A bit of black humour

Published: February 21, 2011 at 9:39pm

Uploaded on maltapark.com in the section ‘Cars, trucks and parts’ this afternoon:

2 French-made Dassault Mirage F1BD fighter jets for sale. Previously owned by Libyan airforce.

Excellent condition, vera ma jahlix petrol u munizzjon irhis ukoll. Jistghu jintuzaw ghall-kacca no problem.

Power-steering, central locking, electric windows, fluffy pink dice and custom Muammar Gaddafi bobblehead figurine included.

Pilots not included.

Please send email to arrange viewing u nirrangaw prezz tajjeb siehbi


Perhaps the Labour Party should hock Jason Micallef and a couple of Super One computers and buy them. In 1986, Karmenu Vella had a driver. In 2013 he can have a pilot.

And then the pilot can bomb the enemy instead of just plain shooting (so 80s, so shoulder-pads). Or not. Who knows, perhaps he might even find a pilot with a wind-up daughter who cries to order in front of cameras because she was only nine years old when her father flew a Mirage for Karmenu.

I’m guessing Karmenu Vella will now be deleting from his CV that bit where he describes his extensive business experience in Libya.

And I trust the security services are not monitoring John Dalli’s mobile phone because they are too busy with Ev and Jeff’s. So we’re not likely to have any embarrassing Wikileaks about an EU Commissioner scrambling to salvage what he can in Libya.

33 Comments Comment

  1. gel says:

    So John Dalli’s brother would not be buying any more soap bars from Libya, miskin.

  2. K Farrugia says:

    Such an investment could be more beneficial than the infamous RJs bought by Air Malta. I wonder how the experts on Joe Grima’s Inkontri haven’t talked about such possibility.

  3. observer says:

    What about Alex Sceberras Trigona?

  4. Corinne Vella says:

    Deutsche Presse Agency


    Two Libyan fighter pilots claim asylum in Malta (Extra)
    Feb 21, 2011, 18:05 GMT
    Valletta, Malta – Two Libyan fighter jet pilots who landed without authorization in Malta on Monday afternoon have asked for political asylum, an army official told the German Press Agency dpa.

    The pilots – both colonels operating from Okba Bin Nafe, a base near the Libyan capital Tripoli – surrendered to the Maltese authorities and were taken in for questioning, the official said.

    One news report claimed that the pilots had been ordered to take to the air and bombard protesters in various parts of Benghazi, a north-eastern Libyan city that has become a hotspot amid a wave of pro-democracy protests.

    Malta is gearing up to become a logistical base for European Union evacuations from Libya. The tiny EU state is just one hour away from Tripoli by plane. Malta is also preparing a contingency plan for refugees arriving by sea.

    [Daphne – We’re actually 40 minutes away, not an hour.]

    • Mark Vassallo says:

      More like nine minutes away in a Mirage.

      At a top speed of Mach 2.2 (2,338 km/h) these ‘fast movers’ can cover the distance of 355km from Tripoli to Malta in just nine minutes.

  5. Grezz says:

    Maybe the he’ll wash his slate clean with Bastjan’s green soap.

  6. La Redoute says:

    About the only sensible comment about Malta and Italy so far…

    attackanddecay: While Egypt, Tunisia reported to set up field hospitals at borders to help Libyans, Malta, Italy (Europe) fear “influx.” Shame!

  7. Harry Purdie says:

    Daphne, you remind me of the 1955 play, by Jerome Lawrence and Robert Edwin Lee, ‘Inherit the Wind’, subsequently made into a film in 1960 with Spencer Tracey and Frederick March.

    The play was to mark the 150th anniversary of Darwin’s ‘The Origin of the Species’, with the quote ‘He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind’. Wonder whether Dalli has read it.

  8. Sadly, this is no black humour but only too real:

    Ben Valletta(3 hours, 9 minutes ago)
    Now today you want to locate people and you say that those that are in tripoli are relatively safe???? My partner was in Libya and if it wasnt up to their good judgement and having the resources they would be in grave danger now. When he contacted the Malta Foreign Affairs on Friday to try and seek help they told him to call later on as they were on break…and saturday and sunday the foreign ministry doesnt work………is this how we safeguard our citizens?????

