Gird your loins, Saviour and Roger

Published: February 17, 2011 at 12:48pm

Nice one, Roger. Ibqa sejjer kif int.

I spent some time yesterday taking time-and-date screen-shots of all the cracked and slanderous comments about me on Malta Today’s online comments-board.

There are a couple of comments which are not only slanderous but outright criminal: threats to my safety and warnings of violence to come. I’m considering taking those to John Rizzo, but I figure he’s far too busy with Il-Botom’s daughter, so I’ll go to the civil courts instead.

Then this morning I woke up to find that oh, I can sue them again with a clear-cut case: this story.


OPM leak to Caruana Galizia proves line of communication between PN and blogger

Private correspondence from PM’s spokesperson to Labour journalists leaked to Daphne Caruana Galizia before being sent to KullHadd newspaper.

A journalist’s private correspondence with the Prime Minister’s spokesperson Gordon Pisani was leaked to the Malta Independent’s columnist and blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia, hours before they were sent to the newspaper.

Answers from the OPM to questions from the Labour organ KullHadd, soliciting comment from the prime minister and his ministers over personal attacks in Caruana Galizia’s blog, were published on her blog before reaching the KullHadd newsroom.

The comments were never published on Sunday’s edition of KullHadd because the answers were received late in the day. Instead, they appeared on Caruana Galizia’s blog.

The gaffe also proves the line of communication that exists between the Office of the Prime Minister, the Nationalist party, Pisani and Caruana Galizia: the columnist was in Israel during the weekend, but her blog published the said correspondence on Sunday, ostensibly unaware that the answers had not been published in KullHadd.

A string of personal attacks on Nationalist backbenchers, namely Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Jesmond Mugliett, Jean Pierre Farrugia and Robert Arrigo – always critical voices in the PN establishment – have formed the mainstay of Caruana Galizia’s blog.

The Office of the Prime Minister has denied using the blog as a covert way to push dirt against various MPs and media personalities. But the timing of ‘parallel’ spin campaigns in most media continues to confirm that Castille is feeding much of the information.


I have said already on this blog that I did NOT get either the questions or the reply from Gordon Pisani or anyone at the Office of the Prime Minister.

Obviously, Che Guevara (you don’t have the looks or the glamour, sweetheart) wannabe Matthew Vella and his paymasters Saviour and Roger didn’t believe me. They don’t know me well enough.

But I can take a solemn oath in court and say it.

Just as I can deny under oath everything else these lousy rats have said here, about being ‘used’ by the prime minister (what a joke) or that I’m told what to do and say and write (they really don’t know me).

I’m suing them already about a comment which they uploaded, claiming that I am financed by the Nationalist Party. It’s too late to remove the comment, Saviour and Roger. I have an authenticated screen shot.

You can say what you like about me, but lies are something else.

Oh, and I’m also going to report you to the Equality Commission for misogyny: you’ve got some very progressive comments there calling me menopausal (sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not), crazy with PMT (I’ve never suffered from it, sorry), a frustrated bitch, a witch, and so on.

What would you have found to say if I were a man, eh? I wonder. So liberal, so progressive – your all-too-recent peasant stock is showing, I’m afraid. Peasants think and talk like that about women. Nineteenth-century peasants.

Incidentally, your reasoning is as cracked as that of your current cheap class of customer: you won’t pass a logic test by claiming that KullHadd didn’t publish what they received, ergo the Office of the Prime Minister leaked it to me.

But then I probably will pass a logic class by saying that all of the above indicates that you might just have a hot-line to KullHadd, as evidenced by the remarkable similarities between your choice of stories of a weekend, on one occasion at least, down to the wording.

Another thing, Matthew, Saviour and Roger: laptops function in Israel because they’ve got electricity there, and they’ve also got internet, so what do you know.

Do please tell your readers how you know I was there, lest they think you have amazing sleuthing instincts: your Karl Schembri sat next to me on the plane. And you left out one crucial detail, because it doesn’t suit the stories you like to spread about my private life: he must have noticed that I was with my HUSBAND.

What a pathetic bunch. Fuq haddiehor iridu jghidu minflok jihlqu salibhom, daqs kemm ghandhom gwaj.

