Denis tal-Bazuti disappears

Published: April 2, 2010 at 12:52am
Life's lonely without a barmaid called Eve.

Life's lonely without a barmaid called Eve.

Hilarious. Denis Catania, our favourite anti-African campaigner with his Washington carcades, has shut down access to his Facebook photos – all six of them.

Maybe he thought someone would do something pornographic with a shot of his head and those other pictures of a snowed-in clapboard house, probably taken on a day when his internet connection was down and he had solved Malta’s immigration problem.

Like this one:


52 Comments Comment

  1. Hmmm says:

    Send your fan mail to

  2. Grezz says:

    With a lovely view like that from his house, it’s no wonder the poor guy sounds like a desperate loser.

    Day’s activities:

    1. Go on the internet and interfere in local politics in Malta.
    2. Campaign against Africans.
    3. Make snowmen.

    • Isard du Pont says:

      And for a real thrill, he opens his freezer and looks at the accumulated frost.

    • La Redoute says:

      A business idea for Denis Catania in his frozen wasteland.

    • Denis Catania says:

      Grezz, you almost have it right.

      1. Go on the internet and interfere in local politics in Malta.
      Being a Maltese citizen I have the right to do so and at least I have the balls to use my real name. Where’s your balls, Grezz ?

      2. Campaign against ILLEGAL immigrants in Malta no matter where they come from.
      Stop stereotyping Africans.

      3. Make Snowmen.
      Plenty of snow this winter.

      • Bus Driver says:

        You have balls, Denis? You come across as more like someone equipped with Easter Peeps.

  3. Snow man says:

    Seems like when this photo was taken, Emanuel Mallia was in Washington.

  4. Denis Catania says:

    Actually your sister Corinne is under the bar.

    [Daphne – I don’t know about you, Denis, but it’s occurred to me that there are quite a lot of men with strange proto-sexual fantasies on the internet. Haven’t you heard the news? Corinne is a trans-sexual.]

  5. Denis Catania says:

    Although the illegal immigration problem is not solved YET. We slowed them down. No illegals entered Malta in the last six months. Maybe the PM is actually giving the water, crackers and petrol he said he would give them in May 2009.

    • La Redoute says:

      The PM gave them crackers, you say? So how come Crackers Catania is still able to post comments here?

    • jomar says:

      Who’s ‘WE’, Denis?

      Maybe you are right about ‘crackers’, but giving all crackers to the immigrants will leave the Labour Party with only a handful of votes.

      • Denis Catania says:

        WE are the group Save Malta From illegal immigration and it’s 5,000 + members and me.

      • La Redoute says:

        If you mean that nutty Facebook group you’d bragged about, you couldn’t possibly be part of it as Facebook groups are capped at 5000.

        You ARE a member, though.

      • Denis Catania says:

        La Redoute,
        This why we made Save Malta From Illegal Immigrantion private and open a second Save Malta From Illegal immigration 2. By the way groups are not capped at 5,000. You can’t message a group if you have more than 5,000 members. We didn’t want to lose the ability to message all members.

      • La Redoute says:

        All members, eh? Well, you said it, not I.

    • Jellybaby88 says:

      Since when are people ‘illegal’? Stop your crap Denis, I’ve had enough of you and other crackpot racists like you.

      • Denis Catania says:

        People become illegal when they enter a country without permission. We will not stop our work as we believe it’s working. Six months NO boatloads. In May 2009 the PM said he will give them crackers, water and petrol and let them GO. Just two weeks ago he refused another boatload. All the way from the U.S.A, Canada, Australia, UK us Maltese living abroad are making a difference.

      • La Redoute says:

        You’re making a difference, but it’s not the one you’re claiming. You’re a major irritant, but not in the way you’d like to be. Your function, Denis, is to provide endless mirth to people who can think straight, and endless ammunition to people who can’t – like those who quote you in it-Torca, for example.

  6. Isard du Pont says:

    I see you tailor your language to the site, Denis. You’re pretty meek here, but when you pop over to the Vladimir fan site, things take a different turn. Here’s a sample.

    Le Redoute you are such an asshole. You are up Daphne’s ass like it was a bowl of chocolate. She is a scumbag along with you and her little followers. You are a dickhead with a capital D.

  7. Isard du Pont says:

    You’re going to LOVE this one. Look what I’ve found: a Facebook group which describes itself as “A group for people worldwide who have come across Denis Catania of New York!
    Hes a vile man and a troll and he will have offended many in various groups on FB, He is an internet predator, who has many ghost accounts”

    None of his ‘fans’ seem to be Maltese. One of them calls him Penis Catania. Another describes him as the Maltese Butt.

