Mr and Mrs Pushy do some jostling behind the scenes

Published: April 18, 2010 at 5:12pm
Charlon Gouder and Quinto Scerri provide an alternative escort to Mr and Mrs Leader's Alfa

Charlon Gouder and Quinto Scerri provide an alternative escort to Mr and Mrs Leader's Alfa

So much for that ‘I don’t like the trappings of power’ image that Mr and Mrs Pushy are trying so hard to cultivate with their turning up late for the King of Spain and their visits to Sicily with Anglu Farrugia instead of a state dinner for the outgoing president.

Now I hear through the grapevine that they were the ones who made a pushy scene to have their twins hauled up to the Pope in the formal line-up, and their request was granted.

So they didn’t surprise anyone by taking the children along.

Two other demands that Mr and Mrs Pushy made were not acceded to: 1. to stand on the palace balcony with their twins, the pope, the president and the first lady, and the prime minister and Mrs Gonzi, waving to the crowds below, and 2. to have their Alfa (which is how they refer to the family car) escorted from their home to the palace by police officers on motorbikes with sirens wailing.

Xi dwejjaq ta’ nies. Malta’s very own Eva Peron (sweetly smiling, steely, ruthless ambition and an iron claw in a velvet glove), but without the glitz.

Il-vera mittilkless, jahasra.

40 Comments Comment

  1. Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

    The Perons led the Argentine Labour Party, or Justicialist Party.

    One should read about Peronism, comparing and contrasting it with endemic species.

  2. Antoine Vella says:

    Congratulations to whoever stood firm and refused to accede to the ridiculous demands.

    This goes beyond protocol. What it means is that Muscat’s gaffe was not due to lack of experience or savoir-faire but a deliberate bending of the rules to give his own family privileges which others did not enjoy.

    What other rules is he willing to bend to accommodate his friends? Can we trust him with power?

  3. Karlumanju Re tal- Franki says:

    L-Argentini kienu ipprotestaw bil- qawwi meta gie svelat li Madge ‘Crucifix-snorkelling’ Madonna kienet se tahdem il- parti ta’ Eva Peron f’ ‘Evita’.

    Ghal ragunijiet ovvji, le?

    Min se jahdem il- parti tal- Evita taghna? Sondagg, Daphne!

  4. Alan says:

    Point them towards the Casa Rosada. Maybe they’ll emigrate.

  5. maryanne says:

    Once in power, they will be re-writing all the rules of protocol.

  6. Snoopy says:

    Inbazwru naqra l’hawn u naqra l’hemm. This party has always been, is and unfortunately for us, shall continue to be more like a third world, banana republic party rather than a Western developed country government in waiting.

  7. Jon says:

    This is too ridiculous to be true…

  8. ron says:

    L-aqwa li nirkbu fuq dar il-haddiem. Kollox ghalih jaghmlu!

  9. janine says:

    Il- power qed jitla ghal rashom – ahseb u ara la jkunu fil Gvern dawn.

  10. Harry Purdie says:

    Reminds me of our current volcano problems. I’ve not seen this much hot air and gas come out of three gaping holes (yes, there are three) since the last time I heard ‘The Midget Leader’ and his two asshole bookends speak.

  11. bornslippy says:

    Did anyone notice Tonio Fenech handing a letter to the Pope? What was that all about? Don’t tell me the Pope is an Arsenal fan?

  12. Anastasi says:

    How about the balloon dress Mrs Pushy chose to wear for mass? Very appropriate – A stronger gust of wind and we would have had a Marilyn Monroe scene trying to keep the skirt in place.

  13. Anthony says:

    How reliable is the grapevine in this case? If the information is correct, this is a very worrying development. These are ideas of grandeur. They are pathological and can be symptomatic of serious mental dysfunction.

    • Snoopy says:

      Did you ever have a doubt that he (the great leader) has ideas of grandeur? This could be seen from miles away from the very first interview before he even became the great leader of the unwashed.

  14. Kenno says:

    Mur gib lil Zeppi Muscat prim ministru – ikun irid l-iskorta, pulizija fuq il-muturi bis-sireni, skorta mad-dar, tapit ahmar, u ward imxerred f’kull post li jghaddi minnhu…pathetic!

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Ovvjament, se jiehu l-gurament tal-hatra bit-twins f’idejh. Qed neleggu d-Dinastija Muscat, mhux lil Joseph Muscat.