God forbid I should start telling you all that I know about that lot of losers and tossers in the Malta Today office: fathers knifing mothers in hospital beds and being incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital; sisters with longstanding heroin addiction problems who marry one man, have an affair with another and get pregnant by him, have their marriage annulled and marry the lover with their daughter as bridesmaid, splashing it all in a magazine like some Chat chav while counselling others on how to live their lives; alcoholic and anorexic wives who cheat serially on ‘kornut kuntent’ husbands who pretend not to notice even though everyone else does; fathers-in-law fined tens of thousands of liri for VAT evasion; recently widowed husbands kissing their best friend’s estranged wife just days after the wife’s funeral, then meeting somebody else on the rebound and marrying in months; fathers investigated for shooting at PN clubs with submachine guns while driving one of Mintoff’s ministers around; sisters-in-law with suspended sentences from the criminal courts for filing false police reports against their estranged husbands in an attempt at taking the family yacht as part of their separation settlement, then spraying that yacht all over with bright pink paint at night when all else fails; women who had children out of wedlock just for the heck of it, then decided they were lesbians and then changed their minds again and thought they might marry a recently widowed man they’ve known for a couple of months instead, quickly producing a baby that might just be grown up before he slides irrevocably into dementia. And the list goes on.

That’s just SOME of the gwaj in the office at Malta Today. And they have the nerve to get on their high horses and chunter on about others, like Saviour going on because this or that corporation chairman is a homosexual, when he’s just married one, or somebody who thought she was one until she met Saviour and changed her mind (or mistook him for a butch dyke with too much facial hair).

Ahjar jaghlqu halqhom ilkoll, ja qabda ipokriti indannati. You want to talk about others? You lot, of all people?

35 Comments Comment

  1. dery says:

    How many court cases related to your blog are there against you now? I think it all started a year or so ago. If nothing else they must be eating up a lot of time. I don’t know why you bother.

    [Daphne – 1. Consuelo Herrera and Robert Musumeci. 2. Yes. 3. I don’t play golf, tennis or bridge. This is far more amusing and it’s a public service, so I think of it as the equivalent of doing pro bono charity work. 4. Because I had a good upbringing with early lessons in not being spineless, lazy or a coward. I realise that few people in Malta understand this, because it is atypical of the southern Mediterranean, but there you go.]

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Daphne, what was Musumeci suing for? Did he too accuse you that YOU took his integrity away?

      [Daphne – I’ve no idea, because he keeps right on postponing the first sitting, no doubt because he has read all about the Streisand Effect.]

      • ciccio2011 says:

        He keeps postponing the first sitting? Ma naghmlux mod li jkun imwahhal mal-magistrat fuq xi kaz tal-Qorti?

    • dery says:

      Thanks for finding the time to reply – this is part of what makes your blog popular. (1) Surely you can’t be right? There can’t be just one libel case against you? CSH and Julia farrugia are two and I seem to remember loads of others.

      [Daphne – Is there a case against me by Julia Farrugia? I wouldn’t know. She didn’t mention any names in her video. Or did I miss the bit where she said “I am suing Daphne Caruana Galizia”? As for ‘surely you can’t be right’, I think I am more likely to know the facts than you are. ]

  2. Emanuel Borg says:

    As countless others have said on this blog – they cannot cope with the truth. It really hurts. Why do they keep digging when they clearly are already in a hole? The mind boggles. What a sad lot.

  3. A. Charles says:

    Roger, Roger, you are hobnobbing with scum. You, who knew so much of what we went through during the darkest period of modern history, and who grilled me continuously about what things were like in Zejtun. I never thought that you would stoop so low. Let go of malice.

  4. red nose says:

    You’re great when you are calm – greater when you are angry!

  5. Joe Micallef says:

    Do these people have any self-respect? I am not asking about sound judgement because it’s evident they have none!

  6. maryanne says:

    “The comments were never published on Sunday’s edition of KullHadd because the answers were received late in the day. Instead, they appeared on Caruana Galizia’s blog.”

    Please check what Saviour said on video. If I remember correctly he didn’t say that the answer wasn’t published on KullHadd because it was late but ‘ il-gazzetta ma gabuhiex ghal xi raguni u jien ma nafx ghalfejn’. When watching it I found it strange.

