Goodnight – time for bed

Published: February 10, 2010 at 9:40pm
Parental guidance is advised

Parental guidance is advised

Now let’s leave Kermit and Miss Piggy in peace and draw a discreet veil over the proceedings. There’s something I want to watch on television.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Grezz says:


  2. claude says:

    X’jaqlawlek, Goffredu u Salvu fuq is-Suwper Wan. Pity you were not invited….

    [Daphne – Ghandu xi jghid, Godfrey. He’s lucky I’m the sort to keep my mouth shut where he’s concerned. If he’s been going on about how shameful it is to discuss the clandestine affair of a magistrate with a politician, then I have this to say, and only this: he would say that, wouldn’t he. Enough said.]

    • Hot Mama says:

      Isssss Daphne don’t dangle carrots

      • maryanne says:

        Kemm tbaqbaq, Saviour! At one point not even Miriam Dalli could control him. But the melodrama came when he went all out to defend John Dalli. We have a new martyr – he has been exiled.

        Even Godrey Grima quipped ‘Mank jeziljani lili.’ Maybe I am stupid but if Dalli was such a pain in the neck for Gonzi, he should not have accepted to go and would have been more of a pain. It is being depicted as if he is making a huge sacrifice by leaving. Same goes for Louis Galea,

        Godrey Grima was very, very careful what to say about you. He only said that you are ‘abbracciata mal-Partit Nazzjonalista’. You must be envied.

        Hearing the discussion one would think that you are running the country and not Gonzi. Congratulations because they have given you so much credit. They even want Gonzi to condemn your writing.

        I bet that the Press Club would defend you on that one occasion. And they are not making a distinction (on purpose because they are not stupid) between the style of writing on a newspaper and that of a blog.

        Shame on Godfrey Grima who chuckled all the time with George Vella, who tried hard to lecture us on democracy (not with his party’s credentials). He even felt the need to say ‘Ma irridx nidher hawn li qed niddefendi lil Labour Party’.

        Forgive us for thinking so, Godrey. You looked so comfortable on TX.

      • Joseph Micallef says:

        Damn, I missed the lecture on democracy by the champion of moderates and democracy, George Vella.

  3. Mixx says:

    But I must say, I did admire Charlo for just putting one simple question to those baying for Daph’s (oh, so were they referring to HER?) blood on Super One TV – “But was what she was saying about these public figures true?”
    That’s the bottom line, really.

  4. tony says:

    mort tistahba sinjura valenu kollok hdura u mixtrijja tlettin bicca tal fidda insadda.qorqod sewwa wahdek valenu

    [Daphne – Another friend of Robert’s, I see. Well, he’s certainly mixing with the in crowd.]

  5. Harry Purdie says:

    Daphne, you are getting under their skin. Half the comments on the blog are now Maltese. Good stuff. Even English only speakers can feel their venom.

  6. pat says:


    Tistahba min xiex? Minn min? Mela hawn Malta mhux kulhadd jista juri l-opinjoni tieghu jew? Ahjar tara kif titkellem ta, ghax ittellef hafna voti bil-kumment tieghek ghax kien hawn zmien li kien ikollna nistahbew jekk nuru l opinjoni taghna jew nifthu halqna.

    Jew ghadek zghir int u ma tafx jew ma tiftakarx? Jekk hu hekk, nissuggerilek taghlaq halqek ghax iktar hsara milli gid qed taghmillu lil Labour. Isma minnhi ghax il-poplu in generali jibza mid-dittatorjat.

    • No Judge says:

      Pat: Whilst I agree that insults have no place in a society which is supposedly civilised, I would like to point out that the poster may not necessary be a PL supporter given that, indeed, Daphne’s posts have hit sore spots transversally across party lines.

      [Daphne – Yes, he is. See his latest.]

      I would also like to point out that there is a general impression that free speech – like all rights – are limitless when, in fact, there are limits to free speech as much as there duties and obligations in the exercising of this and any other right,

  7. Mario says:

    Dwejjaq ghandkhom inthom ghax xjahtu fl-oppożiżjoni!
    Mur kompli ara lil purcinelli shabhek fuq Super 1

  8. Mary Lee says:

    Isma, let’s not make this a political fight. I am Labour, but I like to read Daph’s blog, and like Daphne, I want to see justice done with people who think they are justice. U ohra, qabel ma noqodu immaqdru partit jew iehor, ahjar nammettu li qedin f’din is-sitwazzjoni li qedin bis-sahha tal-inkompetenza taz-zewg partiti. Jien ghalija, iz-zewg partiti li ghandna ghamlu 20% tajjeb u 80% imnellah. Jekk hawn min ma jiflahx jisma dawn l-affarijiet, taghtux kasu, u lanqas hemm bzonn nirrisponduh, ghax hekk ikun irid. Keep it up, Daph.

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