You MUST read this

Published: September 13, 2010 at 9:47pm
The president of the world is dead. Long live the president of the world. Joseph Muscat: anything is possible as he flies the Maltese flag across the globe in a stunning example of international leadership.

The president of the world is dead. Long live the president of the world. Joseph Muscat: anything is possible as he flies the Maltese flag across the globe in a stunning example of international leadership.

Is there a name for a psychiatric disorder that causes grandiose thinking, feelings of unlimited personal potential and the illusion of being invincible?

And I’m not referring to Joseph Muscat, but to the person who wrote this rat’s ass of a leading article for the Labour Party’s ‘news website’.

Leadership in the World

Malta may be a small country in size but should never be a small country in ambition. We need to play a role on the world stage; we have a lot to contribute.

One person who readily understands this is Joseph Muscat. He’s been building up relations with other countries as he prepares for the responsibilities of power.

His visits have ranged from near neighbours, Libya and Italy, to distant lands, China and Australia. He understands the importance of engaging with the world.

Great benefits come Malta’s way from positive partnerships. The list seems endless — international trade, control of immigration, tackling climate change, boosting tourism and the sharing of ideas being the most obvious.

The Labour leader knows a thing or two about forging alliances from his time in Brussels as a member of the European Parliament. His international outlook has led him to speak of his vision of Malta being a harbour of peace, committed in a global and multilateral fight against terror and global warming, and advocating understanding between people.

Joseph Muscat probably caused some surprise months ago when he turned his thoughts to the Maltese Presidency of the European Union.

The event doesn’t take place until 2017. What he was showing was ability for forward thinking. He understands this will be an important moment; for six months of that year Malta will be the leader of Europe.

Within Malta Joseph Muscat has demonstrated ambition in reaching out beyond the core of his party, building a movement of Progressives and Moderates, to replace the stale politics of stagnation and complacency.

That is one act of leadership. To reach out across the globe, flying the Maltese flag far and wide, is another form of leadership altogether, and a measure of the man who stands poised to be our next Prime Minister.

37 Comments Comment

  1. kc says:

    Love the bit about his “ability for forward thinking”.
    Forward thinking my a**!

    He only realised that joining the EU is good for Malta ‘with hindsight’. Now that’s real forward thinking.

  2. Andrew Borg-Cardona says:

    Straight out of the Kim-il Sung Manual of Hagiography.

  3. Gahan says:

    Mhux hekk irid il-Mexxej? U hekk ituh!

  4. Bus Driver says:

    “To reach out across the globe, flying the Maltese flag far and wide, is another form of leadership altogether, and a measure of the man who stands poised to be our next Prime Minister.”

    …is that perhaps what the cruise on the MSC Splendida was all about?

  5. Isard du Pont says:

    Is this forward-thinking visionary Joseph Muscat the very same who told us to vote NO to EU membership lest we drown in a sea of Sicilian hairdressers?

    The one who needed five years of hindsight to concede, on the basis of his direct, personal experience in Brussels, that perhaps EU membership was good for Malta after all?

    He has the foresight and judgement of a rabbit on crack.

  6. Pick up a Penguin says:

    So that’s why Norman Hamilton packed our Joseph off on a cruise – to fly the flag for Malta and demonstrate leadership in Messina, Taormina, Rome, Marseilles, Cassis, Barcelona, Tunis and Sidi Bou Said.

    Does Hamilton Travel organise anything in Antarctica? There are a couple of penguins down there who are looking for some world leadership. If Muscat can be persuaded into a dinner jacket, he just might cut it.

  7. Anthony says:

    This is no psychiatric disorder.

    This is the classical “leccacul” par excellence.

    His halitosis is exuding from my LCD screen.

  8. Antoine Vella says:

    My guess is that this piece was written by Mario Vella.

  9. Gahan says:

    Eh bil-haqq, rajtu fuq is-Super One, fuq programm jismu Spotlight – u kien hemm missieru jirrakkonta meta ghazlu lil Joseph jaghmel il-priedka tal-Milied (kien fiha hafna pages, ta!).

    Qabel missieru kien hemm Kurt Farrugia li irrakkonta meta raqdu fl-art fil-flat ta’ Brussels u li Joseph kien gurnalist ma’ Etienne St John fuq il-hot news, u huma kienu junior journalists fil-Maltastar li waqqaf Joseph …..u imbghad qlibtlu ghax qazzizni jidhak ghal-xejn (ghax kollox ipreparat kien) u qadt nara Miss Italia. Hekk ahjar.

