Labour's Business Forum eats, shoots and leaves

Published: February 21, 2010 at 11:08pm
Tomorrow, I'll try raining

Tomorrow, I'll try raining

Eats, Shoots and Leaves is the name of a book about punctuation, and how a full-stop or comma in the wrong place can change the entire meaning of a sentence.

Here is an example, in which we learn via Lorry Sant ex-henchman Ronnie Pellegrini’s Facebook ‘wall’ that Emmanuel Mallia is snowing in London.

Emmanuel Mallia: I am in london, snowing.

So that’s what he does in his spare time. I think Marlene Mizzi should be told.

13 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Freezing point for most bodily fluids is…….

  2. Il mingell says:

    Don’t worry, vote Lorry.

    [Daphne – Yes, I remember that scrawled in red paint on public buildings.]

  3. Antoine Vella says:

    Why would somebody feel the need to inform the world – well, the Facebook cyberworld – that they are in London?

  4. Ciccio2010 says:

    That’s why I do not believe these climate change guys, who told us that the spell of cold weather on Europe was caused by El Nino.

  5. Isard du Pont says:

    What were you saying earlier, Daphne, about middle-aged people making themselves ridiculous on Facebook? Here’s Emmanuel the Facebook Newbie again:

    Emmanuel Mallia: I love sharing!!!!Why not????A smile makes the world go round and it does not cost anything.

    Spirtu, santu, amen – and he’s not even middle-aged. He’s officially an OAP.

  6. John Tabone says:

    What’s all this rant against Facebook? Is there anywhere written “only for kids”?

    [Daphne – I don’t rant. Go to Saviour Balzan for that. It’s not about Facebook. It’s about idiots on Facebook.]

  7. I mean come on WTF says:

    “Emmanuel found somebody flirt worthy on Zoosk! · Get your flirt on”

  8. Joseph Micallef says:

    The fact is that there are social media writing ethics that are not transferable from one to the other. As written it might be suitable for Twitter (still only as poor tweeting) put certainly not Facebook.

    They can’t even get that right, maybe because it involves the word “ethics”.

    • La Redoute says:

      Social media writing ethics? What you mean is, they lack common sense. Good sense often means saying nothing at all.

      • James Calleja says:

        All this just shows the state of mind of some of our “intelligentia” and ‘Dallas’ people. Give me an idiot any day instead of these bummers.

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