Super One: il-forcina ta' Consuelo

Published: March 3, 2010 at 3:37pm
I think I might pick up a prostitute in Albert Town, but this time I will keep my money in my socks and keep my socks on while doing it.

I think I might pick up a prostitute in Albert Town, but this time I will keep my money in my socks and keep my socks on while doing it.

Ironic, isn’t it? One of the cases from which Magistrate Herrera abstained ‘because I wrote against her’ (she should have abstained, in reality, at the outset because she’s far too close to the people I am suing) is one in which I sued Labour’s Communications Coconut for claiming that I attacked a Super One cameraman at a university debate before the last general election.

The Communications Coconut actually put his invented ‘verbal attack’ between quotation marks, and then claimed that I physically assaulted the cameraman.

Meanwhile, their own footage shows me sitting still and not reacting at all, even though they dangled their camera and microphone over me for close to half an hour, a completely unacceptable form of harassment.

Now they’re trying the same game of lying and harassment again.

And all this to protect a magistrate who is a disgrace to the system, because Super One considers her to be ‘one of its own’. In their sheer and utter stupidity, and their corrupt, backwoods, ‘anything goes’ mentality, they can’t even see that by treating her as one of their own and coming to her aid by assaulting the one who criticised her, they are merely proving my point that she in unfit for office because she is far too embroiled with the agents of a political party, breaking the rule in the magistrates’ code of ethics that nothing in their behaviour must expose them to the suggestion or suspicion of political partiality.

57 Comments Comment

  1. Lino Cert says:

    Once again you are going to be Labour’s downfall at the next general elections. They never seem to learn.

    • marina says:

      how about if you learn something `lino cert” i think you should all open your brians and VOTE LABOUR, GHADU MA DEJQEKX GONZI?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Imma dawn il-porkeriji tal-Laburisti dejquni iktar, Marina. How about YOU learn something?

      • il-Ginger says:


      • abram vella says:

        Marina……. mal-labour? JAAAAAQ. Vjolenza u atrocitajiet wahedhom. Nippreferi l-Gonzi bid-difetti kollha tieghu milli l-Labour ta’ Charlon u Jason u Ronnie u l-hmieg kollu taghhom.

      • LRO says:

        Le ta ghadu ma dejjaqnix. Fil-fatt aktar dejjaqni Joseph Muscat f’anqas minn sentejn!

      • Lino Cert says:

        Gonzi is a minor irritant, like a little pebble in my shoe, Labour is a like a major life-threatening disease, like a cancer eating away at my insides. That’s why I’m not voting Labour next election, and why I won’t risk voting AD, my first choice. And thank you Charlon and the rest of the Labour clan for reminding me why “Allahares jitla’ L-Labour”.

      • Elle says:

        Vera nithassarkom tridu tiffaccjaw id-dinja b’dal-livell ta Ingliz….mhux ta b’xejn tikklikkaw mal-Labour halli jsibilkom post shun shun u tkomplu tippropogaw il-medjokrita’

      • Steve Grech says:

        Please enlighten me as to how I can open my brain.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Tghid jekk nilbsu snazzy red top u nitghallmu l-groovy moves ghal “Power to the people”, nibdew nifhmu lil Marina?

      • rita camilleri says:

        It’s BRAINS, Marina dear, and not BRIANS.

      • beauchamp says:



        If it wasn’t for Eddie Fenech Adami and Lawrence Gonzi and the PN, Malta would not be in the EU and we would be just like Iceland – a total disaster.

        ALLA MAGHNA if we EVER have to have Joseph Muscat and his bunch of TOTAL IDIOTS running the country!

      • Snoopy says:

        While I am still not fed up with Prime Minister Gonzi, I am already totally fed up with Joseph Muscat and his multi-named party.

    • john says:

      Charlon is aiding and abetting Daphne towards Labour’s downfall.

    • Tanya says:

      Don’t be too sure of that. Malta’s full of fickle fools.

  2. tony says:

    You are such a sorry person babyDaphe.u are such a pastasa and i hope that soon you are sent to prison next to a qahba from sliema you are such a low person.
    I rather sit next to people from the south than seeing and hearing such a person like you may be you are going to censure this as well like you did the others.
    have a good one up your — where you like it most bye bye baby daphe.

    [Daphne – You can always trust Labour to know how to win an argument.]

    • nofs in-nhar says:

      Ahna tan-nofs in-nhar ma’ rridux lil Tony hdejna.

    • rm says:

      Tony, if you believe that sitting next to people from the south is shameful than please make us a big pjacir and have a good one up your ——–. we dont need you. We have a lot of labourite idiots down in the south and we dont need another one.

      • Antoine Vella says:

        I think that by “people from the south” tony possibly means black Africans; I’ve heard other Labourites refer to them that way, Another favourite is “those not like us”.

