …and to think that you know this person by name… but can you spot who he is?

    [Daphne – Ray Ashley died some time ago, and Charles & Ron have far better taste than that….so who?]

  21. Corinne Vella says:

    And it looks like Josie Muscat drafted the text of CNI’s petition.

  22. Leonard says:

    Might as well do a Kurtz and get it over with.

  23. Antoine Vella says:

    The bottom of the CNI petition website contains dramatic photos that look like something from a doomsday film (not saying that they are, but placed out of context they do seem like one of those disaster films that were popular years ago).

    There is also a bloodcurdling list of tropical diseases, some of which cannot spread here because we don’t have the transmitting vector, e.g. tsetse fly. The implication is of course that Africans carry disease and should be shunned. This has nothing to do with them being ‘illegal immigrants’ but refers to their origins. If this is not racist, I don’t know what is.

  24. Corinne Vella says:

    Antoine Vella: “If this is not racist, I don’t know what is.”

    Two girls in Marsa thought so, though they might not have been referring to the photos you mention. The sharp intake of breath at their impertinence could be heard all the way across the Atlantic.

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