Jimmy u Jason – m'hemmx fejn taghzel bejniethom

Published: March 6, 2009 at 8:00pm

Labour’s secretary-general Jason Micallef has been the source of endless amusement with his tight white pants and his public-appearance rictus, to say nothing of his chicken-brain. It was almost enough to make us forget his predecessor Jimmy Magro. Here he is, in a comment posted on timesofmalta.com, telling us that Malta has nothing to fear from becoming a pariah state because we are dealing with a “voodoo situation” and hence, voodoo stratagems are required.

Jimmy Magro
To be an outlaw state is not something that should remain considered as voodoo politics. After all we are dealing with voodoo situation. Malta has nevered received these large numbers of illegal immigrants. Israel has build a wall to protect its borders. The USA has a wired fence with border control gorillas (for armed policepersons). Libya encorages illegal immigration. And the list goes on.

The UN convention was enacted when illegal immigration was minimal and this is not etched in stone. Hence the Government of Malta must go to the UN to begin a movement to change this convention- in the sense that unauthorized travellers should not be afforded any assistance, whether on land, sea or air.

Illegal immigration is depriving the departing countries of some of their best human resources and these persons must remain loyal to their country. Illegal immigration has become big business. That is why the police needs a special unit to deal with this new challenge we are facing. The money that is being spent on illegal immigration MUST be returned into education investment for our kids. After 9/11 the USA took voodoo measures and for Malta we have the similar situation. Nothing must be excluded.

7 Comments Comment

  1. Leonard says:

    From Switzerland-in-the-Mediterranean to Haiti-in-the-Mediterranean.

    Il-quddiem fis-sliem indeed.

  2. Tribute to the two JMs...or the Voodoo Chicken-brains says:

    Hobson’s choice? You must be kidding, lass. Here’s our favourite cuddly duo.


  3. Marku says:

    Let’s face it, neither of them is the brightest light-bulb in the room.

  4. Harry Purdie says:

    Why do these people only open their mouths to change feet? Amazing.

  5. “Please Michelle…I want some more” says:

    Is it possible to have a free meal served by Michelle when I go to Mile End on Saturday 14th March, to register for LP legal assistance in pursuing my vehicle registration refund, please?


    “Please Michelle…I want some more”

    “More of what?”

    “Heqq! Ma nafx…imma tal-kazin hekk qalli nghid fuq it-“Times”, u fuq l-“RTK” nhar ta’ Sibt fuq “Stampa Cara” ta’ Dr Carmen Sammut.”

    Qaluli se jkun hemm “Elf” iehor bhali. Viva l-lejber je je je. Genn erazzjoni rebbieha.


  6. Corinne Vella says:

    jimmy magro (1 day, 18 hours ago)
    @corinne vella
    gorillas is a term i created to describe the way border policepersons and sheriffs act with illegal immigrants in the USA. you might have other terms but that does not mean I do not have the rightto use any word I choose.

    if you want any proof try to enter illegally into the usa from mexico.


  7. Corinne Vella says:

    Maybe the gorillas in our midst are related to the tigers in our streets.

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