    • Matt says:

      Learn how to spell, fool.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Hey Tony! Sit on one of your Easter bunnies and rotate counter clockwise – that means you go left. Who directed you to the keyboard? Your mother? I will never understand why you continue to embarrass yourself. Some form of self flagellation?

    • Trevor says:

      Tony ruhi, ghal li jista jkun ma kontx taf, kemm Daphne u kemm hafna mill qarrejja taghha jifmu sew bil-Malti ta hi, allura nissuggerilek li darb ohra tikteb bil-Malta halli forsi xi hadt fill-fatt jifhem xi haga milli qed tipprova tghid.

      Barra minn hekk kif tista jkollok il-wicc li-takkuza lill haddiehor li qed jaghmel u jighd il-pastazati u int stess qed taghmel l’stess haga. Ma jidirlekx li naqa fallatura din habib?

      Hadd mhu qed jighdlek biex ma tesprimix l’opinjoni tieghek tafx, imma nahseb li kieku tipprova tkun naqa inqas passjonali taqta sandal ahjar. U darb’ ohra tkellem ghalik wahdek u tkaxkarx lil- Nofs Malta mieghek sieheb.

    • abram vella says:

      tony, veru tal-Labour mahmugin u oxxeni u mizbla. Mhux ta’ b’xejn il-poplu Malti ma jafdakomx fil-gvern.

    • Tony Pace says:

      Aw Tony biddel ismek ghall Twanny hi, ghax sejjer inbiddel tieghi mhabba fik.
      Very classy comment xbin, vera lejber. And you were actually upset because Dr Gonzi said ”Jaq” ! So apt.

    • Elle says:

      They know that their grasp of the English language is way inferior to that of people writing on this blog….not to mention their inability in coming up with a decent counter-argument. And so they resort to insulting people in poor English and Maltese.

    • Lrak says:

      Dear Tony, I am from the south and the language used will not help you to win any argument…being from the south, north, east or west we are all citizens with different ideas or opinions. You must be mature enough to accept this blog or else look elsewhere.

      Well done, Daphne. I admire your determination and courage in anything you do. Keep it up.

  3. Lucy Fair says:

    x-xitan gewwa fik jew qed jigri warajk

  4. Banquo says:

    I would really like to know who this IDIOT TONY is!

    Why doesn’t he write such INTELLIGENT comments using his full name. Possibly then he was be ashamed of writing such inanities.

    People like this low-IQ Tony have to decide: they cannot do unto you the same thing they are accusing you of doing! Can’t they see the blatant contradiction?!

    If he asks me why I use Banquo, I’ll invite him to read Shakespeare, and then proceed to do some math: 1 + 1 usually add up to 2. He might then understand. If not, then I’m sorry, but my time is precious.

  5. A woman from the south says:

    The people from the south certainly do not want to sit next to you, tony.

  6. JC says:

    So sorry to dissappoint you.

    Although I am from the southern part of the island, I would rather sit alone than spend time with a bird brain!

  7. rene says:

    jien mis south u hdejja ma tigi qatt tony ……….itolbu ghax Alla biss jista jilliberana minn dawn in nies abeti inkompetenti ghajjurin u kollox barra moderati

  8. marina says:

    i agree with tony, yes you are a pastaza daphne,you think you are god or what, stop offending people,!

    • Hmmm says:

      Far worse offences appear in the Labour Party media. I assume you post similar comments there too, ‘Marina’.

    • S.Winwood says:

      Marina, aqbad idejn Tony, morru sa Dingli Cliffs u imbuttaw lil xulxin ghal isfel.

    • gar ta' omm marina says:

      Aw Marina,

      Rajt lil ommok il-belt twersaq ‘Gonzi assassin.’ Ara jekk jaghmel rapport lill-pulizija Gonzi ghax anke wicca u kliemha gew cari fuq it-televixin.

      • Tanya says:

        Ghal li jista jkun, ma’ kienitx dik li rreferiet ghal Prim Ministru bhala “dak ta’ wiccu bit-toqob, jaqq” fuq il-“vox pop” ta’ l-ahbarijiet ta’ TVM il-bierah fil-ghaxija?

  9. T says:

    @tony…if you want to write something in English, try writing it clearly or else write it in Maltese.

    Marina….if Daphne is such a pastaza, why on earth are you reading her blog?

    • Hmm says:

      Good point. If you think that, say, Toni Abela’s writing is offensive why would you hunt it down and read it?

  10. JC says:

    Hmmm is completely right – bird brain is offensive. I meant to say mohh ta’ tigiega.

    [Daphne – Now the chickens will file a kwerela with the police.]

  11. TROY says:

    Daphne ghanda principju sod, sur tony. Jekk trid tara pastasa ara ir ritratti tal-magistrata.

