Joseph turns brown – hair, skin and eyes, the lot

Published: May 29, 2011 at 10:28pm

I’ve just watched Joseph Muscat’s ‘address to the nation’ again, and it’s pretty disturbing.

Yesterday he was bald and ginger when filmed on his way to the polling station. But today he’s gone for the North African immigrant look (I can say that kind of thing because I’m a dark one myself).

Michelle seems to have used her foundation, hair-dye and what appears to be some kind of volumiser to give him that Mediterranean feel. I suspect she started with the hair, and when it didn’t look right with his ginger skin, she lathered on that brown foundation she wears to public events. And am I seeing things, or are those brown contact lenses?

He cannot be serious.

66 Comments Comment

  1. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    See for yourselves if you haven’t done so already:

  2. ciccio2011 says:

    The header of the Times of Malta should have read: “A new Joseph Muscat has been born.”

    • Manu says:

      Allahares jinqabad fix-xita ghax wiccu jigi kannella. And if memory serves me right he has blue eyes, not brown.

  3. John Schembri says:

    Brown eyed Joe hej!

    Ta’ qabblu kien irranga snienu, ta’ l-anqas fuq ir-ritratti ufficjali.

    Il-pakkett importanti, x’cuc hu Berlusconi.

    Li dahhaqni kien ir-ringrazzjament lil-Dr Deborah Schembri , bhallikieku kien qed imexxi minn wara l-kwinti kollox hu , ghax hekk irid jaghti l-impressjoni li kien qed jaghmel.

    Bilhaqq, il-bierah rajna ‘l Mintoff jiehduh fuq is-siggu tar-roti biex jivvota. Sic transit gloria mundi!

  4. Ken il malti says:

    Elvis dyed his hair and got sun tans for that Latin lover look, so why not Joseph.

    Sportin’ sideburns will be the next step and a TCB pinky ring and TCB huge belt buckle will endear him to his loyal supporters of the old school.

    Smart move I say… Polk Salad Annie anyone?

  5. whoami? says:

    Jew ma dahlulux il-blue contacts illum… Raqad bihom u qam b’photophobia.

  6. A Grech says:

    Daphne, you cannot be serious neither! Who cares if he dyes his hair or if he’s blonde or brunette, all we care is the capability of the leader and I think Josep will score high marks in that department.

    A note to Michelle: Michelle, next time, try red head dye – I think Joseph will look more attractive :))

    [Daphne – Either. People like me care about whether their political leaders dye their hair or have an otherwise unhealthy obsession with it. Men who have serious insecurities about their hair tend to have problems elsewhere. I am not going to quote famous example at you. You know who they are. I find it supremely ironic that Muscat is going the way of Sant.]

    • ciccio2011 says:

      I think they tried liberal “orange” on his head, but it went terribly wrong.

    • Pat II says:

      Daphne, I only half agree with you here. An obsession I agree is unhealthy, but a neat well turned out person gives me the impression that he/she is on the ball.

      Have you ever watched Peppi and Andrew at 7:00am on TVM? They give you the impression they’ve just got out of bed. Slouching in their chairs with a week’s growth of beard. (Do they imagine it’s a designer stubble?) ……. then you turn to Sky …… and their presenters have not a hair out of place! …. moreover, it’s 6:00am not 7:00am over there!

      I find I just can’t take them seriously simply because of the way they present themselves.

    • WhoamI? says:

      try red head dye – head dye? surely you meant “hair dye”.

      “ha nahsel xaghri” vs “ha nahsel rasi” din.

  7. P Shaw says:

    He is definitely a clown

  8. Harry Purdie says:

    Botox next. He thinks like a tuna. Might as well look like one.

  9. kev says:

    It’s the new look. You wouldn’t understand, Daphne. Affarijiet taz-zaghzagh… naqa Cover Up here, a shade of bronzatura there, contacts, trimmed sideburns, blue tie – a cross between Joseph Calleja and Owen Bonnici. And now that you’re predicting another PN victory, he’s bound to win big time come 2013.

    [Daphne – If there’s one thing I understand, Kevin, it’s affarijiet taz-zaghzagh, because I’ve got a lot of them around. Not the sideburns sort, though. People pushing 40, now that’s a different matter. Do men of that age now wear dark foundation? They didn’t six years ago.]

