Letting it all hang out

Published: January 31, 2010 at 11:54am
Let's have a spot prize for guessing what's on the cake

Let's have a spot prize for guessing what's on the cake

30 Comments Comment

  1. the arbitor says:

    What a tacky cake.

  2. Anthony Farrugia says:

    Who is the guy in the white specs?

    [Daphne – Robert Musumeci: bad taste in specs, worse taste in mistresses.]

    • Anthony Farrugia says:

      Mine was a rhetorical question!

      • Pedro says:

        Does he think they’re cool or what? God, what a state he’s in. If he wants to be cool, then he should stop using gel today. It make his look like a sleazy teenager living in the outskirts of Rome and sporting fake armani jeans.

  3. David Buttigieg says:

    Don’t tell me she put these pictures on Facebook?

    [Daphne – Yes, she did.]

    • Chris Ripard says:

      I wonder if there are any photos she’s ashamed to show on Facebook . . . Lord only knows what they could be like.

      Good thing Mintoff wrecked uni for me & my generation . . . at least I didn’t end up a magistrate (and can therefore be as tacky and revolting as I like)

  4. j Borg says:

    Jidher li fil-pajjiz ghandna klassi gdida ..le le mhux il-middil class…imma l-Party People Class


  5. Ian says:

    Gotta love facebook :D

  6. bogey says:

    the view from victor’s villa

  7. Anthony Farrugia says:

    Daphne: Your blog site is overheating! Let us have hit count.

    [Daphne – 21,200 between midnight and noon today.]

  8. Classic says:

    During one of my first lectures of constitutional law I was told how magistrates and judges have to keep a low social profile, be careful who to spend their leisure time with and so on. I guess Dr Bencini was excluding politicians, party strategists, developers, architects, members of the corps, businessmen, etc… or else I should really have failed constitutional law.

  9. Kejk ta' Cacu says:

    What a bad-taste cake, complete with a photo of some exotic beach!

  10. Anthony Farrugia says:

    Tacky cake? Tacky guests. My nonna used to remark on such occasions “Che brutta gente!” Tacky clothes – the polyester brigade out in force.

  11. Anthony Farrugia says:

    Daphne: You are wicked! You have spoilt the Chief Justice’s Sunday lunch with heartburn and Rennies.

    [Daphne – I have a great deal of respect for the chief justice. He doesn’t deserve such a motley crew.]

    • Anthony Farrugia says:

      You are right; even I have a great deal of respect for the Chief Justice. He deserves better, much better than these………….

      • Arthur Hill says:

        Yes the chief justice deserves to have an excellent team not one made of the likes of Agius (who wanted a hall for his birds) Farrugia Sacco, Antonio Mizzi, Hayman, Carol Peralta and Scerri Herrera.

        And to think that these are the type of people who will judge you and me for minor pettiness. To hell with the system unless the government starts tackling this circus of louts. RESIGN before you are kicked out like the ex Chief Justice.

  12. Consuela says:

    Yet another entertaining day courtesy of Consuelo. Dare she show her face in public again? Will her court room ever ooze a tiny sense of propriety ever again?

  13. Leni says:

    Ms Caruana Galizia stop writing about what women in power wear and how they look. Of all people, you – successful and enterprising and a woman – should be shifting attention away from women’s bodies.

    You are not defined by the fact that you look prettier than Consuelo but by your ability to collect information and put it across to us skillfully. Similarly, Consuelo’s looks mean nothing to your intelligent readers: it is only the imbecile readers who appreciate remarks like ‘letting it all hang out’.

    [Daphne – Please distinguish between a woman and a magistrate. Consuelo can’t dress like that not because she doesn’t have the figure for it, or because she’s middle-aged (that too). She can’t dress like that because she’s a magistrate. It’s cheap, tacky, inappropriate and completely undignified. I can wear what I like, because I’m a columnist. She can’t, because she’s a magistrate. Yet she seems to think that it is enough for her to dress appropriately only when she is actually in court. She fails to remember that she is a magistrate all the time, whether in court or out.]

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Leni, go take a flying leap. The rock hasn’t had this much fun for years. Someone once said, ‘You make your bed and you lie in it’. This chickie has been in so many beds that she could have bought a matress store.

    • Leonard says:

      Imbecile readers have their rights too.

  14. P Zahra says:

    From the Big Book of Birthday Cakes:

    The model illustrated above depicts the sun setting behind the hills, throwing them into silhouette. A richly symbolic cake for the over forties, reminding them that they’re over the hill, they’re approaching the evening of their lives and that they are best viewed in dim light (or viewed dimly at best – whatever)
    The words ‘Happy Birthday Consuelo’ are intended ironically and add piquancy to an already bitter-sweet occasion.
    Available in vanilla, chocolate or dutch doobie.

    • F. Grima says:

      Best made using your favorite photograph. (Take it along to a confectioner’s in Hamrun for it to be scanned and printed on rice-paper in (hopefully) edible ink.)

  15. Leonard says:

    Isn’t it illegal to put a knife into a work of art?

  16. Tony Pace says:

    Piss off Leni, it’s the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It just happens to be disgusting and disgraceful but Daphne has a way of making it entertaining. There is definitely much more than meets the eye and D happens to be the best one at communicating it.

    I just wish I didn’t log on after my heavy lunch, because the sight of all those hamalli has-beens clinging on to their non-existent youth is giving me indigestion.

  17. J. says:

    I agree with you on that one, DCG. The only two other female magistrates who come to mind (Padovani-Grima and Demicoli) are nothing like Scerri-Herrrera when it comes to dress-sense.

    • No Judge says:

      Daphne: Mentioning female members of the judiciary, in the case of a particular one, the name of a club comes to mind: Fuego.

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