Discovery Channel: how animals starve under gOnZipN

Published: July 31, 2011 at 11:32am

This photograph shows Saviour Balzan, his wife (not the one who was dying when he asked Edgar Galea Curmi to please visit three years ago), and his friend Wenzu Mintoff, who was accompanied by Manuel Cuschieri (is there something we should be told?), having a really wild time at the Zucchero concert. You can click on the picture to make it larger and get a really good look at the sourpusses.

They were sitting in seats that cost 200 euros each.

32 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    On another note. I think that Joseph Muscat thought up of another resignation this morning after reading your article about Jose Herrera. The emphasis is on division between party and government. So he came up with the role of Claudio Grech during the divorce referendum. Two months too late?

    Your article is nothing short of brilliant.

    • sam says:

      For someone who is aspiring to lead the country in a couple of years, he is wasting too much time calling at every name that pops into his head to resign.

      He would gather much more votes if he focuses on convincing the rest of us who are not hard core Labour supporters why we should vote for his party.

      I agree that the PN is exhausted and a small break wouldn’t do any harm, but in this situation there is no viable alternative.

      So please Joseph, stop pointing your finger at people to resign and do something worthwhile because you’re giving us all a headache.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      The Times have done it again! They have now published Joseph’s charge sheet against the government:

      “Dr Muscat said this was a government which could not even decide whether buses should use Bisazza Street, a government which imported green tarmac which turned black in a month-and-a-half, a government which billed Mepa clients for printing service and a governemnt, which a year after the promises, had still not opened satellite offices for Arms Ltd, or solved the problems there.

      This was a government which, for years, ignored advice about the need for legal counsel for people under interrogation. It then enacted but did not enforce the relevant law, and now criminals might well walk free.

      This was a government which had messed up the bus service. But all this was just symptomatic of the administration as a whole.”

      With the exception of the law on interrogation, where the courts have taken care of the matter by themselves, the rest of the list is worthy of, at best, local council politics. Joseph would probably make a good Mayor.
      Let’s hope that the media will slowly turn its attention towards Labour to scruntinise what they are proposing for the country.

  2. 200Club says:

    Let’s face it Daphne, most people like Saviour who were there were probably given the tickets for free.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      They should have taken Joseph Cuschieri with them. He would have got his expensive seat, finally.

  3. ciccio2011 says:

    These socialists can afford to pay (or accept a gift of) Euro 200 for some sugar while the people are dying of hunger in their homes, unable to afford any meat and plagued by the water and electricity bills?

    [Daphne – Saviour Balzan’s politics are not socialist but conservative. That is his main problem with the Nationalist Party – that, and the fact that he is not yet a major capitalist.]

  4. mc says:

    On another subject,

    Astrid’s toy soldiers are back.

    With all this serious talk about turncoats, same-sex couples, downloading of gay porn, betrayal of ex-lovers and Malta’s own gay porn star, thank goodness there are a few toy soldiers around to keep us amused.

    [Daphne – I know. I was just thinking this morning that he’s become Sliema’s latest resident eccentric old man. My childhood there was replete with this sort of odd figure – waving a walking-stick and shouting and blustering. One of them lived next door and would run up and down the stairs on the other side of the dividing wall, banging on it loudly and angrily, when he heard us playing. George Debono does it in writing. Ghandu x’jghid dwar manners u mhux manners, he’s so rude, cantankerous and awful.]

    • mc says:

      Actually George Debono has been at it for years. He accuses others of being arrogant, ill-mannered, incoherent and uncivilised. In his writings to attack others, normally to defend his beloved Astrid, he shows these very traits and much more.

      Your comparison with the eccentric old man of the neighbourhood is spot on.

      Like the eccentric old man, most people now ignore him.

    • Chris Ripard says:

      If you’re talking about the same George Debono who advocates 2-wheeled transport, the man is my absolute hero. He writes so well on traffic he should be made a Transport Malta consultant.

      That said, I disagree with him and Astrid and Schranz and Chris Gatt and … and … re the theatre but I don’t see why people can’t disagree on one thing and yet not remain friends/allies.

  5. neville pace says:

    Is-Sur Manwel and Wenzu are inseperable concert “companions”. A true duo. And as for Saviour? No comment. He seems to be liking his seat.

    And while we are on police connections/sources, it is not the first time that Saviour Balzan’s newspaper got hold of a summons before it went public. I can just member the Paul Borg Olivier case last year.

    • Michelle Pirotta says:

      What is more frustrating is the attitude taken by the same newspaper that leaked the story, The Times. Instead of lambasting Labour for demanding an investigation on how they got hold of the story, they actually reported in big headines earlier this week his request for this investigation to take place, which ultimately is against them.

  6. Dee says:

    I remember a time when Mr Balzan enjoyed a summer concert (Opera on Ice at Portomaso) at the same table with Dr Vassallo’s present boss.