    • kev says:

      There you are:

      It’s fool-proof… unless you sweat a lot, that is.

      [Daphne – Ahjar toqghod attent, Kevin, because at this rate he’s not going to allow Sharon to stand on the Labour ticket again. But you’re right – the effect is just the same as in the picture on the can.]

      • kev says:

        With two full plates to deal with, I gather only a U2 concert ticket could fill that side plate.

      • ciccio2011 says:

        So maybe Joseph’s new look after the triumph of the Yes vote was intended to communicate the message “Yes, I CAN.”

    • Antoine Vella says:

      The thing is, Kev, that there are dozens of public photos showing a balding, light-complexioned Joseph Muscat so, who does he think he’s fooling by using make-up and hair-spray (or whatever)?

      Image is important but a bald, blondish man can still be smart and project a positive image of himself; there’s no need to put on artificial hair and sun-tan. As a matter of fact, that is what this ‘new’ image projects: artificiality.

      • kev says:

        The thing is, Antoine, I can’t be bothered – which explains why you should never take me seriously when I write flippantly.

        I am more pre-occupied over the half-a-billion-euro ‘share’ we are being forced to ‘invest’ in the ECB’s European Stability Mechanism, also known as the ‘Debt Union’s Enslavement Fund’. (

        We would need to borrow that money. So in terms of interest, add that to the over €200 million a year we pay to service our national debt, at over €4 billion (that’s €4,000 million).

        And to think this is all new money! So other than paying interest, we also pay through inflation. The global bankers are having a field day. The Ponzi scheme is still at work, even as the cards collapse before our eyes.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        A bald, blondish man who is also short and pudgy will find it that much harder to project a positive image of himself. There’s only two things that could change that: Muscat could get cosmetic surgery to make him taller, à la South Park; or he could run two hours a day like short-arsed but svelte Medvedev.

        Not that his electorate would mind, mind. Successful politicians, so we’re told, reflect the Average Man.

        Which is why the lift in our office building keeps breaking down, even though the label says “maximum 6 persons”.

      • ciccio2011 says:

        Kev, did you put in your candidacy for the head of the IMF?
        Or will Sharon have difficulty with your trips to New York?

  10. il-Ginger says:

    A new Muscat is born, here lives a freak.

  11. Matt says:

    Daphne, is Dr.Deborah Schembri planning to be a candidate for MLP? Can the Labour’s inner circle handle a savvy politician?
    Throughout this campaign she conducted herself with great dignity.

    Muscat must be kicking himself for not bringing a Private Member’s Bill himself a year ago.Pullicino Orlando snatched the idea and now can claim the trophy. Pullicino Orlando will go down in history as the politician who was responsible for bringing divorce legislation in Malta by popular mandate.

    • David Gatt says:

      if it wasnt for the move in parliament by Joseph Muscat we would never had a referendum in the first place. Just read.

      [Daphne – WHAT? This is a private member’s bill, brought by Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando after Joseph Muscat said he would wait until he was prime minister to do what Pullicino Orlando did as a mere backbencher. We’ll soon be hearing that Muscat was the Moses who led us into Europe.]

    • Sonia says:

      Joyce Cassar would appeal to Labour voters more than Deborah Schembri would. You know … the attitude, the tone of voice …

  12. Ken il malti says:

    Actually his new look is very Silvio Berlusconi like.

  13. Yanika says:

    Another Silvio Berlusconi in the making… now he just has to get more control of the media and get a couple of showgirls to lead the way.

    [Daphne – ]

  14. John Schembri says:

    Affarijiet taz-zghaghagh, can you imagine Joseph for a whole two weeks camping in the rain at Glastonbury?

  15. Jos Buttigieg says:

    Marriage stands for altruism. Divorce stands for egoism. The PL has encouraged egoism since Mintoff took it over and has never stopped doing so. Especially by supporting divorce.

    The PN on the other hand, has always preached altruism. During the divorce debate, at first, the PN tried to continue campaigning with the preaching of the altruism needed in a sound and everlasting marriage. But then it was derailed by egostic people.

    You, Ms Caruana Galizia; chose to support the divorce movement. Therefore you indirectly supported egoism.

    As from today I will not read your blog or visit your webpage anymore.