    Check out the post about BigHeadDenis twittering off a Disney cruise ship when someone went overboard.

    • Joe Vella says:

      Actually Denis is not from New York, but rather from a small town across the Hudson River.

      • Denis Catania says:

        Is this the same Joe Vella who denounced his Maltese Citizenship ? For one with a Maple leaf. Shame on you Joe.

      • La Redoute says:

        He denounced his citizenship, and that poor citizenship was condemned to a horrible death for treason.

        Denis, you’ve lived in Noo Yawk long enough. Why haven’t you learned the language yet?

  8. Matt says:

    So it seems as if it’s ok for Denis Catania to criticise local politics on the Times of Malta, but when Joe Martinelli – another Maltese citizen on the other side of the Atlantic, but in Canada instead – takes his time to fervently criticise the idiots at Labour, then he’s lambasted to kingdom come.

    Martinelli’s main enemy? None other than Charles J. Buttigieg, who has often given his ID card number and email to Joe Public, among others.

    • Denis Catania says:

      J Martinelli is another one who denounced his Maltese citizenship.

      [Daphne – The word is ‘renounced’, Denis.]

      • Matt says:

        To ‘denounce’ – to publicly declare to be wrong or evil; or to inform against.

        So he has publicly stated that Maltese citizenship is wrong or evil, or he informed against (?) his Maltese citizenship.

        Looks like those years in America haven’t done any wonders to your English, mate.

      • Denis Catania says:

        One of the meanings of denounced is TO GIVE UP. Which is what J Martinelli and Joe Vella did GIVE UP their Maltese citizenship. Shame on both of them. But Daphne if you feel better using renounced, go for it. Sometimes I feel better using word traitors for them.

      • Jellybaby88 says:

        Buy a dictionary Denis.

      • J. Martinelli says:

        Denis stop being a dork.

        The Malta Citizens’ Act is clear in the definition of ‘Maltese Citizenship’

        An emigrant, born in Malta but resides elsewhere in any corner of the world is deemed to have NEVER lost Maltese citizenship. So educate yourself Denis and preferably not in Bush-league schools of the US.

        Quite strange that the US is one of the last to sign a dual taxation agreement with Malta. Could it be because of Mintoff’s tip-off of Reagan’s raid on Libya?

        Thanks to the NP anyone of a Maltese lineage is a Maltese citizen and can apply for and obtain a Maltese passport. A couple of years ago you claimed to once have supported the NP but no more. It’s more likely that you are a stooge like those make-believe former NP supporters who wanted convince us that they switched parties. Funny how later it was discovered (with proof) that amongst others Nikita was one in such a team writing letters to the Times. Now Nikita writes her own blog, perhaps making it possible for the Times to claim ‘political balance’. You, like Labour supporters are being used. Sold Integration – you got Independence. Sold ‘Partnership’ – you got full EU Membership. Sold a devalued Lira – you got the Euro. Sold a losing dockyard – you saved 40 million a year and a new owner. There is much more but I respect the space afforded to me by Daphne. With a Labour Party record like that, no wonder you consider Bush as a wonder boy!

        Denis (with one ‘n’) go and frolic with some weirdoes you hang around with. Maybe the ‘real men’ have ‘denounced’ you?

      • La Redoute says:

        That’s an interesting dictionary you’ve got there Denis. What alternatives does it list for block head?

  9. La Redoute says:

    From Denis Facebook fan club

    Mark Shanks Just saw a cracker of a photo of Denis looking like a beached whale on his cruise, sucking on a cigar on deck and another of him “play-riding” a wooden cartoon donkey. What a sad character this guy really is.

    Mark Shanks I KID YOU NOT!!!! YESTERDAY’S NEWS!!!!

    “Drama at sea: Disney cruise ship comes to rescue after Carnival passenger goes overboard”

    “A Disney cruise ship sailing off the coast of Florida has rescued a Carnival passenger who went overboard during the night.”

    “I’m on a Disney Caribbean cruise, and just now, we RESCUED A MAN F…ROM THE OCEAN,” the stream of postings from BigHeadDennis began early this morning.”

    “BigHeadDennis, who describes himself as “mostly just another boring suburban dad” in his Twitter profile, tweeted that he could hear the Carnival passenger screaming from the water.”

