The wisdom of The People (11)

Published: March 3, 2009 at 6:43pm

Here’s one who thinks Africans are monkeys:

“I think the Maltese government should see Planet of the Apes because there we are heading where the Maltese community will be in a minority.”

– Charles Galea on

NOTE: This comment was removed from the comments-board when the moderator was made aware of it.

26 Comments Comment

  1. Marku says:

    At least he didn’t preface his comment with the usual “I’m not racist but . . .”

  2. AA says:

    Africans are not only smelly ugly monkeys, but also genetically inferior to other races. thank mother nature and god for HIV and other hazardous diseases.

  3. P Shaw says:

    Sarcasticly, this looks like an episode of LOST, where the inhabitants of an island feel threated by the survivors of an airplane crash on the same island. It’s a pity that politicians are at the forefront of fuelling this anger. We will end up being percieved as morons and useless Lilliputians.

  4. Leonard says:

    And hunting as a sport will be back with a vengeance – with the “apes” going after the Maltese.

    Seriously, if I were to send a comment to The Times that includes the word “fuck” it would be censored, but then people get away with this rubbish.

  5. Corinne Vella says:

    Marku: That’s because being racist is no longer something to be ashamed of – if it ever was, that is.

  6. Amanda Mallia says:

    That’s rich, seeing that many Maltese DO look (not to mention behave) like monkeys.

  7. Harry Purdie says:

    Reminds me of ‘Gulliver’s Travels’, Jonathon Swift. The Houyhnhnms vs the Yahoos. ‘The most pernicious race of odious little vermin whom God ever suffered to walk upon the face of the earth’. Guess who were the Yahoos? This guy would fit right in.

  8. Antoine Vella says:

    This is one of the most offensive comments published to date. Immigrants are, of course “apes” while the “Maltese community” are human.

  9. John Schembri says:

    Listen, Daphne: at first I found interesting, then I got fed up with the way they were dishing out obviously stupid comments. Just ignore these ridiculous comments, and please don’t re-publish them on your site. I like to read your original commentaries even though I do not always agree with them. If I want to read The Times commentaries I know how to find the site.

  10. Christian says:

    Sure, nowadays, some people call Africans ‘Apes’, which is very wrong.

    What about ‘Tal- Habba Ziz’? Or The Chinese Kidnappers?

  11. Leonard says:

    This confirms (if there was any need to) that the word “illegal” is irrelevant. Even if these people were coming through our port/airport with valid passports and work permits, the reaction would be exactly the same.

    If they were German, Scandinavian, Ukrainian or Russian no one would bat an eyelid.

  12. Antoine Vella says:

    John Schembri

    I share your frustration at but we cannot just ignore the site because it’s followed by a horde of commenters (who are under the illusion that they are ‘bloggers’, incidentally) who would continue to encourage each other unless their ideas are challenged and ridiculed.

  13. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Really, Leonard? Last time I checked, the Xarabank posse were hounding Ukrainian girls all the way to the airport. Xenophobia comes in all shapes and colours.

  14. john says:

    @Leonard(1st comment)
    I was once informed by an anthropologist that it was not unknown in certain regions of Australia, well into the 1930s, that after Sunday mass the congregation would gather their rifles and go on an Abo hunt.

  15. Leo Said says:

    Antoine Vella wrote: “I share your frustration at but we cannot just ignore the site because it’s followed by a horde of commenters (who are under the illusion that they are ‘bloggers’, incidentally) who would continue to encourage each other unless their ideas are challenged and ridiculed”.

    Would that be a reflection of contemporary society in Malta?

  16. Alex says:

    Yeah fine, we all know the comments on tend to scrape rock bottom and worse. They’re an easy target. A cheap shot. I’m addressing Daphne here: Why not propose real solutions to the problem of immigration? Malta is in dire need of a level headed dialogue because there is a problem, no doubt about that. And the problem lies both in the numbers of people arriving in Malta versus the island’s obvious limitations to host them and in the hysterical, racist, extremely parochial and blinkered point of view that a large number of Maltese apparently define themselves by.

    [Daphne – There are no solutions. Surely that much should be apparent. Or rather, there are solutions, by tackling the long-term cause of the problem, but that doesn’t take place overnight.]

  17. Alex says:

    Oh I forgot to add that at the end of the day the only real solution to the immigration problem is that the dire situation in African countries is addressed, holistically, pragmatically and justly. And here, let’s face it, Malta has precious little it can contribute.

  18. H.P. Baxxter says:

    “There are no solutions”.

    Precisely. But all we get is waffle from mealy-mouthed politicians. Yet they know it and we know it. Why not state the truth and pull the carpet from under the racists’ (presumed or otherwise) feet?

  19. Marku says:

    Corinne: It’s pathetic that there is all this hatred toward fellow human beings just because we have 5000-odd individuals temporarily living among us, some of whom are doing jobs that Maltese no longer want.

  20. Corinne Vella says:

    Marku: When you hear university educated, well travelled professionals spouting the sort of garbage best left to vivamalta acolytes, pathetic is not the right word. Here are a few opinions I heard today:

    “Muslims don’t accept the culture in which we live.” (Try telling that to the decades-old Muslim community living here).

    “The Muslims will want to impose their culture on us.” (Apparently she hasn’t noticed that many immigrants are not Muslim).

    “They pray for at least four minutes before they make a presentation.” (But having an entire class of university students stand up and recite “Hail Mary” before class isn’t strange.)

    “The EU should help us. It’s not our problem.” (Malta is part of the EU. That makes it Malta’s problem too. She hasn’t noticed that, either.)

    “We’re feeding them, housing them, giving them water..” (and the alternative is….?)

    What do you call someone who says this sort of thing as though she’s imparting deep wisdom? Pathetic? I don’t think so.

  21. @Alex

    It might contribute a “precious little” if only it did not employ its limited resources to its one and only obsessive concern when it comes to the EU debates on the Third World: making sure that there isn’t some oblique reference to abortion.

  22. Tony Pace says:

    @Corinne Vella
    May I repeat myself for the benefit of some real ”monkeys”! The people spouting the above remarks are probably very good, church-going, holier-than-thou, rosary-reciting, and oh so,so,so generous people who will definitely go to heaven.

  23. Andrea Sammut says:

    Bondin’s article seems to have worked.

    [Daphne – Oh, I don’t think it was his article. I think it was the fact that there’s not much point in having an underground car-park for parliamentarians when there are plans to move parliament out of the palace.]

  24. Andrea Sammut says:

    @ Daphne
    Well, they knew that parliament will be moving out when they started digging.

  25. John Schembri says:

    @ Tony Pace :The people spouting the above remarks are either plain stupid or are pulling our legs with their comments.
    Repeating will not get you anywhere on this site.

  26. Tony Pace says:

    Guess who’s going to be riding on the band-wagon?

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