  7. 'Angus Black says:

    Daphne, l-ghira bazwija ta’ Saviour Balzan hi li jaf li hu u shabu tal-Laber qatt ma jistghu jilhqu mal-magguranza ta’ l-imhuh li ghandu l-Partit Nazzjonalista.

    Il-minuranza ta’ l-istess livell ta’ mohh ta Saviour u l-PL fi hdan il-PN xi darba jispiccaw fil-PL.

    Jekk wiehed jaghti harsa lejn it-tim tal-PL mill-ewwel jinduna bil-medokrita tal-mexxejja tieghu kemm fil-prezent u kemm f’dawn l-ahhar 50 sena.

    Wiehed aghar mill-iehor – Mintoff – KMB – Sant, u issa il-vavu Joey.

  8. gel says:

    They all look like they were attending a funeral service. Saviour looks somehow worried having Cuschieri behind him.

  9. George says:

    I see nothing wrong with people in the media like Saviour Balzan attending the Zuchero concert or Lou Bondi attending the Carlos Santana one. I prefer if you showed pictures of some trucks, lorries and their number plates who go around on our worn and beaten roads breaking the law putting other drivers’ lives at risk.

  10. yor/malta says:

    The Times quotes Joseph Muscat as backing Cyrus Engerer and telling us to look at his track record.

    How does Muscat expect us to take him seriously in two years’ time? Mature adults do not act like this.

    The game is over, Joseph, and you are signing your own political death warrant.

  11. Dee says:

    Don’t The Times have better to do then report this?

    Maltese women rejoice! JPO is about to become single again and legally available. Any offers anyone?

    • Ronnie the Bear says:

      Oh, is Carmen packing, then? I hadn’t heard.

      I sense an upcoming sex scandal, possibly involving Jason Micallef for an interesting twist.

  12. ciccio2011 says:

    I have this feeling that after the events of this Summer, Malta will never be the same again.
    Is it the “mentalita divorzista”?

    • Farrugia says:

      I have heard that statement from Norwegians on their own country after the mass murder on Utoya Island (“Norway will never be the same after this”).

      But for you to use such dramatic words about Malta makes me wonder if there has been a mass murder in Malta that changed this country so much?

      No, not really. More likely a mass character assassination happened here. I wonder who is the perpetrator?

      [Daphne – The only character assassination in this story, Farrugia, is Engerer’s attempted character assassination of Marvic Camilleri, for which he now faces charges.]

      • Farrugia says:

        Spot on Daphne (as you are often told). So now Malta can claim to have its own home-grown version of heinous Mr Breivik in the form of Cyrus Engerer.

        After all, Cyrus has elicted among some Maltese the same level of anger and disgust as that evil Norwegian has done in his own country. Probably Cyrus deserves to be meted the same punishment too. Won’t you agree?

        [Daphne – The only thing I agree with here is that you have chosen the political party that is right for you.]

      • Farrugia says:

        Actually I have not chosen a political party yet and I am not even a member of any party.

        [Daphne – Le, tahsibx. I suppose you’re one of those who thinks that ‘choosing’ refers to your actual vote on polling-day, while until then you’re still ‘floating’. Kemm hawn Lilos fil-pajjiz, Alla jbierek..]

        Since you claim to have much intiuition you may want to advise me on which party I should choose. Your advise to myself will be pertinent to readers of this blog who may also want to follow the same advise you give me.

        [Daphne – Advice. Advise is the verb, not the noun.]

      • Farrugia says:

        Precisely. I am asking you to advise me, but no advice from you yet.

        So floating voters are just Lilos? Well, at least they do serve to save people from drowning, although apparently you do not value them very much.

        But isn’t it better to float rather than sink to abysmal level?

      • ciccio2011 says:

        Farrugia, if you read Daphne’s blog on a regular basis, you should have formed a good view by now as to which party you should NOT choose.

  13. neville pace says:

    Is-Sur Manwel and Wenzu are like two bodyguards sitting behind Saviour and Gaddafi’s daughter. The look is so….Middle East.

  14. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Ever notice how Maltese facial expressiona are constant, whether the subject is rocking out at a Zucchero concert, savouring a lap dance, or listening to a pastoral letter from the Archbishop? Fascinating study.

    • ta'sapienza says:


      Still can’t see the sense of going to a rock concert and being seated.

      I suppose the result is evident in the picture.

      • Ronnie the Bear says:

        I have known Saviour for most of my life and have never seen him smile. He probably wears that expression even when having conjugal relations.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        He used to smile back in the 90s. And he’ll smile once again in 2013.

      • ciccio2011 says:

        He is actually smiling in that pic. When he’s not smiling, he looks much worse. Never watched one of his videoblogs?

  15. fran says:

    I’m sure they looked just as sour (and ugly) at their wedding. Talk about having a good time – I’m sure they managed to get tickets for free. Do you think they actually paid for them?

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