Let's take a break from Consie, and talk about Toni

Published: January 30, 2010 at 4:03pm
This man hunts down women who plan to leave Malta for an abortion

This man hunts down women who plan to leave Malta for an abortion

on timesofmalta.com, right now:

Labour Party Deputy Leader Toni Abela insisted this afternoon that he was against abortion. In a statement, he said that a malicious campaign had been mounted against him after comments he gave on the TV programme Dissett. On the programme, he said, he had been asked about a 2003 interview by a newspaper where he was questioned about abortion in the context of the war in the Balkans.

He had made it clear on Dissett that that was the opinion he had at the time.

“I publicly declare that that I have since then changed my view and my position is against any abortion, ” Dr Abela said.

He said that Joseph Muscat had made the PL’s position against abortion very clear, and he agreed with that position.

Dr Abela said he was always pro-life and he was actually the only lawyer in Malta who had sought and been granted a warrant to stop a woman from going abroad for an abortion. He had given this service without charge and, Dr Abela said, he did not institute proceedings that he did not believe in.

This is the progressive party? Unbelievable. And people mock me when I say Labour is currently Malta’s right-wing party. I’m really uncomfortable with the reality of abortion (which isn’t the same as saying that I wish to impose my ideas on everyone else).

But actually physically preventing a woman from leaving the country so that she can’t have an abortion? Surely that is a major human rights transgression?

And Toni Abela actually BOASTS about it.

17 Comments Comment

  1. Ethel says:

    A Taliban attitude towards women.

  2. Mark C says:

    Daphne, progressive doesn’t mean giving in to every single claim. As they said progressive yet moderate…progressivness does not include allowing abortion, euthanasia and other horrid shameful murders. It is a blend of modernity and traditional values. I wouldn’t mind legalising the pills though, surely they’re much better than the chop shop abortionist. Once the child is formed after 4 weeks or so I would consider it nothing less than murder, infanticide. He should boast about it. Due to his actions a person can now enjoy his/her life instead of accomodating a selfish mother, as I’m sure you would have liked.

    [Daphne – I wasn’t referring to abortion, Mark, but to preventing a woman from leaving the country so that she can’t have one.]

    • Mark C says:

      And I agree with him Daphne. Thanks to him a person can now enjoy his/her life. Imagine if it was you. Imagine if it was your kid. The pro choice people are most of the time women, selfish women at that, they either want to abort just to get back at the father, either becuase he left them or for some other selfish reason.

      • Chris II says:

        Mark, the question is not about abortion, but the right of a person to leave this country and perform an act that is fully legal in another.

  3. edgar gatt says:

    PINNUR..I saw him on Dissett last Tuesday and he said that he was in favour of abortion but in exceptional cases. Since Tuesday he has changed his opinion again. Now can this man who loves rubber dolls be trusted.

  4. Toni says:

    sew amilt Ton…dejjem warajk

  5. Harry Purdie says:

    These cretins just don’t know when to stop digging.

  6. Norman Wisdom says:

    “I agree with abortion, if the life of the mother is in danger, in the case of rape and if it is certain that the unborn foetus will be a severely handicapped child.” Toni Abela, here http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/2003/01/05/people.html

    How did he know that the woman he stopped from leaving Malta to have an abortion hadn’t been raped; her life wasn’t in danger; or her foetus wasn’t severely handicapped?

  7. Manuel says:

    I remember the case. Dr. Abela was acting for the woman’s partner who was protested to the Courts claiming the woman had taken a unilateral decision to terminate the pregnancy. Toni petitioned the court to stop her from leaving the island.

    It seems Toni is eager to undo, or at least limit, the fall-out from his ill-advised pro-abortion statements and has pitched the story in a way which puts him in a stronger pro-life light.

    In any case, if he has truly changed his views, and is willing to state that publicly, kudos to him

  8. Steve says:

    I don’t think the point Daphne is trying to put forward is whether you (or Toni in this case) is for or against abortion, but that he agrees it’s OK to stop someone leaving the island, just because he doesn’t agree with what she’s about to do.

    You don’t have to be pro-life or pro-choice to see this is wrong. It’s the whole “I may disagree with your opinion, but I’ll fight to the death for your right to express it”.

    I am not in favour of abortion (personally), but my personal conviction/belief should have no say on what anyone else decides to do.

    • Mark C says:

      Steve yes the father has a right just as much as the mother to decide for his child…and it was the father who brought the case to Toni. It is not wrong. It is right because the father has as much right to the child as the mother.

  9. john says:

    How can these people claim to have progressive movements? They are nothing but full of constipated ideas.

  10. D. Muscat says:

    The issue here is not really whether abortion is right or wrong. It is about Toni Abela’s Machiavellism. He is against abortion not because he believes in pro-life principles. The real reason is that opinion polls are probably overwhelmingly against abortion. That is what progressive means in his mind: giving people what they want.

  11. Edwin Cachia says:

    watch and forward to your friends


  12. Ronnie says:

    And where is non right wing, non conservative party on this? Guess we should ask Tonio Borg and his bible bashing gift of lifers about this.

    • Chris II says:

      Most probably most (cannot vouch for all) are anti-abortion but for sure all of them would never have thought of stopping anyone from leaving this country to perform and abortion in another.

  13. kev says:

    I guess this is what a ‘moderately progressive’ view would look like. Or is that progressively moderate?

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