  7. Joseph Cauchi says:

    What really surprises me is Roger DeGiorgio’s attitude.

    I know him to be quite different, what happened?

  8. Interested Bystander says:

    Please, if possible, tell me who is vladi? I don’t understand Maltese at all.

  9. ciccio2011 says:

    It is so sad to see Media Today descending to new lows in journalism, permitting false insinuations and threatening material to be published. That word “indannati” describes them so well.

  10. el bandido guapo says:

    “…daqs dak l-eks segretarju generali tal-PN li kien jaghmel il-bombi wara l-bibien tal-Laburisti, u minflok jinqela fl-infern qed jaqla’ mal-€200,000 fis-sena l-Lussemburgu.”

    They are stupid, but really, this is stupid squared. Those comments are grounds for a hell of a whopper law suit.

    [Daphne – He’s onto it already, I’m told by one of my lawyers, who is also his. But you can’t just sue. You have to sue somebody. And that site is completely anonymous except for the registered domain-holder, who is real and lives in Australia – a Labour chav with a pastizzi shop. That’s why they lie grossly in full confidence that nobody can get at them. The amazing thing is that their lies and slander are not grosser – if you’re going to lie and invent things, why not go all the way? Why not say that it was my father who shot at the PN club with a machine gun? Why not say that it was Daphne Vella (at the time) who crept around placing bombs here and there so that Labour would get the blame? Countless people have grounds for criminal action against that site, including every member of my immediate family. I’m guessing you missed the very liberal and progressive targetting of a corporation chairman who happens to be homosexual (because you know, the Nationalists are religio et patria neo-conservatives and look down on homosexuals, despite the glaringly obvious evidence that the opposite is true). They ran his photograph next to a picture downloaded from a gay hardcore site: spread butt cheeks, the lot, and peppered it with really homophobic language. And where I’m concerned, they think it’s an insult to call me a transsexual, when all it is is an error of fact. I wouldn’t even sue for something like that, because what’s so bad or awful about transsexuals that I have to feel libelled by it? They measure everyone by their own peasant yardstick. I’m telling you, they’re doing a great job convincing us that the Labour Party is liberal and progressive.]

    • Crocodile Dundee says:

      It should be possible for someone earning Euro 200,000 per annum in Luxembourg to sue in Australia. Sure Australia has tough laws on this sort of crime.

      [Daphne – You have to go there to sue. I imagine that’s why they chose Australia.]

    • el bandido guapo says:

      There is no such thing as completely anonymous. I’m no legal beagle – but if that sort of writing is criminal, then the Police DO have the means to de-anonymise every last bit of that site.

      Civilly of course it would be more difficult.

      [Daphne – The website is hosted outside Malta. Yes, it is perfectly possible to do what you say – obviously – but the information required must be obtained from the web-hosting company, which is not on Maltese territory. To obtain that information, the police here must seek and get the cooperation of the police in that territory.]

    • Mark Vella says:


      You say – “And that site is completely anonymous except for the registered domain-holder, who is real and lives in Australia “.

      True but it’s also registered under a local phone no. (

      Would that help?

      [Daphne – Yes, I know. It’s a Redtouch, obviously.]

      • Josephine says:

        If it is a Redtouch phone and Labour would like to come clean by dissociating themselves from TYOM, then they should give the registered phone owner a little talking-to minn wara l-kwinti, because it’s not doing their party much good – maybe all they need is to stand in front of a mirror to do so.

  11. JP B says:

    X’cwiec huma ta’ Eastenders? Malta Today could come up with a script to beat that show, judging by their summative experiences.

  12. Gahan says:

    I think that the owners of Illum asked Julia to ‘do something’ about what you’re writing about her father.

    Julia’s position as a newspaper editor could be untenable because this fact, which was never revealed, could undermine the credibility of the newspaper she works for.

    What are the perceptions of readers who now know that Illum’s editor is Il-Botom’s daughter, when they see her employer’s desperate attempts at discrediting il-Pupa, who was a bird of the same feather as il-Botom?

    It might well be the case that young Julia sat on Ganni l-Pupa’s lap – he was her father’s bosom buddy.

