Send Glenn to Ewropa

Published: May 22, 2009 at 9:56am

Come on, people – let’s send Glenn to the European Parliament so that he can solve the perennial problem of hospital waiting-lists tal-misthija at Mater Dei.

10 Comments Comment

  1. charlie says:


    1.12: Glenn getting a bit too close to an underage girl while her teenage parents look on pretending to be ok with it

    1.20: Glenn as he wishes all women would see him

    2.13: Glenn getting closer to an admiring woman, as her husband (or is it his bear-lover?) watches on in jealousy

    3.15 Glenn hoping his double chin won’t swallow him before the end of the video

  2. Mario Debono says:

    Mar sa ta’ Qali dan….bis-suit ukoll, biex juri kemm hu kexwal, imma ukoll biex juri that he is a “cut above the rest”. Qisu xi profeta jispjega l-iskrittura lil Lhud.

    U kif ser isolvi il-waiting lists ta’ Mater Dei? Qas jifhem kif jahdem sptar, imma dak bendwegin tajjeb. Bizzejjed issemmieh u ssemmi soluzzjonijiet li ma jfissru xejn.

    Gandofflu, xbin. Int gandofflu. Ghandu l-istess problema bhali. Ohxon. Imma jien m’inix injorant bhalu. Ser nivvota PN. Ghax il-MLP mar mill-hazen tal-vjolenza ghall-ghar tal-opportunizmu u nuqqas ta’ idejat. Mar ghall-bahh, ghal fantasija, ghax-xejn.

    Partit tax-xejn, immexxi minn nies li ma jiswew xejn. U jivvutawlhom nofs il-poplu. Allura dan-nofs huma xejn ukoll? Le, jibqghu jittamaw f’xi leader ahjar. U minflok jeleggu x-xejn.

  3. Tal-Muzew says:

    It is not only at the EU Parliament that he is nowhere to be seen……
    anke fil-press conference kontra l-VAT fuq il-karozzi, kollha kienu hemm imbarra hu. Tghid qata’ qalbu jew jaf li dahk fil-wicc?

  4. maryanne says:

    I heard Dr Frank Portelli saying on television that Glenn Bedingfield never made a speech during all these months that he has been in Brussels. U mn’Alla ta because he would have said something like this ” We are experiencing hiccup progress in the economic path as we are only adapting people to an investment that comes our way out of the the blue”. I read this in one of the links provided in a previous commentary.

  5. Jenny says:

    Yesterday i saw Glenn at the Naxxar market with a couple of women followers. Maybe he wanted to buy some vegetables.

    • Mandy Mallia says:

      Or maybe he wanted to buy somethin fantastic and out of this world, like the hair clips and battery-operated fans bought by Anglu Farrugia’s daughter on a recent trip to a Sicilian market with her father:

      • Jenny says:

        It is like reading a tourist brochure, and I don’t think her English is all that impressive. Of all the things she mentioned she only managed to buy stuff that can be bought from the ‘monti’ in Valletta. How pathetic can one be.

  6. Clive says:

    Is the empty chair at 3:02 Glenn’s seat ?

  7. Graham Crocker says:

    Lehenek Ewropa, ghan-nies li ma tantx jitkellmu

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