  12. david g says:

    Tony, your argument shows that you are not from the south and do not know how we react. Everyone is mixed nowadays, but still if you want to distinguish north from south, be sure that if you follow a lady from Sliema she will only pass remarks at you, but try to follow a lady from the south and it will be a totally different story for you.

    • Pepe` says:

      ……she might steal your wallet.

    • Tanya says:

      Why is it only people “from the south” who insist on dividing Malta that way? Having been born and brought up in Sliema, I do not for a moment recall either of my parents ever making references to “the south”.

      The division between north and south is only imaginary, and then again, only by particular people. Wherever you are in Malta, after all, there are all sorts of people everywhere.

      “Tony” has clearly never heard of “lazy corner” in Sliema. Neither has anybody who refers to people who hail from Sliema as “tal-pepe”.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Is-South fejn jibda ezattament? Ghax Malta kull ma fiha 27km u rrid nissetja d-dividers ghal fuq il-mappa, ma mmurx naqbez il-fruntiera bi zball….

        Is-South ta’ Malta. A myth invented by and nurtured by Labour.

      • Mandy Mallia says:

        Yes, sad, isn’t it? Especially when people not “mis-south” (biex jifhem Tony) don’t even feel that way.

  13. L.F. says:

    Tony, jekk inti ma tridx tithallat ma’ tas-south, jien li jien mis-south qas f’ qabar ma rrid inkun magenbek u magenb nies bhalek, u jekk jidirlek li Daphne hija bniedma pastaza m’ ghandekx ghalfejn tidhol titbellah fil-blog taghha.
    Prosit Daphne … keep it up!

  14. pat says:

    X’jaqla, tony illejla! Bil-kemm niflah nikteb, hammut bid-dahq. Xi cmoss qlajt, ton. U please, Harry Purdie, S. Winwood u Banquo…A BIG THANK YOU – imma ieqfu ghax hrigtuli id-dmugh bid-dahq. U int ton, isma minnhi, dabbar rasek x’imkien illejla ghax ghada ma gietekx wahda zewg ta. XEJN SEW TONIGHT BABY TONY!

  15. tony says:

    Well I tony lives in the south,I am from the south and i am happy living in the south.
    It seems that you are having a go at me, but it is more convincing me that you are such bad bunch of PN hardline supporters that you hate all that is Laboure and who is with Laboure.
    For sure you had more entertained me and without any surprise you are all trying your best to defend the arrogant babyDaphne
    keep on responding losers lol

    • You Know Who says:

      Jesus wept.

      Please stop it. I can’t take it anymore. Can’t believe I once thought I could collaborate with people of your ilk.

      Chatting with Daphne on campus one time, she told me,
      “**** how could you be with those people”. I took umbrage at this and put it down merely to some form of intellectual snobbery.

      I actually thought I could contribute when I joined you idiots, and that you weren’t as bad as I had thought. You made me feel welcome. Boy was I wrong. Sure you have a few good ones. Some of you are the genuine article and wear their hearts on their sleeve. A few are even what one may call true honest social democrats. I was lucky enough to meet them.

      But the number of selfish, ignorant bastards who have scrambled up the party ladder so much outweighs the few good ones that it is a virtually impossible task. Perhaps another 50 years in opposition might cure the malaise. But I have my doubts.

  16. Frans Borg says:

    “Now they’re trying the same game of lying and harassment again.” As if they knew better. Il-baqra(?) milli ghandha taghtik.

  17. Frans Borg says:

    …the rule in the magistrates’ code of ethics that nothing in their behaviour must expose them to the suggestion or suspicion of political partiality.”

    Fat chance. Thank goodness for this blog. I have learned more about my native Malta reading this blog over a few weeks from miles away than during the 23 years I spent living there in an illusion.

  18. pat says:

    Issa biex anqas taf tikteb isem il partiti tieghek imma kbira ta!!!!!!!!! Jew qed tigbdlna saqajna jew inkella veru zmaxtu gbin. Ghax nahseb anki tifel ta sitt snin jaf li Labour MHUX Laboure. U jekk titghallem xi tfisser “full stop”, taf kemm taqta figura ahjar? Ma tridtx xi battikata ta biex tiktibha ta, qeghda cara fu

  19. pat says:

    Issa biex anqas taf tikteb isem il-partit tieghek imma kbira ta! Jew qed tigbdlna saqajna jew inkella veru zmaxtu gbin.

    Ghax nahseb anki tifel ta’ sitt snin jaf li Labour MHUX Laboure. U jekk titghallem xi tfisser “full stop”, taf kemm taqta figura ahjar? Ma tridtx xi battikata ta biex tiktibha ta, qeghda cara fuq il-keyboard.

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