    Since I have voted PN all my life and I cannot bring myself to turn to the PL, I will never again vote. Better not vote at all than vote for the personification of egoism or for a party who lost its principles.

    • Patrik says:

      What I find despicable is that anti-divorce people get so upset when people hint at their arguments being stupid, idiotic, non-rational and pious, while in fact virtually all of them are.

    • Lomax says:

      Why do you say that the PN got derailed? Gonzi was the only one who had the guts to stick to his principles and declare his party’s principles, lest we be mislead.

      I cannot understand why you’re saying this.

    • Frankie's Barrage says:

      Is it not also egoistic to deny a civil right to others simply because of your own beliefs (personal or religious) and because you do not think you ever need it for yourself?

    • Kenneth Cassar says:

      What are you smoking?

    • WhoamI? says:

      Jos Buttigieg, you don’t sound very altruistic. “Jekk ma nirbahx inkisser” is your attitude. Very *ahem* Laburista din l-attitude.

      Not that I would know, but people in happy marriages (you sound like one, and well done for that honestly) can never imagine what others who aren’t feel like and what they would like to have.

      Live and let live, I say.

      Thanks for coming back to read this.

  16. cat says:

    Nispera li mhux qed jaqa fil-bluha ta’ Berlusconi. (facelift, dyed hair and eyebrows).

    But what is the natural colour of his eyes? Blue or brown. And if he is a real blond why does he want to appear brunette?

    Strange when you can find plenty of people who are able to do everything in order to appear blonde from contact lenses and hair dye etc.

  17. Kieli il Maws says:

    Hey daph could it be onset of dementia or is it the normal process of growing old? Your memory is running low … on gonzi pn last election billboard any comments please?

    [Daphne – “Enikomentsplis’. God, the way you people speak – you’ve got a patois all of your own and you don’t even know it. Here’s some media advice, Super One prat: airbrushing is normal on billboards, in campaign literature, etc. It’s when a man tries ‘live airbrushing’ with make-up, wigs etc that he’s in trouble.]

  18. David Gatt says:

    Gonzi should follow… he needs a face lift, BADLY!

    [Daphne – God forbid we should reach the stage where nobody is allowed to age naturally anymore. It’s normal for people of around 60 to have wrinkles and slack facial muscles, you know. It’s kind of creepy if they don’t. It’s not Muscat’s hair loss that I’m criticising – why would I, when I take male pattern baldness for granted? – but his attempts at hiding it.]

    • Fenech M says:

      But when he spoke on TVM just after the result of the referendum he looked every year of his age. I felt really sad for him. He took it badly that the people have voted for divorce.

  19. Dee says:

    I just read your article. I thought I was the only one to notice the North African look.

  20. ciccio2011 says:

    As Gordon BROWN would put it: Joseph, you can airbrush your image, but you cannot airbrush your policies.

  21. Karl Flores says:

    Better a head without hair, than hair without a head.

    • John Schembri says:

      Li x-xaghar kien zina ma kienx jikber f’ta’ l-awrina.

      Qatt rajt hmar fartas?

      Grass doesn’t grow on busy places.

      Men put artificial turf on their head to hide their insecurity.

  22. WhoamI? says:

    Spiccalu l-isprejn illum Joseph u rega mar lura ghan-natural.

  23. Claude Mangion says:

    I am a Nationalist and voted in favour of divorce. But when I see blondie turned brunette wannabe (in the hope of ever looking credible) trying to take the glory as if it was some kind of political victory, I am already regretting my decision. He is a dangerous stuntman. Despite what he says he is just following his predecessor.

  24. james chetcuti says:

    Daphne, very well said. Funny how the ever meticulous media (both The Times and Independent) did not highlight this fact of Joseph Muscat’s ever changing ways and habits.

    I believe that indeed we’re in for more surprises. Slowly but steadily Joseph is following Sant’s footsteps. If his hair continues to fall are we in for the second consecutive hairpiece Labour Leader?

    I credit Evarist Bartolo for stating that ‘Aktar ma jinbidlu l-affarjiet fil-Labour, aktar jibqghu l-istess’ A real case of ‘Il-valur tal-Labour jista’ jinzel u jibqa’ niezel u il-passat HU garanzija tal-futur.

  25. mario farrugia says:

    that’s a good one …

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