Mela Marlene gabet id-divorzju qabel il-prajvit mambers bill tar-ragel?

Published: January 10, 2011 at 11:32pm

Did you see Marlene Pullicino on Bondi+? Was that a wedding ring she was wearing?

Jew hadet l-angejg in preparation for the successful progress of her husband’s private member’s bill through parliament?

All that screeching and interrupting and then when Lou Bondi asked her how big a proportion of people’s income goes on fuel, she looked like she’d swallowed a lemon and admitted she didn’t know.

So what the hell was she on about?

One crazy chick and a shedload of Edwin Vassallo’s eggs, and parliament is now where we go to play Farmville.

12 Comments Comment

  1. Pat says:

    Jien nahseb li hadet jew taghat l-engejg. Pls note that the latter is written with `e`s not `a`s. L` A bil Malti tinstema` mod iehor, as in laringa, harga, marret. Mela `E`, as in estru, eremita`, erfa`. Maa kemm jien brava hejj, anqas tibda mieghi int, Daphne.

  2. John Schembri says:

    The ring: she’s still married.

    Interruptions: poor Tonio, he deserves the rise.

    I can now understand why some women need a pastizz as their partner.

    Summing it all up: PL is saying that what this government is doing is right but is being done late in the day, the usual hindsight mantra, that is.

    I liked the repeating of “ilkom hamsa u ghoxrin sena u m’ghamiltu xejn”. We should keep repeating to ourselves that in 1996 we had a Labour government led by Alfred Sant who abandoned ship and hacked Malta’s economy.

  3. cat says:

    Dak fi zmieni konna nghidlu l-isteady ring li jigi qabel l-ingejc.

  4. Joseph Micallef says:

    I hate to say it, but maybe I know why her first marriage didn’t work out, and if the second is to work the guy must be immune to that sort of awful personality – arrogance and ignorance are probably virtues in her case.

  5. Antoine Vella says:

    Marlene Pullicino’s behaviour on the programme was not unusual for a PL representative. She was simply following Labour’s Golden Rule: make sound not sense.

  6. David Buttigieg says:

    “Jew hadet l-angejg in preparation for the successful progress of her husband’s private member’s bill through parliament?”

    No no, she models her life on the Madonna and will wait for an annulment – didn’t she say so herself?

  7. Fair deal says:

    Ghaliex kull darba bdiet issemmi 25 sena Nazzjonalisti fil-gvern? Safejn naf jien hafna min dawk is-snin Marlene kienet parti mil Partit Nzzjonalista.

  8. Gahan says:

    Xi trid tkun biex tkun accettat bhala Membru Parlamentari Laburista mill-Laburisti : trid tkun taf tpecclaq , tinterrompi, tghajjat u titpastaz.

  9. Gabibbs says:

    Insiet li kienet fil-PN Marlene? Ghaliex telqet? Imma miskina riedet taghti servizz lil pajjiz xorta wahda. U fejn kienet meta tal-PN ma kienu jaghmlu xejn? Trid tghidilna din li issa qeghda taghmel xu haga?

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