  9. TROY says:

    I suggest both Karmenu Vella and John Dalli (tat-Tunny Net) get one of these fighter planes each.

    Just imagine, boys, what you can do with these babies if Joseph is in power – the many ‘mistaken’ landings you could organise, the cargoes of soap and such.

  10. Muscat says:

    U Gonzi akkwista zewgt “aRJuplani” misruqin.

    I’m dying to insert a winking emoticon at the end.

  11. il-Kokka says:

    Sa fejn naf jien, Var mhux Ev.

    [Daphne – Il-mara tieghu Ev tghidlu, ghax marret is-Sacred Heart. Dak ghandu split social life: Ev ma’ ta’ Tas-Sliema u Varist ma’ tal-Mellieha.]

    • il-Kokka says:

      Ma rridx immerik, imma sa fejn naf jien, she calls him Vaaarist – with the accent on the a, instead of on the i, where it should be.

      [Daphne – I suppose it all depends on what sort of people she’s with. I never heard her talking about him as anything other than Ev.]

  12. Ragunament bazwi - the *rs*hole edition says:


    Pule’ Carmel(8 hours, 47 minutes ago)If I were one of the Mirage jets, I would inform the Malta Tower that I suffered engine problems as I hug the Marsascala/Ricasoli coast, ditch my aircraft at the mouth of Marsamxetto harbour, ejecting seconds before ditching, thus solving multiple political, social, diplomatic and strategic problems!!!

  13. Ragunament bazwi - the brainless edition says:

    Ahmed Sewehli(6 hours, 13 minutes ago)I’m a British-Libyan doctor in Manchester who spent a lovely 2 years at St Edwards College VI form. My family are protesting in Tripoli. The end is very near, but the death toll will be huge. I thank the Maltese people for letting the planes land, please accept more planes if they come your way to prevent further bloodshed.

    P. Borg(1 hour, 48 minutes ago)It’s ok to do charity but Mr. Sewehli, I must remind you that our country is already full of foreigners let alone space is continuously decreasing. May I remind you that our financial situation is not good and we are not living in heaven. If your population is going to come here it will mean a disaster for us. It’s unrealistic asking us to take the burden of other countries when we don’t even have the means to support ourselves. Why don’t you accept them in your home instead? Isn’t it too much for us to bear? I believe that if the situation was vice versa we wouldn’t be allowed to enter libya so easily let alone take a plane and land wherever we want. And don’t tell me it’s about racism. It’s about that we need to protect our country because the maltese population comes first.

    • Vanni says:

      U mela, Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox, hi. U dak John Donne ma kienx jifhem xejn, gej b”No man is an island, entire of itself…any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind”. Qatt ma gie Malta dan, jewilla?

    • Ahmed Sewehli says:

      Dear Mr Borg: I meant thanks for accepting the fighter planes. The Libyan people do not need to or want to come to Malta. They wish to live in a new free Libya, which may very soon be doing more trade with Malta.

  14. Ragunament bazwi - the chicken brain edition says:


    Kieron O’connor(12 hours, 19 minutes ago)They must have heard about the referendum…and a chance to express a free vote.
    ooops…and then they arrived and realised they are on a new leash….simple question..no choice…”Yes or No”…”Yes or No”.
    Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

  15. Hot Mama says:

    Am I the only one who doesn’t get this black humour? I do have a well-developed sense of humour but when I think why these two pilots defected, the humour deserts me.

    • Vanni says:

      I can take the humour, it is the selfishness that seems an inherent trait with most there that I can’t stomach.

      There was a hullabaloo about Muscat’s foray into advertising, but he was only saying what quite a large majority think:what might I gain from others’ misfortune?

  16. Lomax says:

    I think this is in extremely bad taste.

  17. Luvnews says:

    5.17pm Al Jazeera’s Cal Perry reports from Malta that the Italian navy is monitoring a Libyan naval vessel stalled in waters just off the coast of Malta. There are possible allegations that the vessel may have defected. More details are being sought.


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