    • Gahan says:

      Annuncio vobis gaudium magnum: Ghandna Mexxej!

      U milli stajt nara waqt l-intervista jidhru tal-flus ta’ Muscat!

      Nahseb ikun hemm xi repeats wara nofs in-nhar ghax inzertajtu u ……qlibtlu.
      It-Taljani kieku jghidu “che palle!”.

    • Isard du Pont says:

      Priedka tat-tifel? And he hasn’t changed his style of delivery since. Had you noticed?

  10. maryanne says:

    The author stopped short of saying that they are already preparing the fireworks display.

  11. Il-mara ta' hu r-ragel says:

    Ask the Icelandics ….u hallina, Joey.

    • Diagnosed with dementia says:

      Has Labour burned all those tapes of the Super One show Made in Brussels?

      That’s when Joseph Muscat came on our screens once a week to put the fear of God and EU membership into us.

      They should be made compulsory viewing for the people at Maltastar. Then they’ll understand just what a great visionary their leader is (not).

      But Kurt and Joseph have almost certainly done a Joe Stalin on those tapes.

      The new history is that Muscat piloted Malta into the European Union.

      • ciccio2010 says:

        Diagnosed with dementia, your memory is in perfect shape.

        From maltastar above:
        “….Maltese Presidency of the European Union.
        The event doesn’t take place until 2017. What he was showing was ability for forward thinking. He understands this will be an important moment; for six months of that year Malta will be the leader of Europe.”

        I wonder how all this fitted into his vision at the time of his “Made in Brussels.”

        Perhaps Kev, who has been living in Brussels for some time, can shed some light on this.

        Meanwhile, was he forging new alliances on the MSC Splendida?

      • kev says:

        What ‘Made in Brussels’? I’ve no idea what you’re on about, Ciccio. All I know is that the EU President of the Council is the unelected Herman van Rompuy and the MS presidency is already all but symbolic. What’s certain is that by 2017 Malta will NOT “be the leader of Europe.”

        “Forward thinking” – mela! Bhal meta titfa’ l-gear first u taghfas gasssdawn… Lijder of Yurowp mhux nejk, wertitt nilghabu naq`a noli attaparsi nafu x’qed nghidu.

  12. p dimech says:

    X’ ineffhuh lit-tifel, daqt jibdew jghidu li minn issa qed jaghmel il-gid mil-oppozizzjoni.

    Mur gibu prim ministru x’dardir u pozi. Ma, x’biza.

  13. Stephen Forster says:

    Incredible – talk about being narcissistic. This is drivel even more putrid than they normally turn out. First spout off about the gravy train in Brussels, then accept a seat on said gravy train knowing full well Daddy can keep you in comfort with his trade in Maltese IEDs, and next thing you’re Mahatma Gandhi.

    Only in Malta.

  14. il-Ginger says:

    He’s the Maltese Sarah Palin and his followers are the Teabaggers.

    “Great benefits come Malta’s way from positive partnerships. The list seems endless — international trade, control of immigration, tackling climate change, boosting tourism and the sharing of ideas being the most obvious.”

    What are they talking about? Tackling climate change! “Dr.Chinaman Build~a more~ofa Sun Energy and Gust Power! I make~a da motivation iva? yes? I make a Klajmate cejng”

    “The event doesn’t take place until 2017. What he was showing was ability for forward thinking.”

    No it shows his lack of focus on current affairs in favour of day dreaming. Who reads and believes this shit, the same people who think Angelik and Norman Lowell are Maltese prophets?

    Within Malta Joseph Muscat has demonstrated ambition in reaching out beyond the core of his party, building a movement of Progressives and Moderates, to replace the stale politics of stagnation and complacency. “

    Oh yes, we can all see his progressiveness, as long as we have less than half a brain. It’s true that he’s replaced stale politics. It’s just too darnn bad that he’s replaced it with dumb-ass politics.

    That is one act of leadership. To reach out across the globe, flying the Maltese flag far and wide, is another form of leadership altogether, and a measure of the man who stands poised to be our next Prime Minister.”

    Are they serious? Joseph Ich liebe dich leader of the free world? What do ya know, him and Sarah Palin would make a great couple, sailing around the globe with the flag and all on a banana boat.