      • Little Britain says:

        In Malta we already elect dynasties. Look at all the Mifsud Bonnicis, Demarcos, Fenech Adamis, etc who have been elected SOLELY on their surname or family connections, with no other experience. Nothing new in this tin pot little country we call home.

  15. TROY says:

    U dan ma jafx x’laqtu, ghax il-Leadership telgha ghal rasu. Dan jahseb li ha jghaddi min fuq ras kullhadd.

  16. Gahan says:

    Mela dan favur id-divorzju imur b’wiccu minn quddiem ibus id il-Papa li kien ghadu kif tkellem biex Malta zzomm soda kontra d-divorzju u l-abort.Wiccu w sormu l-istess!

    It-tfal tal-politiku ghandhom id-dritt li ma’ jkun jafhom hadd, u min ma’ jqisx il-gid ta’ uliedu qabel l-ambizzjonijiet tieghu ma’ jafx x’hini dicenza.

    Fl-ilbies ma’ nifhimx imma l-libsa forma ta’ umbrella tixraq biss lil xi wahda t’ghoxrin ghal xi party, mhux ghal mara ta’ ‘l fuq minn tletin sena li se tiltaqa’ mal-Papa.

    • Ali Baba says:

      Dejjem tghid xi wahda tajba int. Sewwa, dan irid idahhal id-divorzju, u qal li hu PERSONALMENT se jressaq il-mozzjoni, meta jkun Prim Ministru, u jaghmel il-frijvowt.

      Mela jrid idahhal ligi li hi dijametrikament opposta ghal familja, imbaghad imur, bil-familja kollha, jiehu u jbus idejn il-Papa li gie jghidilna, f’kull okkazzjoni li kellu, biex niggieldu id-dhul tad-divorzju.

    • Grace says:

      Ara Veru Gahan int ta. Tghidlix li int kontra d-divorzju. Mela se nibqghu sittin sena lura. Ara veru tal-Taleban int taf. Il-Knisja ma ghandiex tmexxi l-gvern. Jekk xi hadd irrid jidivorzja hadd ma ghandu jindahalu. EFA tefana 20 sena lura meta ftiehem mal-Knisja li biex koppja mizzewga bil-Knisja igib Annulament civili trid l-ewwel igib Annulament mill-Knisja.

      [Daphne – Fil-fatt, dak kien Guido de Marco u mhux Fenech Adami li ghamel hekk.]

      Min hu favur id-divorzju ma jfissirx li kontra l-knisja – anqas iffisser li jrid divorzju ghalih personali. Daqt tibdew tghidu li min ma jmurx quddies il-Hadd jibda jehel citazzjoni – Malajr nimlewa l-Hofra fil-finanzi mbaghad.

  17. Sigra ta' Guda says:

    Malta’s would-be royal family

  18. Mrs. Bukkett says:

    Keeping Up Appearances – 2010 papal edition.

  19. obamamichelle says:

    Isma hawn xi hadd ghandu ritratt ta’ Michelle waqt il-quddies tal-Papa biex niehu idea x`ser nilbes, ghax ghandi tieg fit-8 ta’ Mejju?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      L-“opinjonisti” jghidu li kollox jixraqlek, S’jura Obama. Però li kont minnek immur ghal xi haga Chanel. Afda f’Karl Lagerfeld. Lesti dawk it-200k kontanti, u jkollok libsa li tohorgok ta’ nies. Ghand Versace tersaqx ghax minn meta miet il-mibki Gianni, tilfu l-eleganza. YSL ukoll nibza’, hélas!, li se jitiflu dak ix-je ne sais quoi. Jien fortunat li ghandi cintorin disinjat minnu. A memento of the maître tailleur.

  20. Antoine Vella says:

    Mintoff used to have a mounted police escort – 6 or 7 bodyguards surrounding him – whenever he went riding at the Marsa complex and there would be a helicopter circling overhead.

    Perhaps Joseph Muscat thinks a police escort will make people think he’s as important as Mintoff used to be. However, this would work only with hardened Labourites and assorted birdbrains. Nobody in their right senses would ever vote for another Mintoff.

  21. salvu says:

    jealousy gets you nowhere you bunch of nitwits.

  22. Facebook says:

    How petty! But rest assured that it is imminent that the police escorts will be at Burmarrad awaiting their Alfa!

    • Hubert Zammit says:

      yes dear “Facebook”……….in the meantime keep on waiting and watch your leader in opposition without any escort.

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