    BIGHEADDENNIS twittering????!!!! How spooky, uncanny and astonishing is that? Denis says he’s on a cruise and a guy jumps in off a cruise ship!!!!!!!! Disney cruise Denis?

    Paul Owen I wonder if Penis is wearing beige today?
    Claire Lang Maltese Butt

    Mark Shanks lol Denis the Maltese Hutt

    Mark Shanks Some interesting replies to Denis in this one. Looks like it’s not just us who thinks Denis Catania’s a C***!

    Tara Gamble wow..just read all the links…who is this man..what a lunatic

    Claire Lang I wasnt aware that the wonderful Denis was possibly an illegal immigrant in America when he was 10…interesting.

    Mark Shanks Looks like the racist one is also on the Executive Committe of the Maltese Centre in Astoria, New York.

  10. Jellybaby88 says:

    And here are the people who quote the weirdo. So the Labour Party, I assume, is in collusion with racists as well. Or perhaps dear Catania is their own Mr Crawford?

  11. Jellybaby88 says:

    And here is Denis on a forum of the FZL – can’t speak Maltese? Wow. It appears he doesn’t know how to write in English either.

    Denis Catania said…
    Denis Catania,
    I’m sorry I can’t write Maltese, Although I speak it, They took me away fom Malta 37yrs ago at the age of ten.I will be demonstrating in front of the Maltese Ambbasador to the United Nation,at 249 E 35th St New York NY, on Sept 23rd and 24th, when the Maltese delegation come to the General Assembly. We are demonstrating the large numbers of illegal immigrants.Can you visit my petition, that will be given to PM Gonzi and the Ambassador.The link is:

  12. J. Martinelli says:

    @ Denis Catania

    Did you ever become an American citizen?
    Did you have to swear allegiance to the United States?
    Do you hold your heart when you sing the Star Spangled Banner?
    Do you know by heart the Maltese National anthem lyrics?
    Would you be offended if I ask you whether you have any American born children and, if so, whether they bothered to apply for Maltese citizenship?

    You, like the LP (Losers’ Party) are as credible. Besides, these blogs are not about citizenship but rather about the stupid and evil sites sponsored by Labour supporters (and officials) who cannot find that second cell in their brains to enable them to understand their wicked ways. But then with associates like yourself, why wonder?

    • Denis Catania says:

      J Martinelli the answer to your question is NO I did not become an American citizen BEFORE 2002 because I would’ve had to give up my Maltese citizenship unlike you. You traded the Maltese cross for a maple leaf. I have to agree with you I’m happy that in 2002 we were able to get U.S citizenship and keep our Maltese citizenship.
      As far as my American born children. It’s up to them if they want to become a Maltese citizen or not. I swear allegiance to the U.S.A every day. I do hold my heart when I hear the Star Spangled Banner. You see the Maltese national anthem as lyrics I see it as a prayer for the sweet land of ours that our mothers gave us.

      • La Redoute says:

        Don’t be ridiculous, Denis. Your mother gave you nothing of the sort. You were born here. You left. End of story.

      • Denis Catania says:

        Yes Le Redoute I left Malta on my own when I was 10 years old. You are such an idiot.

      • La Redoute says:

        Not as much of an idiot as Denis Catania. If you’re still so hot on art twelidek and have not denounced’ your Maltese passport, why are you still holed up in a small town in New Jersey? It can’t be more exciting than living in Malta.

    • Denis Catania says:

      Le Redoute,
      There is a good chance your yearly income might not cover the real estate taxes in this small Jersey Town.
      1. 30 minutes from Atlantic City.
      2. 1 hr from NYC and Capital of the world.
      3. 15 minutes from Philadelphia.
      4. 90 minutes from Washington DC and home of the great Barrack Obama.
      5. 2 hr flight from my winter home.
      6. Less than 2 hr drive from 5 sea ports. A man needs to cruise a few times a year.
      7. Should I continue.

      [Daphne – You can’t even spell your president’s name, DenNis.]

      • La Redoute says:

        I see that you’re miles away from anywhere interesting. No wonder you entertain yourself with photos of the snow in your backyard when your internet connection’s down.

        We know all about those fictitious cruises and your tweeting about someone going overboard while you were on a Disney cruise. Very entertaining. Have you tried building a snowman instead?

  13. edgar says:

    Dnis said that in the photo above, Corinne is under the bar. Well, from the look on his face he does not seem to be appreciating her. Had it been Jason or Ronnie, then I am sure he would have a smirk on his face.