    His visits have ranged from near neighbours, Libya and Italy, to distant lands, China and Australia. He understands the importance of engaging with the world. ”

    Impressive for those who’ve never gone beyond Gozo.

    In other news, Libya attacks Italian fishing ship.
    An occasion for new world leeder Joseph Ich liebe dich to shine.

    What “enlightened” “mind” wrote this crap?

    • kev says:

      Ginger – the so-called ‘Teebaggers’ is the Tea Party movement that grew out of Ron Paul’s grassroots during the last presidential primaries. These are sensible and rational people who are opposed to the federal takeover, and especially to federal taxation that mostly goes to pay interest on loans made on their behalf by the Treasury from the Federal Reserve, which in turn creates the money out of thin air. Given that the Federal Reserve is as secretive as a family court and especially that it is governed by global bankers, your ‘Teebaggers’ might be the only sensible thing coming out of the US presently.

      These people are not neo-con Republicans, but Constitutionalists. The movement is now becoming pervasive – this undoubtedly dumbed it down somewhat, which is where Sarah Palin enters the scene.

      So while the corporate media on the Liberal ‘left’ has endowed them with a red-neck, KKK image, Sarah Palin, an empty vessel par excellence, has been placed by her backers on this growing bandwagon hoping to gain momentum for her presidential bid (campaigning for the primaries starts early next year).

  15. Not Tonight says:

    Oh Lord! Deliver us from Joey. Amen

  16. Pat says:

    Daphne, int veru bil-mod biex tlehhaq mal-pinna tieghek, imma ghandek erba bloggers hawn mhux wisq inqas ta.

    Ma nafx minn fejn jivvintawhom. Ma tantx nidhaq malajr, imma kif tista ma tidhaqx meta taqra il-kumment ta’ Isard du Pont, “He has the foresight and judgement of a rabbit on crack”? Ha ha.

    Minn fejn jivvintawhom nixtieq naf. Sijja hu u kemm H P Baxxter. Jien nixtieq nirringrazzjhom ghax inkun ftit “down” u jibdluli il-burdata malajr.

  17. Nutcase says:

    “Is there a name for a psychiatric disorder that causes grandiose thinking, feelings of unlimited personal potential and the illusion of being invincible?”

    Delusions of grandeur.

  18. We see so many repeats on TV, why not some of Made in Brussels?

    [Daphne – I don’t think the Nationalist Party had the good sense to record them. It’s true they could never have foreseen that he would become party leader, but come on, you have to cover all bases.]

  19. Rita Camilleri says:

    Why do I have this image of Mighty Mouse with Muscat’s face flying across the world with a Maltese flag in this hand?

  20. ASP says:

    It’s you, Daphne, who should do some “forward thinking”. After the next election you’ll need people to help you out with this website, because you’ll have a lot to write (and us to laugh or cry).

  21. David Buttigieg says:

    Could it be Desmond Zammit Marmara? Sounds like him, he used to write in a similiar vein about Sant being a ‘statesman’.

  22. kev says:

    No windmills for our Joseph. A clear world vision and a bagful of global contacts will soon set matters straight.

    And speaking of illusions, ‘Poor Richard’ must have written this piece with the Daphne-types in mind, yet lacking the details it’s surely not for them to read:

    Hundreds of thousands of official documents, research papers and videos prove beyond a doubt that black is black, yet the whitewash remains unstuck. No mystery here once you know how the corporate media plays big-government rhapsodies without ever crossing the rubicon.

    Some victims persist in exposing the obvious truth, focusing on just one simple aspect of the multi-faceted charade:

    Simple to them, perhaps, but to the hare-brained multitudes it’s still as complex as calculus in Chinese.

  23. Paul Borg says:

    Forward thinking? Muscat does not have the slightest idea on how the EU works, despite his four years as an MEP.

    The role of the EU rotating presidency has changed. The EU now has a president. Therefore the EU rotating presidency is purely a ceremonial role.

    And nobody has told him yet, or even his Maltastar ‘news staff’.

  24. Silverbug says:

    I think that acute narcissistic disorder would be pretty close to the mark actually – one believes that one is THE BEST and unbeatable. That fits the bill.

  25. Dr Francis Saliba says:

    It is called megalomania.

  26. Little Britain says:

    Kissinger has met his match.

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