All their tomorrows

Published: November 11, 2010 at 1:45pm

This is the current main headline on the Labour Party’s news website

Lawrence Gonzi has refused to take part in a political discussion on tomorrows Affari Taghna

25 Comments Comment

  1. red nose says:

    Did he give a reason? It’s not usual for Gonzi to take this line of action.

  2. Anthony says:

    I would have thought so too, following on the disgraceful behaviour of the PL leader on Xarabank.

  3. Etil says:

    What is ‘Affari Taghna’ – I take it is some sort of Xarabank style programme on the PL TV. If Dr. Gonzi is going to be subjected to the Xarabank style attitude by PL – then he did well to refuse to take part.

  4. e. muscat says:

    I had all respect for John Bundy. I also admired his straightforwardness. I also felt a big sigh of relief when ‘Affari taghna ‘ was launched, even though not on my favourite channel. It was a welcome relief from ‘XARABANK’ that had really developed to a stomach turning programme, especially its presenter, with his slyness. However Mr Bundy has to take things at a stride and be more cautious in what he says, Certain things sound like a threat. Ma narawx kbir please.! I hope that because of ‘Affari Taghna’ Mr Bundy will not lose l–‘Affari Tieghu’

  5. Rita Camilleri says:

    What did they expect after that mis-en-scene on Xarabank? Good for Gonzi.

  6. Alfred says:

    Le! Le! Mhux Gonzi ma accettax imma ceda postu biex issa li ghandna edivenza gdida mil-qorti, Bundy jerga jistieden lill Nicky u jghidlu li l-ahhar darba li kien fuq il-programm tieghu, hargu ta’ mazetta.

  7. K B says:

    on another note they are treating you like a hollywood celebrity :)

  8. davidg says:

    I am not Bundy as far as contacts are concerned, and I managed to get a glimpse of the rumours and facts surrounding Nicky during his dismissal from the PN, as far as Birzebbuga.

    So, how can Bundy be so confident and at ease, interviewing Nicky during his programme and projecting that the PN did the wrong thing, when he knows that eventually the actual truth will come out and he will be projected as unreliable and untrustworthy?

    [Daphne – Never go on rumour. Rumours in Malta rarely have any connection with reality. They usually start out as a deliberate and malicious series of lies by individuals with a vested interest in causing harm to their target, becoming wilder and wilder as they grow. But as for facts, yes, there are enough of those in this case.]

  9. Charles Cauchi says:

    Tomorrows? Tomorrow’s – please.

  10. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Seeing as it’s the 11th November: For all their tomorrows, we gave our todays.

  11. Anthony Farrugia says:

    John Bundy with his manoeuvreing between the stations (NET,TVM and now ONE) does not appear to have got rid of chip on his shoulder acquired when he left or was ousted from Net.

  12. carlos says:

    Bundy mhux dak tal-Mickey Mouse?

  13. TROY says:

    Bundy ppretenda li jmexxi il-101, u issa bhala tpattija ghax ma ghamluhx ‘in charge’ mar mal-Labour (another Woods).
    Vera tal Mickey Mouse.

  14. XK says:

    At least he had the decency to let them know. Joseph Muscat or rather, Kurt Farrugia, did not extend the same courtesy to Net TV to participate in a debate with the PM on a programme tonight.

    He did not say he can’t make it or refuse to go. He ignored them outright.

  15. Riya says:

    I wish our PM accepted the invitation. However, I think there must be a valid reason for him not accept as he is not that type of person. He is able to face anybody let alone Bundy.

  16. davidg says:

    Bundy started managing Caqnu”s radio station called A3 something, when it started transmitting, but again, something went really wrong, and than he moved on to managing Hard Rock Cafe.

  17. Claude Sciberras says:

    If you watched the programme last week you would know exactly why the prime minister declined. Mr Bundy lost control of the crowd and of himself, shouting at and being as rude as the crowd who harassed the panel.

    There is a very good reason why intelligent people try to avoid giving rude and ignorant people too much importance. The short while I watched Bundy’s programme last Friday I heard him shouting at the audience and telling people to shut up.

    Whoever thinks that you can incite a crowd and then expect them to control themselves is extremely naive especially when the crowd is not exactly full of Nobel Prize winners. I think the prime minister did the right thing.

    • ciccio2010 says:

      Claude, I fully agree with your view. Not to mention the programme about local councils, where the local councillors – I understand mostly Labour (except for Nikki Dimech, perhaps) – took the opportunity to criticise the government and to say how they do not do things because it is the government’s responsibility!

      In an interview with Miriam Dalli on One just about a week ago, Bundy said he will have his Affari on TV right up to the next general elections and then Joseph Muscat has promised to give him a kick in the butt and throw him out. Something tells me John Bundy will not make his part of the deal, but that’s “affari tieghu.”

      • percita49 says:

        Bundy even said in this programme of Miriam Dalli TX obvisiouly on One TV, that Joseph Muscat told him not to invite him in any of his programmes to keep his shows neat and clean.

        How come now that Joseph is going to the talk show “Affari

        You can watch this programme on on demand library.

  18. carmel says:

    Gonzi is afraid to take part in One tv programe, not on Xarabank, that’s a different story. I think he is boycotting the programe ‘Affari Taghna.’

    [Daphne – The prime minister remains the prime minister. He or his advisers must choose very carefully where and how he appears and speaks in public (and in private, for that matter). When the prime minister chooses to cooperate with someone or something, that someone or something is vested with credibility through the prime minister. If the prime minister and his advisers do not think that Bundy has credibility, then that is their decision. I would say they are right. I am sick of this all-pervasive chav culture, where everyone has to behave like a chav or be forced into a circus ring to perform for their delectation.]

  19. P Shaw says:

    Why should the PM go and belittle himself at this circus hosted by such a primadonna. It will only give credibility to this charade.

  20. red nose says:

    We have a prime minister with dignity.

  21. A. TONNA says:


  22. Dear Daphne,

    I would like to take this opportunity to say that Dr Gonzi our prime minister is an example of a good leader. God bless him and all the politicians of good will, and may the rest learn the good lesson.

    Thank you

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