  13. Lomax says:

    I didn’t even know Malta Today had a comments board. I hate them anyway but am curious to see what type of comments there are now.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      The possibility of commenting is what makes the Maltatoday website popular (albeit popular with the wrong sort of people).

      The Malta Independent site would also have many more hits if it allowed comments. It would risk having the site degenerate like Maltatoday and, to a lesser extent, The Times but a newspaper has to run this risk and they can always moderate the comments before uploading them.

      [Daphne – None of the sites you mentioned need allow their comments-board to degenerate. It’s simple a matter of editing comments in the same way they edit their letters to the editor. There should be no distinction. Moderation is not enough. Comments which include things like ‘heheheheh’ or smilies or text-message language or lack proper punctuation reflect badly on the site. The internet versions of the London broadsheets quite clearly use a great deal of editing ratyher than just straightforward moderation. The comments tend to be properly written. Yes, it’s a hassle editing comments to remove the ‘hehehehe’ and the dots and smilies and the rest – tell me about it – but the end result is worth the time and effort. The Times would never dream of published a poorly spelled letter; they would sub it before publication. Similarly, they should sub their online comments. Malta Today’s online comments-board has become a bar for loonies.]

      • ciccio2011 says:

        I agree with Daphne’s observations, except that it should not be a hassle to edit comments to remove “hehehehe”, dots, smilies, caps and exclamation marks. The paper should just adopt the policy of not accepting those comments.

  14. Riya says:

    Issa ahjar, x’kukanja imhawda din. No wonder they employed Julia. Miskin Roger, kif tilef il-kreditu wkoll. Biex emmen ta’ Gordon nahseb anke il-boxla tilef sew.

    Ma tippretendi xejn ahjar minn Salvu, imma minn Roger?

  15. P Shaw says:

    Interessanti – it-tifla tat-thug ghamlet konferenza stampa mimliha moralizmu (ovvjament bi suit adattata ghall-okkazjoni) biex tiddefendi d-drittijiet tal-gurnalisti, ghax giet eletta diversi drabi go dan l-ispeci ta’ club.

    Daqs li kieku dan il-club jiggarantixxi xi tip ta’ kwalita’ jew integrita’.

    Lil min trid tghaddi bi zmien? Nista’ nghid li Super One harrighom tajjeb lil Muscat u lit-tifla tad-driver, biex jippurcinellaw quddiem camera.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      It-tajba hi li zeffnet lill-istitut tal-gurnalisti. X’ghandu x’jaqsam l-istitut mal-kaz personali taghha kontra persuna ohra fil-gurnalizmu? Mela din Julia ghandha il-monopolju tal-gurnalizmu f’Malta?

  16. TROY says:

    And now the plot thickens – a real soap opera.

  17. fran says:

    Well done, Daphne, let them know that we know their dirty secrets even if they think others don’t. When the whole Consuelo saga began, I used to turn to people and say, I knew what she was – didn’t you? And most people did.

    Same with Roger’s and Saviour’s wives, what you said is no news to me. Everyone knows it, but the sad thing is that they all walk around oblivious to the fact.

    [Daphne – They can’t be blamed for their wives, even if they chose them, but they can certainly be blamed for targeting other people’s marriages, sexuality and romantic lives while thinking that whatever goes on in theirs, they are immune. What nerve, especially when you consider that though everyone has problems and difficulties, their own situations are quite extraordinary. I totally hate even mentioning these things, but I just couldn’t take it anymore: watching them mock others on these matters when I know what their own situation is like. They’re either hypocrites or completely deluded.]

  18. Anthony Farrugia says:

    I have always wondered how Malcom J Naudi ( ex – Times) got himself involved with this “Institute of Maltese Journalists”.

  19. TROY says:

    Saviour, Daphne’s got some aces up her sleeve.

    So if you’re not a keen poker player-watch your next move, or you’ll end up with no chips or balls.

  20. Mark says:

    Latest statistics for published by the same paper last Sunday gave the impression that Malta Today really has a stronghold on the web business in Malta.

    What they forget to add (maybe because it undermines their claims) is that only 36.8 percent of their users are in Malta. Official audience stats are provided for all to see on

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