  14. Charles J Buttigieg says:

    Daphne, if one wants to be pedantic one would find a difference between ‘denounce’ and ‘renounce’ however a lot of people, who are not pedantic, often interchange them. When one is disgusted and wants to disassociate oneself from something or someone the term ‘denounce’ is the correct term to use. When someone wants to give up formally a claim, title, position, or right one should use the term ‘renounce’. Having said that, I think that if I want to belittle a person for giving up citizenship, membership or whatever I would use the term ‘denounce’.

    [Daphne – It’s got nothing to do with pedantry, Charles. The words have completely different meanings. Only an elVE would think that the fact they are spelled exactly the same except for the first letter means that their meanings are somehow similar or interchangeable.]

    Matt, criticism is healthy, what decent people consider unhealthy and contemptuous is when a person takes time to fervently criticise the idiots at Labour, considers all Labour supporters as idiots and then defends the corrupt practices, stupidities and the unbecoming conduct of the rest of Malta’s population.

    With regards to yours truly I often give my ID and email details to all and sundry because I can substantiate what I write, have nothing to hide, feels very comfortable in the Labour camp and does not feel extremely bad when I drop an occasional clanger by not using the perfect syntax.

    Perhaps you may tell us why, unlike me, you hide your identity under a pseudo-name.

    • Gnome de plume says:

      I read here that you have denounced Labour traitors but have befriended one on Facebook. I now see that you have befriended another.

      Have you denounced either of them yet, or, at least, renounced their offer of friendship?

  15. Charles J Buttigieg says:

    Daphne, it has a lot to do with pedantry because although the two terms, strictly speaking, are not interchangeable a lot of Anglophone writers use the same terms interchangeably. Incidentally, the singular of elves is elf not elve.

    [Daphne – They don’t. Elve: that’s Maltastar speak.]

  16. Denis Catania says:

    Happy Easter Daphne you too Corrine.

  17. Charles J Buttigieg says:

    Daphne, In our language denounce is translated to ‘denunzja’- dikjarazzjoni,xilja publika,gawza,stqarrija,rapport bil miktub,akkuza,notifika legali,kliem qawwi fil berah kontra xi hadd,kundanna,tmeghir,tkasbir; dan skond Albert Agius ‘It-Tezawru. Ftit huma in Nutara u Avukati Maltin li huma elves imma xorta qatt ma juzaw il frazi renunzja jew renounce. I can substantiate the fact that a lot of people interchange the two words albeit erroneously but what’s the point, you will only persist.

    [Daphne – Denis wrote in English not Maltese, so what’s the point of going on about what ‘denounce’ and ‘renounce’ are in Maltese? You might as well tell me what they are in German or Spanish. Also, using the ignorance of those who speak Maltese to justify the ignorance of those who write English is illogical. I would never confuse the two in Maltese, either. Imagine that: ‘Jien niddinunzja ghad-dritt’. Confusing the two would have disastrous results if you were to present a ‘denunzja’ of your assets and describe it as a ‘renunzja’ instead.]

  18. Jellybaby88 says:

    I think Laburisti need to work on their English.


    Pronunciation: \ri-ˈnau̇n(t)s\
    Function: verb
    Inflected Form(s): re·nounced; re·nounc·ing
    Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French renuncer, from Latin renuntiare, from re- + nuntiare to report, from nuntius messenger
    Date: 14th century
    transitive verb
    1 : to give up, refuse, or resign usually by formal declaration
    2 : to refuse to follow, obey, or recognize any further : repudiate
    intransitive verb
    1 : to make a renunciation
    2 : to fail to follow suit in a card game
    synonyms see abdicate, abjure
    — re·nounce·ment \-ˈnau̇n(t)s-mənt\ noun
    — re·nounc·er noun


    Pronunciation: \di-ˈnau̇n(t)s, dē-\
    Function: transitive verb
    Inflected Form(s): de·nounced; de·nounc·ing
    Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French denuncier to proclaim, from Latin denuntiare, from de- + nuntiare to report — more at announce
    Date: 13th century
    1 : to pronounce especially publicly to be blameworthy or evil
    2 archaic a : proclaim b : to announce threateningly
    3 : to inform against : accuse
    4 obsolete : portend
    5 : to announce formally the termination of (as a treaty)
    synonyms see criticize
    — de·nounce·ment \-ˈnau̇n(t)-smənt\ noun
    — de·nounc·er noun

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